Mar 30, 2015 21:07
Only in my family.
A while back, there was this squirrel running around on the pergola. He had carried something onto this crossbar where we'd hung a plant last year, something that reminds me of a peach pit. It's still there. We think the squirrel forgot where he put it.
Today, while doing dishes after dinner, I look up and see a male cardinal up on the crossbar, pecking away at the pit thing. I've never gone out and looked at it but clearly it's of interest to both squirrels and birds. The cardinal was there for at least a minute and really seemed to enjoy it before flying away and leaving me to my dishes.
A few minutes later, a female cardinal comes by. Oh, he must have told the wife about it. By now my mom has come downstairs for something and I call her over. She looks and goes, oh, that doesn't look like a cardinal. I tell her, that's a female. They're not as colorful as the males. She says something like, because she's only the archbishop?
...Yeah. That's my family. You'd think we'd be more religious because clearly not everyone here knows science.