See that? Its called OTP!

Sep 16, 2010 15:52

Random picspam.

Cuz I MISS THEM. Cuz nothing S6 does, can diminish their awesome! Cuz they are SO married, its hilarious. Cuz im scared they are over!

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doomed to ship doomed couples, minispam, win win win, random entry is random, v is a mess, v is a rabid fangirl, lolz, dean/castiel is ruining my life, see that? its called otp, v cant control teh emotions, my heart it aches, brb aww-ing forever

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Comments 41

manueladb September 16 2010, 10:37:35 UTC
Wow! Talk about mirroring! They have the same expressions! I haven't read any spoiler for S6, but there better be a lot of Cas, there wasn't nearly enough last season.


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 10:43:19 UTC
IKR! Its there, so blatant, the OTPness! Im spoiled and depressed, but I hope there is more Cas in S6, than there was in S5, which overall was a disappointment for me. :(


manueladb September 16 2010, 10:46:25 UTC
It was kinda disappointing to me too, especially the finale, which fell a bit flat after 5 years of building that storyline.


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 10:52:21 UTC
God, I raged forever over the finale! It almost made me fall out of love with this show. They had this epic mytharc, so much potential in their characters, and after building it up so good, they wreck it all with a finale, so unmoving and even, lame!


pyjamagurl September 16 2010, 11:03:08 UTC

I so, so love how they mirror one another (it isn't just a Cas copying Dean thing! <3) and man I miss these two so much! *weeps* They are so made for one another, look at them!

I don't want them to be over...but I am going to cling to how they were before the show decided to turn Dean into an asshole and throw this away.

*clings to you*

Edit: The mutual headtilt one is my favourite, I keep coming back and staring at it xD


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 16:07:50 UTC

I miss them, bb! *wails* It never fails to move me just how perfect they for each other, even though they are fundamentally different. THEY FIT! You see it, its right there!

Im never letting go of them, they will always be my number 1 OTP, they will always be what made me jump on the shipping bandwagon when 3 years of SPN couldnt do that! *holds you and weeps*

I LOLed so hard when I made that. Its not just Cas who's picking up things from Dean. ;)


pyjamagurl September 16 2010, 21:56:46 UTC

I miss them so much too! They really do fit...they are similar in a lot of ways but ultimately very different too. I love that they were one another's first friends, and I love that they both shared with one another, and I love that they clearly cared about one another. They just work.

Me neither! OTP love! <33 I never shipped anything on SPN until these two either (technically I started loving Sam/Sarah a couple of months ago, they totally don't count! xD) *cuddles*

It is awesome! <3 I do love when Dean does Cas-like things, ha ha! I love when it's clear that it isn't all just push, push, push with Dean, Cas had an effect on him too.


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 23:23:36 UTC
*clings harder*

What they had was rare and real and a first for both of them! And thats what made it special, and something they cant ever really move on from. So, Show, dont even try to sell me shit like that, Im not buying!

They really do work, and its not just in our heads... even without the sexing and slash, D/C on the show, works! I love how they do emotional and intense, without making it sappy. Their scenes are powerful and moving, without even a hint of ~cheese. I will forever hate the show, if they ruin them, Im not even kidding!

I do too, it all started with that cap actually. I saw it, and I was like, omg Dean's doing the Cas cute head-tilt, and thats how this picspam was born lol! And its true, both of them have influenced and shaped the other. Cas was always in a little deeper than Dean though.


no_eight September 16 2010, 11:14:27 UTC


pyjamagurl September 16 2010, 12:08:35 UTC
I think someone once pointed out how often they put one in focus and the other in the foreground to the point where it's blatant. It's not like Samn'Dean who always shares the camera and only foregrounds when it's a highlight on who's talking, but with Dean and Cas they use it often and make it linger more than necessary for an average shot too. So maybe a cameraman or director ships them? xD

Ahhh...that's awesome! I had noticed it a couple of times (like in 'On the Head of a Pin' and a few others) but honestly hadn't thought much of it. But now it just makes me love them even more! It just has to be OTP if even the director or cameraman is doing lingering shots of them! <33


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 16:33:17 UTC
They truly are. Im sure there are more such instances, I just couldnt think of any more. They are fundamentally different, but they have so much in common, which makes it so easy for them to relate to each other, they are both are messed-up, abandoned sons, with a weight too heavy for them to carry alone, and just trying to do the right thing.

It really would be a crime if they dont fix them and revive their epic dynamic, I dont see SPN being the same without them honestly, I dont. And like you said, if the writers give THIS up, they should all go shoot themselves!

Thats exactly what I love about them, their dynamic has led to so much discovery, its revealed a whole new side to Dean, which wouldve never happened if it hadnt been for Castiel, it needed someone from the outside, who wasnt ~family, to get through to him; and not only have we learnt everything about Cas through Dean, Dean is a huge HUGE part of who Castiel became.(before he was emotionally reset, fuckers ( ... )


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i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 16:03:51 UTC
LOL! Steal away! <3


fate_incomplete September 16 2010, 13:23:08 UTC
aww they're so adorable together, these pics are just perfect together hun, you've made me all happy, warm and fuzzy and stuff just in time to wander off to bed *huggles*

hmmm why so pretty, what is it about Cas eating that burger that fascinates me *ogles*

they are just so damn perfect together, so much alike, god I miss them. If it wasn't so late I'd have something very deep and philisophical to say about these two that shows so well in these pics, but alas I'm dead tired and brain is refusing to work...

That third one is so damn emotional. Ok must stop staring and get to sleep *stumbles off to bed*


i_rise_inside September 16 2010, 16:45:13 UTC
*huggles* Aw, Im glad, it gave you the fuzzies, Dean/Castiel do that too, besides breaking your heart into a trillion pieces!

I love that cap too, lol! His fingers unf!

They truly are perfect together, its unique, dysfunctional, weird... but it works. I love that neither of them are in it out of duty, or cuz they owe the other, or expect anything in return. What they have, developed in extraordinarly difficult times, and was sustained, cuz they wanted it too, cuz they ~believed, they needed each other!

Its my favourite, it makes me a little weepy. *sniff* Sleep tight, bb, angels are watching over you! (LOL) <33


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