This is the first week this summer where rain is a concern. It's fine at home right now, but storms are on their way and we're under a severe thunderstorm watch for the evening. I'm kind of impressed we've made it this far. Granted, we've not had an assistant director concert shown just yet; tonight's is supposed to be one of those, but it's AD2's. It almost always rains for AD1's. I'm now curious if he's going to have a televised concert this summer.
Tonight's replay is scheduled to be from
July 12, 2018. It's funny to go back and re-read that even back then I was lamenting a lack of walking around and even weeding! History repeats itself. And it's true, though; nature therapy does a lot for me. It might even wake me up some. Lately, I hit mid-week and I'm tired. I find myself napping around 5:30/6 PM. I likely wouldn't do such a thing if I had band and was out and about.
We got word yesterday that the rest of the summer concert season officially was canceled. I'm not surprised and I'm also not disappointed. It's been nice having a relatively calm summer, even if most of it has been inside. It's not like it's been super pleasant; a week and a half straight of 90s isn't what I would want, though it's been tolerable for the most part. It would be nice if the nights were cooler, though. Anyway, the band also got sent a survey to see how we'd feel about getting together to rehearse and/or perform during Phase 4, since we're likely stuck here for a while. We were also asked about rehearsing inside the band building, or possibly outside, and what concerns we have with that. Inside, I suggested maybe we sit in every other seat. Outside, I don't see any health-related issues, but I wondered how well the band might hear itself with us spread far apart and the sound not being contained. We're all still trying to navigate things. Nobody knows what the future holds.