Saving Grace

Jul 31, 2007 11:08 anyone watching the new program, Saving Grace? It's really well worth watching - seriously. There's an angel, but this is no fluffy, feel-good drama. It's intense and chock-full of serious, moral turpitude...yes, I said turpitude. *nods firmly ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

kaydee23 July 31 2007, 15:40:57 UTC
I'm still on the fence about this show. It does have great acting. James was *blink* and you miss him, wasn't he? Or maybe I took a restroom break during one of his pivotal scenes. Awwww, well. At least he got a paycheck. Too bad they made him the murderer because he can't come back now. Darn it all.


iadorespike July 31 2007, 16:06:00 UTC
Yeah. :( He didn't really have a large part, but he did get two nice scenes. :) Maybe he'll get an angel of his own...*looks hopeful*. *LOL*


ladycat777 July 31 2007, 16:18:08 UTC
I am... still on the fence about the show. I like a lot of aspects of it, but I can't take Jesus in my orange juice very much. So if the show stays Any Faith... maybe. But if it goes more christian, I dunno.


iadorespike July 31 2007, 16:28:39 UTC
I can understand that. So far, mentions of Jesus, that I've noticed. Anyway, for sure not in an *only way to salvation* way. I wouldn't be very happy about the show boxing *faith* into a tight corner, myself, so here's hoping that they don't. :(

I really do love the show, though, in an *OMG, I can't believe she's like this* sort of way. *LOL*


ladycat777 July 31 2007, 16:32:03 UTC
It's the Jew in me; any talk of angels and how wonderful christ is, and I start squirming. Not because I have a problem with it -- I don't, really -- but it's not th ekind of thing I want to watch.

But yeah, Grace herself is an intriguing character because right now she is all male. They need her to be a little more woman-like without losing the agressiveness for me to fully buy it, but that's really damned hard to do, so. Maybe. I dunno.

*sigh* Must rewatch, since I saw only the first scene of James when I just crashed out on the sofa.


iadorespike July 31 2007, 17:27:06 UTC
It's the Jew in me; any talk of angels and how wonderful christ is, and I start squirming.

That's funny, because, to me, angels are very Old Testament, and I'd think you'd be more into it. Eh... And, yes...Grace is one tough broad...scarily so. Anyway, it's okay if you don't like the show/premise/character while I do. :) Differences make up the world, and discussing them makes it go 'round. :D

*twirls you*


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