Where will you be, when this is through?

Mar 27, 2014 15:10

Hello there. I've recently made some new friends. Hello there people. *waves* I figured I might as well do a new introduction post of sorts since the other one is a few years old.

Hello there. Welcome to my mind, where everything is real but the names and the points don't matter. Currently I am undergoing some tremendous changes and am full of questions, so to quote Fight Club "You have met me at a very strange time in my life". This journal is more or less a stream of consciousness account of my life, for better or for worse. Sometimes you get a lot of really pretty things from me, sometimes you get angsty whining fitting of a Shakespearean villain. You never really know what you're going to get, though I try to tag things appropriately so you can skip cathartic posts if you don't want to read them, etc. Sometimes I post a lot in a short while, sometimes I go for weeks without posting, though I try to post things up once per week or so. I read things even if I don't comment on them.

I am a criminal justice major with psychology and political science minors (Almost got my psych. BA too, but stats held me back. One class away), which currently is just a fancy piece of paper. Don't get me wrong, I would never turn down college as it taught me a lot of life things and actually made me able to stand on my own two feet, but I still struggle to find something using my degree. You won't find me talking about work all that often, I'll talk about work when it means more than a paycheck to me, Currently my degree just serves to make me see things happen in global politics or crime policy or mental disease and want to talk about them. I will from time to time as I have a lot of well reasoned opinions. If you see something that you disagree with feel free to do so, I am very open minded and love a good debate.

I will also share my writings here, both original and fan fiction. I write some Supernatural things, sometimes Harry Potter, but most of late it tends to be Avengers/other Marvel comics fanfiction. I love the comics and flail a lot over that. I tend to friends only post the original stuff because I am always worried about people stealing what I wrote. Sometimes you won't even get writings, just fragments of ideas that I think would be cool to use one day. If you see problems with them, or good things, I encourage you to say so. I love hearing feedback, even if it is not good.

What do I write? Well I write a lot of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Most of my things tend to have elements of at least 2 out of those three genres. I have become very fond of talking about gods from various cultures and reading myths with me is like watching a sport game. "What? Oh no you did not just insult his sedir! You do the same thing, you hypocritical bastard!" and other various yelling may occur, which I also sometimes share. The gods I am particularly fond of are: Loki, Artemis, Apollo, Thor(Because him and Loki and totally bros, no matter the universe they are in), Kali, and Athena. If you ever want to know which gods I am talking about or are curious about myths feel free to ask.

What else is here? Well there's various artistic ramblings on dancing and acting and flailing affections for superheroes and villains. I hope you enjoy the ride.

And not on the topic of introductions:

-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLkSnCZMXSM I keep listening to this song. Normally I don't listen to things over six minutes because they get boring after a while, but the drawn out melody of this one works really well. The line keeps repeating "And I need you to recover, because I can't do this on my own." It seems to be resonating with me a lot.

-I keep thinking that it would really neat at one point, if the armies were to ever fight, to have Ereshkigal raise up Ishtar and use her like a pawn. It would really speak of her power over the dead to even take dead gods and use them.

gods, introduction, music

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