Eeps, sorry for being a bit late! Plus I ended up posting everything under a single post. I simply didn't want to pass an opportunity to try some Gwen/Merlin in various formats? Here be : one fanart, two podfics and 9 icons. Most of these haven't been posted anywhere on LJ yet so should be new.
I also gave some G/M recs at Camelot_Fleet's last party,
1. Fanart: Ice-skating AU, rated G
I had some troubles finding the right colour for the background but ended up going with the colour of the flower Gwen gave Merlin back in S1. That moment had melted my heart.
2. Icons
Seeing all those beautiful icons by
vicky_v made me want to try my own to add to the only one G/M I had.
And because it was too tempting and I love this kink:
3. Podfics
Title: Downpour & Snow Day
Link to original texts:
Snow DayAuthor:
slightlytookish Reader:
yue_ix Rating: G
Character(s)/Ship(s): Gwen/Merlin
Audio length: Downpour is 1:48 min; Snow Day is 1:58min
File size/type: mp3 for both, 1.66Mb and 1.81Mb
Note: These are my first official podfics, and be warned I have quite an accent. ^_~
Downpour and
Snow Day