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Comments 40

busby1013 May 4 2010, 20:15:15 UTC
I'm Caity (bubbesattva on Twitter)! I can be friends with you now pls?


iamashamed May 4 2010, 20:16:32 UTC
Oh hey! Didn't know you had a journal, lol! Yes, of course!


busby1013 May 4 2010, 20:21:53 UTC
Yeah, I should really journal more (I used to ALL the time). HELLO friend!


iamashamed May 4 2010, 20:25:40 UTC
Haha, hey hey!<3


(The comment has been removed)

iamashamed May 10 2010, 13:10:14 UTC
Hey! Sure thing, I'll add you right back.:D


wheatear June 5 2010, 16:01:38 UTC
Hello there! I saw you on a random friending meme and we have a few interests in common. Mind if I add you?


iamashamed June 5 2010, 16:14:59 UTC
Not at all, it will be my pleasure! :D


wheatear June 5 2010, 16:15:39 UTC


velvetcure June 22 2010, 22:32:14 UTC
hi there, you probably don't know me but we belong to the same fakenews fandom. i just wanted to let you know that i thought you were very dignified with all the drama yesterday. i read that you had friends on both sides of the argument and i thought the things you wrote were classy and honest. i hope your friends respect that. they should know how lucky they are to have a sweet friend like you. :)

anyway, i hope it isn't horrible of me to post this on your private journal! i mean no disrespect, i just didn't want to derail any important conversations in yesterday's open post.


iamashamed June 22 2010, 22:37:19 UTC
Oh wow, this is such a sweet comment to see in my inbox, honestly. And no, not at all disrespectful, it means a lot actually, that what I said wasn't completely off, so thank you so much. I'd be more than happy to friend you btw, if that would be okay with you:)


velvetcure June 22 2010, 23:59:11 UTC
\o/ yay! i was kind of paranoid that you'd think i was some crazy person [which i am *smirk*] coming to your private journal to post that. i'm happy that you're happy. haha.

and yes! friend away, i shall friend you back. it will be a nice change to have someone friend me that is not a russian spambot. :P


amayasora2992 July 19 2010, 21:49:50 UTC
Hi there. I'm @amayasora on Twitter. I'm also friends with @docsaico/ Miranda. I saw her RT of a link to the article about the 11-year-old being bullied. so sad.

Anyway, is it alright if I friend you? I also like Jon and Stephen, and Harry Potter.


iamashamed July 19 2010, 22:09:27 UTC
oh yeah, sure thing! :D


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