Possibly Friends

Oct 30, 2020 05:33

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Comments 48

bitter_stranger October 30 2006, 18:39:37 UTC
That is all.


i_get_it_ October 31 2006, 07:57:15 UTC
yaaaaaay Troy. After I made this I realized they were all Troy with barely any Laughton haha oh well. I figured it was a good way to welcome new friends


bitter_stranger October 31 2006, 09:26:45 UTC
It's an explosion of Dinello-y goodness. How could that not be inviting?


ilysespieces November 2 2006, 00:24:47 UTC
friend me. i adore your site and we're in a lot of the same comms.


i_get_it_ November 2 2006, 09:37:53 UTC
woohoo my first new friend request :D I'll friend you post haste! great icon and yay for site adoring <3


hostile17girl December 31 2006, 21:46:09 UTC
Hellooo! I just friended you and perhaps you'd be so kind as to friend me back. :)


i_get_it_ January 1 2007, 20:51:04 UTC
you have a Daria mood icon set and that seems like reason enough to become internets friends :) And just cause I'm super nosy/curious what made you decide to friend me? (why yes I do constantly seek the validation of others, thank you for asking!)


hostile17girl January 2 2007, 01:05:17 UTC
No special reason, really. It's just that AmyStephenPaul people tend to be Good people and I've decided not to be scared of friending potentially awesome people anymore.

And I toooootally understand the seeking validation of others thing. Mmhmm. :)


i_get_it_ January 3 2007, 13:05:00 UTC
ah seeking new people out is a good thing. I need to do that myself. Amystephenpaul people do have a tendency to be quite cool. They just have an awesome fanbase :D


insanekht February 16 2007, 22:06:15 UTC
Hello! I looooooooove Strangers with Candy and The Colbert Report and Paul Dinello! Do I meet friend requirements? :D

Also, I love you. Not that that's creepy or anything. Or that I have never met you. XD


i_get_it_ February 24 2007, 07:02:15 UTC
Sorry I totally fail at getting back to comments sometimes. I'll add you, there's always room for Paul Dinello fans :)


insanekht February 24 2007, 17:37:45 UTC
That's okay. And thanks! :D


beastwith5hands February 20 2007, 17:09:08 UTC
lets be friends.


i_get_it_ February 20 2007, 17:45:32 UTC
oh! you're at MTSU. It's always nice to know there are fellow Tennesseans with similar interests. You like SWC and are an art major? That qualifies for some serious LJ friending right there


beastwith5hands February 20 2007, 19:36:39 UTC
gosh i know! i didn't even notice that until after i added you! i didn't know that tennesseans could be into interesting things. haha.


i_get_it_ February 24 2007, 07:01:12 UTC
It brings tear to my eye to know I'm not alone. *sniffle* you win at the internets


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