May 05, 2020 20:55
I went back to work today!
Originally, I should've gone back yesterday. However, YC has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and wasn't sure she'd be in, so instead of Monday, I got asked to work on Wednesday of this week. No biggie. On Tuesdays, though, the business manager is still off, so my boss has been by himself until YC arrives at noon. To make it worth my while, I came in from 10-1:30 and she arrived at 1:30. I didn't leave at that time--I didn't even clock out until about 2--but it was good. And I'm glad it was a shorter day to start with.
I should make a whole post about my ride in, just because it's amazing the difference seven weeks makes. BBC2 happened to be behind me as I pulled into work, so he was excited to see me. He said, decided to end your quarantine? I said, well, I'd told the boss I'd be back after April 30th, though I'm still coughing a little... He went, wait, you were sick?! Uh...yeah... Nobody had told him. Nice. Thanks, guys. So he kinda acted like I had the plague, but at least we weren't that physically close to each other and I held up my mask. See, it'll be fine. The one time he came up by me, to tell me he was leaving, he had on a bandana. Bet you're glad you had that, eh? (I should mention I only coughed once today at work, and it wasn't long before I left.)
My boss' brother-in-law has been painting the place. YC had told me that in one of her emails, so I knew it was happening, but considering we'd had white walls and now they're like a midnight blue, it was jarring at first. It looks really good, though. BBC came up at one point and said, it looked good with the first coat, but with the second coat I just want to pet it! Never change, BBC. He's still as weird as ever. Even before it was mentioned, I'd thought to myself that this would be a good time to paint, and the business has needed that for a while. The walls, frankly, were gross. We'd considered it four years ago when we got the carpet replaced but didn't pull the trigger. This is at least giving the BIL plenty of time to do the work and do it well. He'd needed to order something today and gave the name of a company, so I wonder if he has his own painting company or something. I should say most of the work is done, and all he has left is this special meeting room that is set apart from the others, basically a stand-alone cube. My boss decided to have him paint the two sides that are visible and it'll be quite the undertaking--sanding, priming, painting. He spent much of the time cleaning it today.
I was surprised at how busy things were. There were a lot of phone calls, partly because we are not allowing people into the building aside from the mailman and the BIL. (The mailman was even like, you're back! He too was unaware I was sick, but that I can understand.) I've mentioned that we provide services and BBC does projects; well, people need to drop off and pick up said projects. They have to call us when they get there and we'll go out to their cars. I really need to remember to put gloves on when I do that; I forgot all but one time, though most people I dealt with were wearing gloves. I will say I spent plenty of time washing or sanitizing my hands, plus I did take an alcohol wipe to things since I know YC is concerned. I told her in an email that I would not be insulted if she wanted to wipe things down after I'd been there. I'd tried to do that when I thought I was leaving, then had took a phone call since YC wasn't close enough to a phone and basically undid everything I'd just done. Sigh.
YC was very sweet. She sent me an internal message saying to check my regular clipboard; I found a card there. It had a bunch of kittens on it and she'd had the guys sign it; they each picked a kitten, heh. Aw, that's awesome! She even gave me an elbow bump since pretty much any other form of touching is verboten. So, our boss lost a crown--this has been an ongoing thing with him for the past year or two, same crown--and had a dentist appointment at 12:30. Oh, look, I'm back for just over two hours and I'm left by myself! Some things never change. He wasn't back by 1:30 so I told YC I could stay for a while, plus BBC needed her to check one of his projects. (That's what I'd spent a good portion of my day doing, checking other projects. We each finesse them differently, you could say. I'd been forewarned he'd have a bunch of stuff for me, which was fine.) I think it was during this time that I'd taken that phone call after cleaning, and our boss returned immediately after that. I did clock out around 2, but then I stayed and talked to YC, and then I talked to my boss for a bit, and the clock said 2:24 PM when I finally got in my car, heh. Yeah, I kinda expected that.
Stamina-wise, I felt good while at work. It was nice having contact with people again, you know? That was sort of energizing in a way. I did wear my mask the whole time, but I kept pulling it down when I talked on the phone, so I need to work on that. I wore the rectangular style one today and I'll try the fitted one tomorrow. (I did a load of towels after I got home, so both have been washed; I only finished the tie to the fitted one last night.) I did okay once I got home, too, and didn't stop talking for a bit, heh. What, it was an exciting day. Later on, about 5:45/6 PM, though, I about fell asleep. Yeah, okay, that's not a big surprise. I should probably take it easy tomorrow morning, then, so I can make a five-hour shift.
(By the way, my grandfather especially was fond of saying, "I shall return." In reading my backlog of newspapers, just the other day, I came across a "This Date in History" sort of thing that stated it was a quote from Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Well no wonder he quoted it a lot--Papa's father was MacArthur's assistant in WWI. I cannot tell you how badly I want to find paperwork regarding this to prove it.)