[04 Monkey Business]

Oct 28, 2007 17:58

Ah ha, Mister Smith, I believe I have something that belongs to you? The monkeys really are quite agreeable, assuming you manage to have something greater that they want. Amazing how quick they are to make a deal if you happen to have the right sort of fruit on hand.

-- Well, fruits, more like. They're actually rather good negotiators, or this particular primate was, at the very least. I've lost a bunch of bananas and a few apples in the process, but I suppose I can't complain about his having good taste and a healthy appetite.

Just goes to show you that the wildlife can be dealt with civilly here, after all.

[[ Semi-Locked to Team TARDIS | easily hackable??? ]]

Right! So, gang-- er, no. Bad word, that. Makes you think we're liable to go pile up in a big, questionable van and chase after ghosts. Alright, er, squad? Um, team-- no, that's so many times worse than "gang." Um. . .

-- Oh, I'm having a bit of déjà vu. Well, it's not really déjà vu, not according to its actual definition, but going by its colloquial meaning--

. . . Er, anyway. Everyone (there we go), I think we're long, long overdue for a review of the rules. I know it's been some time since you've been on the TARDIS and that's completely fine -- things to do, places to see, alien invasions to stave off. Been there, done that, entirely understandable. But, while you're on this ship, you'll abide by my rules and execute them to the best of your ability. Are we clear?

Alright, Rule one: Don't wander off. Self-explanatory, I should think, but just in case -- what this rule entails is not wandering off. Or, at the very least, letting someone know where it is you've gone off to.

Rule two: Remember rule one. (This means you, Rose.)

Rule three: Always listen to the Doctor. Chances are more likely than not, I know more than you do -- even if you're from the 51st century, but especially if you're from the 21st. No helping it, honestly!

Rule four: . . . This used to be "Never have more than five rules," but given our current circumstances, I thought this could do with some revising. Never say I'm incapable of adapting!
New rule four: No strangers in the TARDIS -- or at the very least, let me know who it is you're letting in, yeah? A bit ridiculous if I've no idea who's coming and going and tracking in dirt when I've just swept the floors.

And finally, Rule five: Always have a banana. It's more practical than you think, honestly -- can't tell you how many times having one has helped.

And there we are! Doesn't sound too difficult to work with, right?

[[ End Lock ]]
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