We're all a bit mad here

Nov 23, 2011 02:19

I just had a really emotional weekend. It wasn't so much my emotions though, it was an emotional weekend for the character I was playing. It's a character I have mentioned before, Vorruna, and I have a lot of fun playing her. But this weekend there was so much emotional things that flew about with her friends that it made her sad. Normally she ( Read more... )

acting, characters, larp, vorruna

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Comments 2

jester November 25 2011, 13:59:57 UTC
That sounds really cool. How do you guys play? Writing or game-based or real-life?


i_llbedammned November 29 2011, 03:04:56 UTC
We play in real life. I have written things for Vorruna because I really like the character, but these scenes were all acted out. We kind of do improv. acting with them. It really helps to stretch the acting ability when the character is thrown into unusual situations.


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