Fic: Girlfriend (Finn/Puck) PG-13 (2/2)

Jan 25, 2011 15:02

Title: Girlfriend
Author: hyperemmalawlz 
Fandom: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Finn/Puck, ensemble. References to canon pairings, including Finn/Santana, Puck/Santana, Finn/Rachel, etc....
Word Count: 4060
Rating: R overall; PG-13 for this chapter
Summary: Established relationship. Finn just wants to make sure Puck won't dump him, or cheat on him. He's hardly the first.
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finn/puck, ensemble (glee), puck, finn, glee, fanfic

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Comments 30 icefalcon5767 January 25 2011, 04:35:58 UTC
Damn damn damn damn...

This breaks my heart. I mean, I totally expected Puck to pull that...but...ouch.

I so want to hold Finn and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. Just the idea of Finn, giant 6ft+tall Finn breaking down...guh.

Sequel, yes? I would love to see Kurt go all big brother diva on Puck :)



Re: hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 05:23:39 UTC
Thank you. I was kind of expecting everyone to kill me for having Puck do this, given most of the comments I got last chapter, but it's not happening so far so maybe I'm lucky (...and I may have just jinxed it, but oh well).

That third line of yours can be interpreted a couple of ways. XD I get what you're saying though - poor Finn indeed. :(

I'm thinking about it, but I don't really know how said sequel would go yet, so... *shrug*


Re: jamfig January 25 2011, 22:33:24 UTC
SE- QUEL, SE-QUEL, SE-QUEL *chants unremittingly 'til sequel is posted*


(The comment has been removed)

Re: !! hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 05:24:06 UTC
Maybe? Idk; I don't really have a sequel idea. Anyway, thanks.


Re: !! jamfig January 25 2011, 22:33:48 UTC
SE- QUEL, SE-QUEL, SE-QUEL *chants unremittingly 'til sequel is posted*


klair716 January 25 2011, 04:43:59 UTC
Nooooooooo. Sad ending is sad! I mean, it fits, given that we're dealing with Puck, but still... :(

Great piece of work :) I also hope there's a sequel, so Puck literally gets some sense knocked into him, and then we get a happy or hopeful ending.


hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 05:25:29 UTC
...Yeah, sorry about that. *sheepish grin* Glad you enjoyed (er, sort of) though!

I've got a feeling I should sequelify it, but I don't really know with what, so idek.


jamfig January 25 2011, 22:34:13 UTC
SE- QUEL, SE-QUEL, SE-QUEL *chants unremittingly 'til sequel is posted*


hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 22:38:35 UTC
Okay, dude, you want a sequel. Glad you liked it, and maybe. But now you're spamming everyone; cut it out.


hpgeek215 January 25 2011, 04:57:13 UTC
Woooow, Puck gets an effing gold star for this. For serious dude, what the hell? Jeez, I just wanted to choke him!

great chapter!haha :D


hpgeek215 January 25 2011, 04:59:35 UTC
...wait, that was the ending? Now I really want to kill this really the ending or is there going to be a sequel?


hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 05:27:29 UTC
You're sort of meant to want to do that. There may or may not be a sequel - everyone's nagging me for it, so if there isn't, you can take comfort in the fact I'll at least feel guilty about it.


jamfig January 25 2011, 22:34:46 UTC
SE- QUEL, SE-QUEL, SE-QUEL *chants unremittingly 'til sequel is posted*


sunshine_flying January 25 2011, 05:25:58 UTC
Sequel sequel sequel!
Kurt needs to kick some sense into Puck!
I'm glad Finn stood up for himself though! Great story :)


hyperemmalawlz January 25 2011, 05:27:58 UTC
Maybe on the sequel thing. >.>

Thank you. :D


jamfig January 25 2011, 22:35:12 UTC
SE- QUEL, SE-QUEL, SE-QUEL *chants unremittingly 'til sequel is posted*


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