something completely different

Oct 28, 2008 21:35

I think it's safe to say that the following piece is in my style.

I was commenting upon sam_storyteller's amazing Torchwood fic, and the topic of Ianto's diary came up in a nearby thread. Sam mentioned that he liked the idea of Jack keeping Ianto's diary around in that tin of photos and letters. As I read this, inspiration struck ( Read more... )

fanfiction, fic: torchwood

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Comments 68

copperbadge October 29 2008, 13:33:15 UTC
Congratulations on, as you said, your first completed Torchwood fic :) I didn't have as hard a time reading it as I thought I might have, I think because you put the first section from someone else's POV than Jack's. Makes it easier somehow, and the team you've created here is utterly charming. In technical terms it's well-written and grammatically rigorous, so no difficulty there at all.

I like the subtle changes in vocabulary -- mausoleum for morgue, chai for tea, cap'n. And I love that the Archives have become this huge labyrinth that only Jay understands.

ROFL at Ianto's coffee being all over the archives :D Tina's war with her own hair is hilarious too, as is Ianto's note to Owen about his Secret Longings. I'm almost positive Ianto is not nearly so emo as most of fandom makes him out to be.

I had a definite "oooooh" moment at Jack calling his team by the wrong names.

when he retreats to the mausoleum he is thing Deep Thoughts,quick nitpick -- thing = thinking, I believe ( ... )


iambickilometer October 29 2008, 15:26:18 UTC
Thank you! And I did almost put the Jack POV section first - I wrote it first - but it felt better at the end. I guess I made the right choice there.

Torchwood does not strike me as the neatest bunch. I figure that after a while, coffee would get everywhere. And I agree - Ianto struck me as many things, but never particularly emo. WTF, fandom?

I believe you are correct. I'll go fix that, thanks!

The Weevil. Right. In my head I had Jack and Raff returning with the Weevil, Raff going to go put it in a holding cell, Jack going into his office, et cetera. I perhaps could have specified that. (It was a rather nearby Weevil.)

Thanks again. I'm feeling slightly stratruck, not gonna lie. XD; Pimp away, if you're so inclined. I might need to go have a bit of a lie-down, though.


copperbadge October 29 2008, 22:45:00 UTC
Definitely a good call, especially since you have people sort of relaxed and comfortable around the new team and then BAM -- "I'm saving a space." The knife goes in quicker when the victim is laughing :D

I'm sure none of Owen's reports are considered valid unless they can find some of Ianto's coffee on them somewhere. And it's a lovely idea, that this simple thing he did for the team lasts beyond death in the paper archives.

The Weevil's a minor thing, really. And you could always put in a note about her not hearing Jack return with Raff and the weasel, or something.

Hope you got lots of nice comments! *trots over to see*


iambickilometer October 30 2008, 01:03:09 UTC
:D Unexpected sad ending is unexpectedly sad? Or something to that effect.

That's probably true. It's like have his seal on it, except instead of wax, he uses coffee. Much more practical. Also less likely to melt off. And really, if Ianto's coffee can't live on in Torchwood infamy, I don't know what can.

That's good plan. I may do something to that effect, if I can work out a place to slip it in.

I did, thank you ever so much!


elisi October 29 2008, 17:54:50 UTC
Dammit, you made me cry.

(Fic very, very, very rarely make me cry. But this just broke my heart. *sniffles*)


iambickilometer October 29 2008, 20:37:34 UTC
I'm never sure if I should be apologetic or gratified when people say that. XD; Thank you, though.


libbyalice October 29 2008, 18:05:40 UTC
Very good! Interesting, sweet, funny, and sad.


iambickilometer October 29 2008, 20:38:41 UTC
Thank you!


such_heights October 29 2008, 18:07:03 UTC
Um. Crying over here, don't mind me.

This is perfect, and perfectly tragic but somehow uplifting - the sense of carry on, the idea that Jack's first team can't quite be replaced, but there are other people he can care about, although not in the same way, I couldn't help but feel.

And Rhys buried Gwen properly, and Ianto saved himself a space then lived for another thirty years, and oh God. I need to go find a tissue now, excuse me.


iambickilometer October 29 2008, 20:45:50 UTC
You'll find some strategically-placed tissues over yonder. :)

After watching Torchwood, one of the thoughts that really seized me was that Jack would just keep existing after everyone else died. And I think he would, as you said, carry on. (Didn't expect to write a whole fic about it, though.)

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If that's the right word. Thank you!


midgetgems October 29 2008, 18:29:52 UTC
*wibbles* awwwww how sad is that? Very well written and awesome, love the new team and just *wibbles some more*

Here via Sam btw :D


iambickilometer October 29 2008, 20:51:50 UTC
Very sad? (I hope not too sad.) Thanks! I must say, the new team was fun to write.


midgetgems October 29 2008, 20:53:32 UTC
Sad - good :D


midgetgems October 29 2008, 20:55:29 UTC
*pokes LJ* It ate my comment! *glares*

Sad - good! The Ianto leaving a space for himself was... wah! And no body for Owen (cos Owen is my fav and the Torchwood writers are bastards doing that too him *glares at them too*)

But lovely sad too.


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