((All-over-the-place-dated, from this morning to whenever Raphael gets back from his mallynapping. Call it the 18th or so.))
((ETA: Ends on the 12th with
Raphael's return.))
[Raph never comes out of his room this morning. Don knocks on his door as he goes to start the coffee. Comes back a few minutes later, bangs again, tells him it’s time to get up for school. Goes looking for the scattered pages of his homework.
Orbits past the room a third time, shouts that they’re going to be late. Gets impatient with the lack of response. Opens the door.
Finds the room completely trashed. The bed empty, the window wide open. The air is too still, too cold.
Don doesn’t go to school today.
He spends the morning moving around the house, cleaning, preparing. In the afternoon he heads out, a heavy pack over his shoulder.
For the rest of the day, the rest of the week, as long as it takes, Don can be found roaming Luceti, watchful for Raphael’s return. He’ll be in the woods and at the lakes, standing on roofs and circling the outskirts of the village. Some nights he’ll return home, some nights he won’t.
He’ll eat on the move. Rest in fitful catnaps. When he can’t walk anymore, he’ll sit in meditation, searching the astral plane for Raphael’s aura and shoring up his connection with the healing spirit. Then he’ll rise again to continue his lonely hunt. He won’t stop. Not until Raphael is home, and safe.]
((Name the place/day/time/any other scene-setting you feel like throwing in. Pretty much anything is fair game.))