Fallible Gods (xxxHOLiC)

Apr 21, 2009 14:32

Title: Fallible Gods
Fandom: xxxHOLiC
Wordcount: 2,303
Summary: Five times granting wishes didn't help, and once when the granting was in the wishing itself.
Notes: I wrote this back in November for measuringlife at dimension_shop, and completely forgot to post it here. This takes place in the same continuity as Blind eyes could blaze.

She watches them all. )

fanfiction, fic: xxxholic

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Comments 11

smokexscribbles April 22 2009, 02:05:08 UTC
Yuuko makes me baww. Also, I love this pairing and this universe. Good job~


iambickilometer April 22 2009, 22:48:45 UTC
Me too~ Thanks!


sparklyfanta April 22 2009, 03:51:55 UTC
Oh, wow! I love this. Yuuko is so helpless, really, even though she has so much power, and it's rare to see a fic--a good fic--from her point of view that really gives a picture of what she has to deal with. I love that Doumeki and Watanuki were there, but not the central figures (I love them, but), and I love the Yuuko/Himawari undertones and the Yuuko/Clow overtones. I loved Hokuto and I loved Tomoyo and Yue, and Yuuko's bitter sadness and regret and GAH.

So yes, very nice. <--*is now a puddle on the floor*


iambickilometer April 22 2009, 04:23:37 UTC
Thanks! Yuuko needs way more representation in fic, it's true. And yeah, Watanuki and Doumeki had to be there - but this wasn't their story. Theirs came later. :D

But I'm very glad you liked it.


sapphirestar_ April 22 2009, 10:06:04 UTC
this is lovely ♥ it's very quiet, composed, very yuuko-ish in her non-drunken moments. i love what you made out of himawari and yuuko's relationship, because that, too, is very quiet, very real, a bit bittersweet.

also, your yuuko is pretty much just aljfdlsjfd eep, so perfect with her regrets and sadness and resignation.

and, also, the mentions of watanuki and doumeki - how it ties to the other story - were wonderful, as well, but at the same time, i love that they weren't the focus of this one, that yuuko (and, in a way, himawari) was, because there clearly needs to be more yuuko!fic. :D


iambickilometer April 22 2009, 22:42:36 UTC
Aw, thanks. Yuuko's as fun a character to work with when she's sober, much to my surprise. And Himawari and Yuuko... in canon they have such an understated connection, probably because it doesn't affect Watanuki all that much, but it's there, and it's interesting. I merely highlighted it, added a bit more complexity. :D

Yuuko's awesome in general. I'm glad you liked mine!

They had to turn up, what with Yuuko's involvement in the final sequence of events. Whatever that was. But this wasn't their story, as you said. So they're just plot points. AND CLEARLY, YES. HINT, HINT.


ldydragon7 April 22 2009, 16:58:40 UTC
Wow. This was amazing. I loved how you tied in the different series. Though the outcome for the ccs/tsubasa folks just torn at my heart.

When back and reread "blind eyes could blaze" and had a few 'aha' moments. You really have a talent for creating an atmosphere in your writing. (Though now I need fluffy fic to cheer me up *grin*)


iambickilometer April 22 2009, 22:48:18 UTC
Thank you! Canon was looking pretty bleak when I wrote this - although really, I have no idea how canon's looking now. Could still be just as bad. But the ending I envisioned reflected that.

I developed a whole backstory for Blind Eyes while writing it, and part of it involved Himawari taking over Yuuko's position as Dimension Witch. So while this is a stand-alone story, it comes from the same backstory that produced Blind Eyes.

Fluffy fic, eh? I'm not certain I'll be able to provide that. I am terrible with the fluff.


anyjen April 22 2009, 23:25:49 UTC
That was .... for some reason, the only word that comes to mind is "impressive". I loved the way you told this story, with the little bits in between explaining what exactly happened with Himawari to put her in the palce she was in "Blind eyes could blaze", and filling in all those blanks in Yuuko's life that would make her what she was.

The bit about Yue made me cringe, because I've been wondering what happened to him for a ehile; neither he nor Kerberos seem to have an alternate existance in the other universes (or they haven't shown up), so the question remained of what happened to the real ones... it was so painful to know Yue would give up his life to avoid leaving Touya alone. But how could you split Yukito and yue? Or did Yuuko refuse to do it in the end?

I caught a grammar slip, though:

He turned away the offer of refreshments as Yuuko had suspected he would, and stares her down with the same force of will that has been the saving of Watanuki so often.

You switched tenses in that verb.


iambickilometer April 23 2009, 00:03:11 UTC
Thank you! I'm very pleased you thought it worked well.

I don't see Kero outliving Sakura, actually. It seems to me that he has the kind of close bond with her that Yue had with Clow, and that he would do all he could to help her. And Yue, without a source of energy, would die. As for separating Yue and Yukito, I imagine it would be much like Clow's 'reincarnation'. The parts that are Yue would become a separate entity, which would die very shortly after, and Yukito would exist in a more human state.

Ah, thanks for catching that! I'll fix it now.


anyjen April 23 2009, 01:00:36 UTC
...uh, but I thought Touya was his only source of magic? he was Sakura's guardian in title, but got all his "juices" from Touya, so to speak... (then again, CLAMP are infuriatingly vague about these things, so I guess there is plenty of wiggle room for other interpretations...)

Good point about Kero. I have my own theory about Yue, but Kero was always a bit of a big blank when thinking about what would happen if/when Sakura died. His source of magic is the sun, so he doesn't need a master to live (which is why he was fine while Yue almost disappeared when they couldn't feed off Clow's magic anymore. Yue needed to reflect someone else's magic since he was unable to produce his own, much like the moon does nothing more than reflect the light from the sun) ...and he seemed pretty fine about Clow's "death" in the flashback, but you're right, he seems a lot closer to Sakura than he ever was to Clow.


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