Golden Girls Prompt

Aug 20, 2006 20:00

Title: Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Prompt: 1. Allergic Reaction
Claim: General Golden Girls
Rating: Mature Adults.
Summary: Hey you, suckie suckie for five dolla?
Disclaimer: I do not own the Golden Girls.

"I just can't believe it." Sitting at the dining table, Dorothy kept her hands wrapped around the coffee mug. Something about the glass stabilized her erratic world that morning. After all, it wasn't every day 'that' happened. "And the worse part is she doesn't even think of it as something bad!" Then again, it was Blanche she was talking about.

"How exactly did she say it happened again?" Frowning, Rose brought her own mug to her lips for a sip.

"She was on a date with Big John," Dorothy said it as if that explained everything.

"And?" Tilting her head to the side, Rose wondered if Dorothy was deliberately obtuse to make her feel stupid.

"And?" Staring at her friend, Dorothy began to seriously consider that when they weren't speaking directly to her, Rose slipped in to standby mode mentally. "It's Big John, the man Blanche dates for his big, you know."

"No, I really don't. His big what?" Rose cringed at Dorothy's look.

Dorothy was stopped from responding by Sophia's hand on her shoulder.

"His big salami, Rose." Sophia's hands spread as she talked. "There's nothing more she likes than sticking it in her mouth. It's so big and hard, her mouth waters just thinking about it. The problem is that Blanche was allergic to the sausage casing he used. That reminds me, I have to find myself a man with a big salami for the movies Friday night."

Dorothy stared in horror at her mother.

"Jeeze, Dorothy, I don't know what was so hard to say about that." Shaking her head, Rose stood from the table. Having finished her coffee, she was in the mood for some Norweigian Opera. "Next time, don't worry if the story is too big, just spit it out."

As the door closed behind Rose, Sophia went back to her cooking at the stove.

"Tell me, do you take lessons in being disgusting or is this something that comes with age?" Still unable to get used to such talk from her mother, Dorothy shook her head. There were days when she was two steps away from finding a home that was fire proof.

Before Sophia could answer, the kitchen door blew open and Blanche breezed in. "Hello all!" Smiling brightly, Blanche tried not to wince as her lips twinged. "Ow, damn it! That cream is worless!"

"You know you aren't supposed to smile until the swelling goes down, Blanche. Keep it up and it will be another week of pain." Ignoring Blanche's glare, Dorothy reached over to the napkin holder on the table and picked up the special lip cream. She slapped it down in Blanche's out stretched hand.

Huffing, Blanche tried to pucker up her already puffy lips. As she applied it thickly across the tender areas, she sighed with relief. Grabbing the hand mirror to check to make sure it didn't clump, she posed. "There is one good thing about this, it makes my already stunnin good looks absolutely brealess!"

Dropping her empty mug on the table in disgust, Dorothy walked out of the kitchen.

Blanche looked up in shock as the door swung, then turned to Sophia. "What was that about?"

Stirring the pot, Sophia turned off the burner. "She's not getting enough salami in her diet."

Blanche decided it was best not to ask. Glancing back at her mirror, she puckered her lips, gritting her teeth against the pain. "Grace Kelly, eat your heart out!"

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