Nov 19, 2012 14:50

Here we are with the first challenge for round three... good luck everyone! The supernatural creatures you have to icon for this challenge are vampires!
Remember that for this round you can earn up 2 skips, so if you haven't get them and you want to get the second one you can still promote the community and leave the link as a comment here (:

You can still SIGN UP for this round until the deadline of this first challenge!

darlingheart / paintedtarget / charmingthrone / earlydreams

» you can use any fandom you want
» your icons must show the kind of supernatural creatures chosen for this challenge
» your icons must be new, made specifically for this community
» you can enter only ONE icon!
» your icon must fit in the lj standards
» comment to this post with your icon
» everything is allowed but no animations!
» you're allowed to change your entry to deadline
» DEADLINE for this challenge is SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER AT 02:30 PM (italy time - countdown)

» rua1412 (1 skip)
» second_love (1 skip)
» yoli_19 (1 skip)
» latemorningicon (1 skip)
» ameliafolder (1 skip)
» elleonors (1 skip)
» waaywardson (2 skips)
» simibacini (2 skips)
» alexsuami (2 skips)

round 03, round 03: challenge 01

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