Will Ferrell and Sacha Baron Cohen are making a spoof Sherlock Holmes movie (as Watson and Holmes, respectively). This is almost certainly a bad idea, but as usual they failed to run it past me before greenlighting the project
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Ref the Holmes versions: I'm pretty much in agreement with you about both. I'm not even going to comment on the spoof version (I think it's telling that the only Will Ferrell film I've seen is Stranger Than Fiction); the Ritchie version leaves me worried and intrigued. I find Robert Downey Jr to be eminently watchable, and there's room in the texts for a slightly hyper, coked-up and physical version - Brett actually delivered something close to this on occasion - but... butbutbut... not sure Downey's the man to deliver it. Hmmm.
I really am in two minds about Downey Jr. He could work in a certain way, as you say. In no way would he be an authoritative all-round Holmes, but he'd be a particular slant on the character, in the same way that productions of Shakespeare decide to stretch the text in their preferred direction.
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