Dec 05, 2020 16:26
Today I learned how headaches can be a symptom of the coronavirus.
I haven't really been getting headaches in relation to the illness. That is, until today, when I had one bad enough to wake me up. I tried to sleep it off, but eventually I got up and took some ibuprofen. That bummed me out, as I managed to not take anything at all yesterday, but I couldn't deal with it any longer. I still went back to bed for a while. That was about 8:30, let's say, and it wasn't until about 10:30 that I felt decent enough to get out of bed and have breakfast.
It was sort of like a tension headache. I could feel pain up above my right eye, and back a little. I think it's related to breathing, to be honest. Breathing is hard right now. Again, it's not a lung thing, but a nose thing. It's like the inside of my nose has swollen or something, and my airways are constricted, and therefore I'm not taking in as much air as I normally would. Weirdly enough, despite all my decades of being a wind musician, and generally having no problems defaulting to being a mouth breather when necessary, somehow right now I keep going back to nose breathing, even when I can take more air in orally. Like, right now, I am having to force myself to breathe through my mouth.
This also plays into my dizziness and lightheadedness, I'm sure. When I think about it, I try to take deep breaths. That seems to help. And them sometimes I go along and I'm fine, if a little tired, and then my head feels weird again. I spent a lot of time reading the paper today, just a quiet activity where I can sit but still be somewhat productive.
I'm not terribly hungry, and I've lost a few pounds this week. Dad made chili last night, and despite taking a physically smaller bowl than usual, and not filling it up all the way, I stopped eating with about a quarter of it to go, and had to make myself finish it about 20 minutes later. I just...don't really want to eat. I'm doing it because I know I need fuel, but not really for any other reason.
I will say, I broke down and started drinking my old Emergen-C packets. I'd bought them for camp, which hasn't happened in three years now, and thought to check the expiration dates; yep, they expired in 2018. I kind of just wanted to get rid of them but without simply throwing them away. It's weird for me because this is the first time in several years that I am drinking not-water on a regular basis. I figure it can't hurt. Anything to help build me back up and fight off whatever's going on inside of me. I didn't even do this back in March, but maybe this is why things are milder this time around. Now if only I could get my intestines to stop gurgling; that would be nice.