I am getting smart about this. The cable access channel that shows the concerts also lists the title of the concert being played in their schedule. I can see which concert has been planned, then pull out my binder o'programs to find my sheet from that week--the paper that lists what we'll play for that concert. Looks like this week's showing is one for which I was present:
The concert from July 19, 2018. Ooh, slightly more recent than the past couple. (I know we had a few concerts recorded last year...including at least one where I played piccolo...is it wrong of me to hope we see at least one of those sometime soon? Particularly either of the 4th of July concerts, since we had two of them--the 1812/cannon one a week early, and then the one on the actual 4th where it was light outside since we started early.) It's the Bicentennial concert, so it had a strong Illinois slant. I remember when Amaryllis the bassoon player worked on her bicentennial medley, part of which we performed here. It ended up being really eclectic, and the song it ended on was unusual, unfamiliar, and anticlimactic, so it's no surprise looking back that we ended it halfway through. I felt bad for her since she'd worked so hard on it, but it was for the best.
In this week's newsletter, we got word that the Labor Day parade has been canceled. I hadn't realized that it fell under the purveyance of a festival, and with the festival being canceled, so went the parade. I'm not sad about that. I have no idea what this fall will bring, but that's right in the middle of my typical busy season for work, and it'll be nice to have a full day off at that time of year--I'd then go into likely four straight days of hell, working open to close shifts. Being able to have a full three-day weekend to decompress will be amazing, even if it's not a given that it'll be anything like what we usually experience.
Other than that, I did practice this Sunday. I had done it once a couple weeks ago, then my...current situation, if you will, happened shortly before dinner that following Sunday. I was not up for practicing after that, but I know I need to keep up my skills. I've decided to go old school and pulled out my old books, rather than any of my band music. I should probably file it all away, but I'm keeping my band binder as it is for the time being. It's a good thing I'm doing this, too, because I felt and sounded shaky as I played. My embouchure has weakened. I need to build it back up. I'm not having issues hitting notes, and in fact my lowest notes really popped this week for some reason, but when I tried to play long tones as part of a sustained scale, out of my Pares scale book, that was really hard. Funny, since to the average person what I'd played was the easiest out of everything. Looks can be deceiving. It takes skill to play long and slow well.
Okay, I finished typing this up just before the program started. This week, the channel did put a title graphic with this concert as well as a date. I haven't seen that before. There's also a graphic that shows the concert has been pre-recorded. I've also noticed with the past concerts they've edited out the blurbs regarding the bake sale and the raffle. That helps shorten things, which is nice. I won't keep typing while watching the concert like last week, but I already had a nice shot of myself during the very first march, heh. Oh, and my friends who are brothers, they're sitting close enough in this concert that they've shared a screen a couple times. Hope their parents are watching.