Mar 29, 2008 23:01
*Kyouya headed to the music room carrying 2 library books and a single red rose from the wardrobe in his dorm room, and a few other small items in his robe pockets.*
*Kyouya opened the door wondering if Tamaki had made it there before him...*
host club,
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Look what I got~ *waves their permission slip from Paul in the air*
I believe you wanted a japanese theme for the fist cosplay meeting, correct?
*The first meeting would approach quickly. Kyouya couldn't have the club's founder getting hurt on his watch.*
*Kyouya sighed and returned to the demonstration. Leading in with something his sister had said to him...* In Japan the cherry blossom festival can be considered a sign that Spring has truly arrived.
*Kyouya opened one of the small bags taking out a single of the cherry blossom petals stored in it* Though the trees there haven't bloomed yet, that's no barrier to magic.
*Kyouya gave the petal a little toss into the air, this spell was the quickest and simplest of them all. The one Kyouya needed no reference for.*
*That was of course entirely his sister's doing. She had insisted they both saved some of the petals from that commoner's festival she had dragged him to. She was the one that had given him the spell.**As the spell took effect, that one cherry blossom turned into many, falling from the ceiling/"sky" like a light snow. ( ... )
Ooo~ This reminds me of the stories Father used to tell me when he visited Mother and I. He told me about how at the end of each fesitval, they collected the cherry blossoms in order to ward off the ninjas!
*Kyouya pondered the odd thought for a moment. It was quite possible that some might have been hired to track the family at the festival, especially given the elder Suou's status...*
*But he had never heard about the flower itself having this property before*
Perhaps he had a spell that needed them to be effective...
[[Killing posts till a reasonable time for the blossoms to have stopped on their own. Unlike the sky, they only last for a few minutes.]]
((ooc: Ditto. (X Do you want me to make a log for the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow?))
[[OOC: Sure. ^w^]]
*Kyouya opened the other small bag he had brought with him, tossing the glitter into the air and cast the spell. It was of a moderately large variety, so when it came down it really did look like diamond dust*
[["diamond dust" (a rare snow that looks like small drifting diamonds) courtesy of a short series called "diamond daydreams". Attached is a little known myth that says if you make a wish on real diamond dust that wish will come true! Not that Kyouya would know or believe such a myth... but FYI ^w^]]
I wouldn't rely on it, but there's nothing stopping you from trying your luck either.
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