Jan 23, 2020 19:58
My boss recently discovered we had mice again. I know we had them about five years ago, when a particular coworker was still there; who knew the sweet girl from Ohio had a macabre side and didn't mind dealing with used mousetraps? Anyway, my boss snacks on almonds all the time and had been keeping a bag in his desk. One day, he discovered he wasn't the only one eating them--the bag had been nibbled. Great. And then people were finding calling cards on their desks. This is one reason I'm glad my workstation is on the other side of the building; I've not noticed anything. Those desks are on the back wall, so there's easy access from outside if a hole or other entry point exists.
We still had traps and peanut butter from before, so on Monday my boss decided to put four of them out. He's a bit rusty at this, which is why he set the first trap first, then tried to add the peanut butter using this red plastic knife. It wasn't long before he was holding a tipless knife. Then, he dropped the trap, which landed face down on the floor, and he found himself wiping peanut butter from the area near his feet. I was more impressed that he'd missed his pants and the chair. I really should've been recording this because it was rather amusing.
Eventually he got the traps set; three went by the three desks, and the fourth against a different wall nearby. I got told Tuesday morning that we were four for four. Except...see, once you capture them, you then need to dispose of them. YOU MOVED THE HEADSTONES BUT YOU DIDN'T MOVE THE BODIES! Ahem. At 10:30, I'd gone to talk to my one coworker, sitting at one of the desks, and I could see...evidence on the floor behind him. Oh, great. Then the phone rang and I went to another desk to grab it, and...oh, look, more evidence. The first chance I had to call back to BBC, I went, uh, can you take care of this? Especially before the cousin--who works at those desks--and YC get in? He was all, but I don't have any disposable gloves! THEN GO GET SOME. His helper ended up having gloves in his car, and was okay with disposing of them, so he kindly took care of the issue and reset the traps. We haven't caught anything since. My boss is wondering if it's because there's not enough peanut butter on them, but the rest of us are hoping we caught the four ringleaders and their deaths sent a message. Don't mess with us, mice.