Title: the ghost in you (she don't fade)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating/Warnings: G/none (spoilers for Book 7 though)
Summary: In which there is Quidditch, de-qnoming, prying family, and Teddy Lupin, and Charlie's life goes on.
Notes: Written for the
Harry Potter Non-Canon-Ships Comment Ficathon (
the ghost in you (she don't fade) )
Comments 5
And then we got back, and this was at the top of my flist, and it turns out that yes, I did want to read fic, and this is exactly what I wanted to read. Thank you.
Charlie saw the bent of that brow and the blue of that hair and wanted him immediately. But babies and dragons don't mix. Much in the same way that families and wars clash, in fact. Neither can live while the other survives.
Teddy looks more like Remus, though with aquamarine hair and a reckless smile no Lupin could possibly have worn, and a casual grace that not even Tonks wore well. The House of Black lives on in that one, Mum once said. She wasn't wrong.
asfdggjasjfjhhh, just. he's this living legacy and sladf oh charlie and T__T just.
leaving after I've embarassed myself, kthnx
so much love right now, bb. ♥
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