Fic: Again and Again and Again (Sweden/Finland, Ensemble) PG-13 (1/?)

Mar 25, 2011 19:06

Title: Again and Again and Again.
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Chapter: 1/?
Characters/Pairing: Sweden/Finland, Sweden/Latvia, Sealand (possibly some sort of Sealand/Latvia at some point?), Ensemble.
Word Count: 1525
Rating: PG-13 (towards the edge of R)
Summary: The wife, the child, the best friend, ( Read more... )

latvia (aph), ensemble (aph), sealand (aph), fanfic, axis powers hetalia, sweden/finland, fic: again and again and again, sweden (aph), sweden/latvia, finland (aph)

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Comments 4

aureliuszvektor March 25 2011, 09:29:19 UTC
... Ouch.

I'm afraid that I can't be much more coherent for this, because "ouch" is the best descriptor of how I feel--but still, this is pretty painful, and the summary makes me curious as to where you'll go with this.

I love this sort of thing >_<;;


hyperemmalawlz March 25 2011, 09:34:19 UTC
Aww. Thank you! I hope I shall go a good place (in a writing way, not a "happy sunny lollipops and rainbows" way, 'cause this premise... ain't gonna lead to that.)


aureliuszvektor March 25 2011, 09:39:03 UTC
Yeah, what makes me so curious from your summary was that it seems there will be rippling ramifications, which I just love to see explored.

Also glad to see that we aren't ending up with butterscotch unicorns, because that would be short-changing the excellent setup :I


hoshiko_2000 April 15 2011, 17:55:27 UTC
Sweden cheated on Finland?! With LATIVIA 0.0?! Lativia is about the least person I can imagine shagging someone else's partner (or being shagged in general XD)! Great fic, I look foward to reading more!


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