Misha Collins + underwear = OTP

Apr 30, 2010 00:11

For reals, guys. Like Castiel/Cellphone is one of my OTPs, Misha and underwear is my latest one.

Not in that sense, you perverts.

And if the JIB con wasnt enough to convince you how they are perfect otp material...

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v worships teh misha, dean/castiel is ruining my life, unfity unf, pure sex, v is dying of flail

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Comments 10

pyjamagurl April 29 2010, 18:59:29 UTC
Cas/Cellphone--Lol, totally one of mine too ;)

OMG I saw that picture this morning and I love it! And yeah the scruff of beard I am totally in love with (Can Cas please, please have that in S6? *is in denial to anything Cas-less) I am not 100% sure why the tiger pants make me think of Dean though...

He is incredibly adorable and if I didn't love him already I'd be completely head over heels at the moment *smishes him*

I am having mixed feelings about SPN tonight. Part of me is excited because Crowley is in it and I adore Crowley but the other part has this knot of fear that either Cas isn't going to be in it or something bad is going to happen. God I need Cas back on my screen already! I want him and Dean back together!! I DO NOT WANT HIM BACK FOR ONLY ONE EP ONLY TO LOSE HIM. DO NOT WANT!! plz show, don't take Cas...

*joins you in that dark corner with a bottle of whisky*


i_rise_inside April 29 2010, 19:31:54 UTC
Woman, I love your icons! <3

I could be totally okay with human!Cas, if he looks like this, lmao! I need Cas in S6 and he MUST look like this, UNF!

I love the man, at times he seems larger than life, and at others, he's just your regular awesome guy! <3

Ditto, hun, I like Crowley and we will see more of the horsemen, maybe even the devil, im not spoiled, so im not sure, but I NEED Cas. I think we're going to see him next only in 421. *wails* OMG DONT SAY THAT, IM TRYING SO HARD TO NOT FALL APART HERE! D:

I needed that, thanks. *gulps down some whiskey and clings to you*


pyjamagurl April 29 2010, 19:43:10 UTC
Mwa ha ha!

God I don't think I would be able to write anything coherent about SPN if he did. 'And today on SPN...Cas has a beard *drools in a completely unladylike manner* sorry what?' IT WOULD BE AWESOME IF HE LOOKED LIKE THIS!!

I've been watching a bunch of his con videos, He is such an awesome guy so it seems. And I adore his sense of humour.

I'm not spoiled either, I've been relatively good to be honest (save for looking at some of the pics from the last ep) I've just seen the previews and while it doesn't look bad I am dying for some Cas already. I hate this lack of him. *sobs* I'm sorry...I am totally failing at not falling apart. I just want Cas back and for everything to be okay!

Have you signed the 'Keep Misha' petition?

*clings back*

one of my friends just convinced me to write a fic about Dean wearing those tiger pants...I am doomed, doomed *headdesk*


i_rise_inside April 29 2010, 20:15:07 UTC

LMAO, my SPN entries would be like that too, a mess littered with the word 'beard'. I will miss GQMF, trenchcoat, elegant Cas, but im all for sexy, rugged, human Cas. *drools copiously*

Thats the best thing about him, his jokes have me in splits, and Ive said it before, but I'd love to be his best friend, haha! <3

I havent seen any clips, I think I saw some pics, but I have no idea from what episodes they were from, so yeah, Im unspoiled.

*TRIES TO HOLD YOU AND HERSELF TOGETHER* Im hating this Cas-less-ness, its cruel of the show to do this to us, especially after that epic 100th episode.

I havent, link me please? I saw the 'other' petition, fucking crazy fans, ugh.

Lolol, that sounds amazing, omg!!


fate_incomplete April 30 2010, 02:37:45 UTC
I love that pic...he's such a scruff...umm beard..............sorry lost train of thought staring at beard.........um scruff.........ok where was I.........

^lol Misha as a best friend would turn me into such a giggleholic, I love a snarky sarcastic sense of humor too...


i_rise_inside April 30 2010, 03:39:44 UTC
His beard is a thing of hotness, right? Nnngh, beards have never been my thing really, but its so sexy on him, its unbearable!

Im teling you, earlier I just wanted to have his babies, lmao, but now I really really want to be his best pal, share his crazy stories, and laugh at his silly, dirty jokes. Ugh, the man's amazing! <3


fate_incomplete April 30 2010, 07:13:51 UTC
Yep everyone needs a Misha in their life, you can never get enough crazy stories or silly dirty jokes.

He really is fucking amazing, I love that he's so scruffy, too many hollywood people are so fake looking, but he's just pure adorable downright sexy scruff....I think my hubbies jealous of Misha Collins....


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