Title: Waiting Games Fandom: Criminal Minds Wordcount: 216 Notes: I don't feel capable of summarising this. Written, once again, for random_fic_is_random. With very spotty knowledge of seasons three and four.
crossdressing Reid is actually sort of making its way into existence. I'm not sure if I want it to take place before or after The Big Game and Revelations - thoughts?
Comments 4
Also, I will get you my S3 DVDs ASAP. So there can be more fic. Like crossdressing Reid.
crossdressing Reid is actually sort of making its way into existence. I'm not sure if I want it to take place before or after The Big Game and Revelations - thoughts?
They've got each other's backs; the waiting is worth it.
i think this really summarises their family dynamics, what they mean to each other. beautiful!
I love their family dynamic so much, oh god. Thanks!
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