Loved these two! I've really grown to look forward to all of your drabbles and these two didn't disappoint. I loved the last one the best, I think, because of the last line. It sort of reminds me of a mother telling her child about not getting attached to goldfish...<<
Oh my god, she did!? That's horrible...I only had a couple of fish when I was younger, but they all died of natural causes. That just sucks though, the way yours died...I can imagine the guilt your mom felt. >
I love your drabbles...the tension between these two characters is sooo hot...
And Sylar is always trying to hurt Mohinder...I think on some level he really did want to better himself (on the show) for/with Mohinder, but the minute he was betrayed he decided he had to get some payback...
Comments 6
0__0 My mom dropped my goldfish in the sink on accident and it died.
And Sylar is always trying to hurt Mohinder...I think on some level he really did want to better himself (on the show) for/with Mohinder, but the minute he was betrayed he decided he had to get some payback...
Broken: oh my god ... MOLLY-DEATH IS NOT OK! *kicks Sylar then heads for the hills, where c_quinn's hobbit-hole is*
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