
Feb 16, 2013 03:09

First batch in over a year. Eep.

Do people even want icons for LJ anymore?

01 - 24: Supernatural (Season 8)


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textures, supernatural, dean/castiel is ruining my life, icons, you should show castiel some respect

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Comments 82

twisting_vine_x February 15 2013, 23:37:09 UTC
Oh lorrrrrrrride dear god these are gorgeous. Snagged pretty much all of them. Beautiful! ♥


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:20:47 UTC
Eep, thank you so much, dear, I am so very glad you like these! :3


ever_maedhros February 15 2013, 23:45:34 UTC
Gah, these are gorgeous! Especially all the Castiel. (We need more Cass in these upcoming episodes--they've been remiss lately.)


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:24:06 UTC
Amen! I am desperately counting days to Castiel's return. And thank you! :3


fantasma_arto February 16 2013, 01:36:15 UTC
The texture use on these are so great! :D

taking the textures, thanks!


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:30:18 UTC
Thank you! And I hope the textures are useful! :D


collectively February 16 2013, 02:59:49 UTC
These are gorgeous. :D Saved several, will credit if I use them. Thank you so much!


i_rise_inside February 18 2013, 17:40:49 UTC
Happy that you like, thank youuuu! :3


Edition 2,478 livejournal February 16 2013, 03:11:23 UTC
User dehavilland referenced to your post from Edition 2,478 saying: [...] by 24 Season 8 Icons [...]


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