Apr 12, 2010 17:44

I know I haven't uploaded the sketches from the last request post, but I will sometime soon, I swear.

Anyway, it's time for another

Request Post

The theme this time is alternate universe. Give me a character (or two! or six!) or pairing (etc) and an AU situation (can be a simple what if, can be a fusion, can be a whole different scenario) and I ( Read more... )

fanfiction, request post

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Comments 74

smokexscribbles April 13 2010, 00:50:28 UTC

Jakt/Sacrifice UST. Jakt is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Julian/Anne friendship fic. Something about their similarities -- Julian teaches Anne a magic trick, or they work together to prank someone, or Julian backs Anne up in a lie. Basically them bonding over being manipulative.


Jakt/Sacrifice iambickilometer April 13 2010, 01:28:19 UTC
Keith has taken over their room for a game of Twister with his friends, and since that probably means she's been sexiled, Jakt vacates the premises in a hurry. But everywhere she goes, there are people. All her usual hideouts are taken: the spot under the walnut tree, the table in the library behind that shelf of biographies, the wall by the greenhouse. She climbs the roof of the chemistry lab to find that Benny and Juliet are making out aggressively against one of the chimneys.

Jakt has been effectively sexiled from the worldShe's frustrated and not entirely sure why she suddenly wants to be around people herself, but she finds her way to Sacrifice's office anyway. It'd be nice to have a conversation with her, anyway. There's something about Sacrifice that's different from other people; Jakt never wants to get away from her. She's not sure what that means ( ... )


Re: Jakt/Sacrifice smokexscribbles April 13 2010, 01:34:09 UTC
I didn't know I needed to read this, but then I read it, and I am so glad you wrote this, oh god.

Benny and Juliet <3

Aww, poor Jakt! I'd give her hugs, but it'd end badly for me. Sacrifice can be in charge of hugs.

It's not what she means, but she doesn't like what she means. A+


Countdowns Like The Ones On Bombs 1/2 smokexscribbles April 14 2010, 04:59:23 UTC
Anne waits patiently -- Well, she waits impatiently with Con, who is being patient -- for Evan. It's New Year's, and there are a million things she could be doing, but she's here instead. Con is wearing a dark blue dress that shimmers a little in the light. She has her hair up with an obsidian clip in it ( ... )


nebulia April 13 2010, 01:59:38 UTC
Doumeki Shizuka.


Go! xD


iambickilometer April 13 2010, 06:03:15 UTC
His grandfather named the ship Mugetsu, and Shizuka's never been sure why, but she still handles beautifully and so he sticks with it. They're somewhere in an asteroid belt and he doesn't have time to think, just weave around the lumbering boulders and keep his path true. The end is in another half hour, and then there'll be time and place for repairs.

Shizuka likes this part best, though, the home stretch. There's something to be said for the peace of the black, but it's also lonely. When Haruka died, it was just Shizuka keeping the ship going, taking the temple wherever it needed to go. Sometimes he takes pilgrims or passengers, but usually he's alone.

He'd take on a permanent guest if he could find someone right for it. But no one ever shows interest, and they're never really the kind of person Shizuka feels connected to, so he lets them come and go and keeps going it alone. It's not a bad way to live.


nebulia April 13 2010, 06:20:30 UTC
This might be the most beautiful thing I've ever read. It's so perfectly Shizuka, and I love seeing this part of him, the part that enjoys his solitude but at the same time understands loneliness and just OH.

You made my night a million times better (8 hours to go, five pages left to write...damn finals. D:). thank you so much!


kirax2 April 13 2010, 02:06:19 UTC
Tim Drake became Selina Kyle's (Catwoman's) sidekick instead of Robin.


Catwoman's Tim (who really needs a better name than Kitten) iambickilometer April 13 2010, 18:00:39 UTC
Tim's not exactly a fan of black leather, especially not this skintight, but it is pretty funny watching Nightwing stare instead of immediately attack. Tim runs across the room and dives through a window, and doesn't have to look back to know he's being chased ( ... )


Re: Catwoman's Tim (who really needs a better name than Kitten) kirax2 April 13 2010, 18:04:43 UTC
Wow, I really like this. At first I thought Tim was going to be to Nightwing what Catwoman is to Batman (a thought which also has its own appeal) but this was even better. I love that Tim had it all figured out early on, loved that his target was 'passwords'. And I really loved their interaction at the end, and Tim's refusal. Very, very cool. Thank you so much!


Re: Catwoman's Tim (who really needs a better name than Kitten) iambickilometer April 13 2010, 18:08:21 UTC
I was thinking about going there but in the end it sort of went the "Dick flirts with everything" route instead. I think Tim's seen Selina and Bruce and their drama for long enough that he wants nothing to do with any of it. But maybe Dick will succeed in recruiting him to the Titans someday, at which point Tim might open up some. Might.

but yay, awesome, I'm glad you liked it. Tim is so fun to write. (You're welcome!)


xturncoatxiii April 13 2010, 05:01:27 UTC

aka remember when I wanted to write that adventurers Boostle AU and you said you wanted to write Tim and Kon?

Well, hop to it, son!


iesika April 13 2010, 18:42:26 UTC
Original Titans, COWBOY TIMES!


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