so come on, give me worst and then again

May 23, 2010 16:26

so you know how I said I wouldn't do a request post today?

Apparently I lied.


You know the drill. Anything you like, any format you like, I promise nothing, except for you, johnnash, because I am working on your Charles/Erik. :D There is no limit on how many prompts you leave (the more the merrier!) and please don't feel like you don't know ( Read more... )

fanfiction, request post

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Comments 13

munnin_odanin May 23 2010, 23:47:19 UTC
I'll play if I may?

Dick Grayson/Tony Stark at a charity gala - you look as bored as I feel.


smokexscribbles May 23 2010, 23:49:25 UTC
Character A would like to know what Character B is doing in A's closet. After all, it's two in the morning, and that's where A keeps something valuable.


adina_atl May 24 2010, 00:18:07 UTC
Ianto Jones (Torchwood) meets Clinton Jones (White Collar). No relation.


tartanshell May 24 2010, 00:55:23 UTC
Matt's crimefighting as Daredevil takes him into a gay bar/club, for some reason. He runs into Foggy there. Foggy-who's-supposedly-straight. Er, oops? *g*


iesika May 24 2010, 01:01:31 UTC
The Time Sphere and the Tardis.


Booster Gold, Doctor Who; Time Sphere/TARDIS iambickilometer May 24 2010, 07:55:43 UTC
Rip's sitting around the time sphere, trying to figure out the source of the humming noise it's been making, when he hears a weird vworp vworp vworp coming from somewhere outside. He looks up and spots the blue police box instantly. It's just sitting there innocently. Really close by.

The door opens, and a man with enthusiastically floppy hair steps out. Rip lets himself rest his face in his hand for a moment. Now he's gonna have to extract Booster before he and the Doctor manage to work together and make the situation turn even more pear-shaped.

But the Doctor doesn't go running off. He circles his box, knocking on it occasionally, talking to it the entire time. Rip gives in and opens the hatch, sticks his head out.

"--and if we stopped for every pretty time navigation system you met, we'd never get anywhere. Come on, then. She's not your type anyway."

Rip's not an idiot. He looks down at the sphere, raising his eyebrows. "Are you flirting?" he asks. "You need to stop spending so much time with my dad ( ... )


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