Jan 16, 2022 12:44
I spent an uncomfortable night in bed. I slathered the affected area with the sports cream, as Blue Emu didn't seem to do anything for me, took a couple naproxens, and went to bed. I decided against adjusting the bed to anything but flat because getting out of it yesterday seemed to make things worse. I did end up sleeping in all four positions--back, stomach, left side, right side. It took a bit to be able to get me to turn, not gonna lie, but it's like I could feel my muscles relaxing a bit as I'd settle into the next position. Okay, good, maybe stuff is working.
Then I got up in the morning. Again, gravity shifted things around and it wasn't the easiest thing to get my feet on the floor. Bathroom. Oh goodness. I managed to make my way in there, but soon after shutting the door, I don't know what happened. Pain. Nausea. Feeling like I was going to black out. I managed to make my way to the toilet so I could do my business but then wondered if I was going to get off of it again, especially given the sudden onset of crappiness (and not the toilet-related kind). I got clammy, my palms and bottom of my feet were sweating. What the heck is going on! I sat there for a good five or ten minutes before I managed to get myself up. I'd had this rush of cold going down my arms and possibly my legs, and I continued to feel that for a while after.
Dr. Mom started looking stuff up, and I did too. The best we can tell is that I either pulled a muscle or slipped a disc. Bed rest is only recommended for a day or two, so I decided against lying down today and am trying to keep myself moving, albeit slowly, though since I am temporarily infirm, it has gotten me out of both laundry and putting the dishes away, aw. Actually, I'm a little bummed about that, in part because I had two of my own loads to do, but bending over is pretty much a no-go at this point so I'll get to it during the week. I'm not sure I want to leave it until next weekend.
I have a feeling I slipped a disc at work last summer, which is why I stopped lifting certain boxes of things there--integral to what we do, but I kept hurting myself and it was no longer worth it. Plus, those items have been on backorder for months, so up until now I'd actually forgotten it was an issue. It remains to be seen if I'll be up for work tomorrow, but I'm doing a bit better, it seems. I put more sports cream on, and I've iced the area a couple times. We do have a heating pad, but both the cream tube and the pad box say not to mix them, lest you burn your skin. Yikes. Okay, ice only for now.