If you find yourself talking with a person who is not real, make an excuse to leave

Dec 28, 2015 09:46

So if you had the chance to play a game in complete virtual reality, would you? Like all the senses completely immersed so that it feels like reality ( Read more... )

questioning, hail to our new overlords, virtual reality

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Comments 3

goddessofchaos December 28 2015, 15:20:30 UTC
I'm not a gamer anyway so it doesn't appeal, but I can see some ways I could use it. Like if I'd had a really stressful day and could use virtual reality to go into a beautiful garden or walk by the sea. But I wouldn't want a whole other life in there. I already have real life, my imagination and my dreams. That's enough for anyone to cope with.


sight December 28 2015, 16:32:22 UTC
Nah, I think it'd just be too real for me and would probably freak me out. XD


ragnarok_08 December 28 2015, 21:57:21 UTC
I haven't played video games in a while, but it definitely has helped me.


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