it's something unpredictable [you start fighting for something to believe]

Jul 02, 2008 04:12

Hide & Seek: Part Two [Part One]

The hardest thing about playing hide and seek with the Cullens, or anything really, was the added bonus of a psychic and a mind reader. They cheated. Badly. And unrepentantly. Baseball was one of the few things in which Alice's visions and Edward's mind reading didn't come in handy.

Hide and seek was not.

Esme and Carlisle were usually the first to be found, followed by Alice and Edward. The Cullen rules stated that once in a particular spot one could not leave said spot, so the visions and mind reading were null and void.

Jasper was always the hardest to find.

But then there was Rosalie, who was unnaturally skilled at hiding in the most obvious of places yet being the last to be found. It seemed that people really didn't notice the forest through the trees.

Last time it had taken Edward five hours to find her. Edward, he of the mental play by play, needed five hours to find Miss Rosalie Hale sitting on the bleachers at Forks High, watching a baseball game and laughing to herself.

This time was taking about the same.

Which sucked.

Emmett paced back and forth in the field with Jasper, trying to figure out where his wayward angel could be hiding. She wasn't in any spot she'd been in before -- he'd even checked the school -- and he was starting to get aggravated.

He was kind of a sore loser.


He stalked back to the house to call her. He was giving up. She'd officially won. He muttered quietly, angrily, to himself. Rosalie didn't cheat, she never left the designated area and she never moved from whichever place she'd found, which meant Emmett had lost.

And he really didn't like that. He punched her number into the phone and growled when he heard it ring. She wasn't picking up so he followed the sound to the garage.

She was sitting inside the BMW, with the top down, and reading a book, the cell phone ringing on the dashboard. She looked up when he stopped in the doorway and smiled at him, a perfect beaming smile.

"What're you thinking, Emmett?"

He took a moment to consider. "Mostly profanity."

She laughed brightly and patted the passenger seat. "Not such a stupid idea anymore, hmm?"


[who] jasper hale, [who] esme cullen, [who] edward cullen, [who] emmett cullen, [when] general, [who] carlisle cullen, [who] rosalie hale, [who] alice cullen

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