Fic: Beloved (Or, if Nobody Wins, Who Writes History) [Belarus, Lithuania] R [2/3]

May 28, 2011 20:41

Title: Beloved (or, if Nobody Wins, Who Writes History?)
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 2/3
Characters/Pairing: Lithuania/Belarus (not overly consensually), Belarus/Russia (the same), Ensemble
Word Count: 3790
Rating: R
Summary: It might be forgotten, but Belarus does have a reason to ( Read more... )

fic: beloved, axis powers hetalia, belarus (aph), ensemble (aph), lithuania (aph), lithuania/belarus, fanfic

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Comments 5

granular June 1 2011, 20:30:38 UTC
Just found this and I am absolutely in love with it. Your characterisation of Belarus makes perfect sense- she actually has real feelings beyond OMG RUSSIA *¬* and she actually seems human for once and can care for others: god, if she could only stop it hurting when he sister looks like that which I really like.
I find Lithuania in this really interesting. He's usually super woobie or played as the straight man, so this is a different take, but I think still IC.

also yay GDR!Prussia and history notes XD

in other words: ♥


hyperemmalawlz June 1 2011, 21:55:23 UTC
Thank you! Belarus does tend to be a bit of a flat character sometimes, so I'm glad I could flesh her out for you and make her more human. Yeah, Lithuania doesn't get played like this much but I have this thing where I will turn every character from every fandom ever into a raging psycho at some point but why not give it a try, huh?

Thank you. :)


granular June 2 2011, 18:04:44 UTC
You're very welcome ♥
psychos are my favourite, which is kind of worrying XD


sexyhorny June 16 2011, 13:39:43 UTC
I'm happy you updated it. I'm from Belarus and just want to say that historically Lithuania didn't treat Belarus too bad. Actually Belarusian lands had a lot of freedom within GDL, and Belarusians and Lithuanians were treated as equal.

I do enjoy your story though. Psycho Lithuania is kind of refreshing. Even if you continue this way I don't think I'll mind.


hyperemmalawlz June 16 2011, 22:13:18 UTC
Eh, idek. It was really hard to find information on this. -_-

Glad you're enjoying this though! :)


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