Golden Girls Prompt

Aug 26, 2006 07:20

Title: Death's Apprentice
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Prompt: 5 Cancer
Claim: General Golden Girls
Rating: Mature Adults
Genre: Dark Humor - Alternate Reality
Summary: Rose has a special ability, she makes dead people.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Golden Girls.

The first time Rose noticed her special ability, she had been fighting with Freida Clackston over the old oak tree. She told her to drop dead and the woman did. The second time she noticed her ability was when that mean old man at the market tried to run her down after she took the last bag of vanilla wafers. She warned him that 'what goes around, comes around'. He didn't listen and his tie was caught in the conveyor belt at check out, strangling him.

The first time Rose ever deliberately used her gift was when the neighbor's dog had attacked and killed her pet squirrel. She told the dog to go play in traffic. His funeral was held on a Tuesday. The second time she deliberately used her gift was when a burglar tried to shoot her when he robbed the local gas station. She told him he shouldn't play with guns, he might shoot himself. It was the damnedest thing he ever saw the clerk would later say.

She knew then that her gift to kill people was a dangerous thing. She would have to take great efforts to ensure that she didn't abuse this gift. That would mean she would have to watch what she said. If she were ever to live a normal life, constant vigilance would be the only way to keep people safe. No one must learn of her special ability, not even those closest to her.

Alas, despite her best efforts, there were still mistakes.

Going through her hand bag, she noticed her wallet was missing. Having left it in the dressing room, she knew that only a few people had access to her bag. Sighing at what this said about her career as a casting director for the local morning show, she left the bag on the make up table. Walking back out in to the studio, she glanced around at the few crewmen and set technicians.

"All right, someone here has a guilty conscious." When no one looked at her, Rose put her hands on her hips. This was going to be harder than she thought. "I know one of you took it, just return my wallet and I promise not to get upset."

The crew continued to ignore her. They had to get ready for the eleven A.M. taping in forty minutes.

Angry at being treated so poorly, Rose placed her hands on her hips. "I know one of you took my wallet out of my bag in the dressing room. It couldn't have been anyone else, you are the only people who have access to it." Still silence.

That did it, she tried being nice. Now, it was time to play on their guilt for stealing from a little old lady. "Someone in this studio is guilty and knows he is. Whoever took my wallet is going to be feeling pretty bad soon. It will eat away at your conscious, making you feel paranoid, like everyone around you knows it was you. Every move you make, every step will bring you closer to your just reward. Your stomach will get upset and your thoughts will be disrupted by it. You won't be able to sleep and my voice will ring in your ears.

"Your guilt continues to erode your mind, soon your body will feel weak. Panic is normal, you feel like you are losing control of your life. You can try to run, but you can't, it's in you right down to the very roots of your soul. Black and ugly, it won't stop spreading and soon it's all that's left of your..."

A man across the stage from her hit the floor, twitching a few times before going still.

Staring in shock, Rose placed a hand to her face. Falling out of his back pocket was her wallet. All she could do was continue to watch the scene unfold as people ran to help the now dead man.


Poking her head out through the kitchen door, Dorothy smiled at Rose, who was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Rose, dinner is ready. Come and get it before it gets cold."

Smiling at her friend, Rose gestured to the set with the remote. "Okay, just let me finish this."

Nodding, Dorothy pulled back and let the door close.

"Top of the news hour, our first report tonight is on Lewis Ralston, a stage hand on the Mid-Day Miami show, died today while setting up chairs for this morning's program. Several wallets of various crew members were found on his person shortly before he was taken away by the medical examiners. No official word has yet been given on the cause of his death, but preliminary reports say brain cancer was the likely suspect."

Rose shut off the TV set and walked in to the kitchen whistling.

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