Reversal Chapter 5

Jul 18, 2007 03:04

This one I posted today and is the last I'll be able to cough up until the next one is written. :3 Enjoy.

Title: Reversal
Show: DNAngel
Rating: Uh...Pg-13.
Genre: General/Humor
Warning: Shortish chapter and some odd impossible occurences. Lotta OCs
Disclaimer: Not mine, man. If it were mine, some of the characters would have done the, *cough* can-can by now.
Description: Two magical beings trapped in the bodies of their mostly normal hosts. What are they to do?

5. Time for something new
Hallelujah, chapter five. I actually updated within two weeks! Hurray! Which is what my goal is going to be for the rest of this story. Feel free to murder me when I fail. :plans on being murdered frequently: ...just joking. XD

Here we get introduced to a new character. Tell me what you think of him, k?

/Chapter five
Golden eyes stared into purple, flashing dangerously as they glared at each other. A clock was ticking in the background, adding to the already tense drama. The open window invited in a breeze that tossed their hair in all different directions.

He was sweating. It was an odd occurance, to be that anxious. He wasn't normally the one to get in a situation like this. He had an excuse, though, he could swear by it. The man was bored. Both of them had been bored, in fact, because the other was always bored when he wasn't moving.

Neither of them were moving now. Staring at each other, one letting out a strained breath into the silence. A bird, outside, called loudly to another, making him twitch. Life came back to the other when he noticed the movement, his lips curling into a slow smile, confident that he had beaten him at last.

He's bluffing.

Krad grit his teeth, glancing down at the cards in his hand. He was losing, badly. The pile of game pieces in front of him was only a third of the size of Dark's pile.

Take it! He's bluffing!

He couldn't be sure. Dark always looked so confident. He always had the perfect poker face, aided especially today by his host's facial features. Krad couldn't read him.

Taaaaake iiiiiit!

Getting annoyed, Krad pushed the rest of his 'chips' between them. He noticed Dark still for a fraction of a second, hesitate the smallest bit. It was enough.

Laying down the cards, the white demon smirked. "Come now, Mousy, don't tell me your hand sucks this turn. You were so confident too."

Dark stared at Krad's hand, then down at his own is dismay. "I...I don't believe it."

HA! I TOLD you!

Krad smirked in confidence, taking the pile. "You don't have to. I win." Even if it was only one hand.

Man, if I had known you were THIS bad at cards, I would have jumped in earlier. I don't see my cousin very often but I know her expression better than her own parents sometimes.

Krad smirked at his host. Storing the information, he wondered at the feelings the boy felt for Dark's host. It would have been rediculously easy to take control of him. Satoshi always had near perfect emotional control. Maybe it was just a Niwa curse that no one knew about.

Dark pulled at his hair, staring at his cards. The hand wasn't all that great, but generally better than the crap hands Krad had been getting. Except that this one time, Krad's hand was just amazing. He couldn't believe it! They'd been playing various games for hours now, sitting on the floor of Seriso's room and Krad had not won any of them until this one hand right now. He pursed his lips and looked over at his quiet other.

He was talking with his host, if the smirk was an indication. Krad always smirked, but even he could see they were all different. He had an angry smirk too. (That one was amusing.) He cheated. He thought. Not that he himself hadn't cheated every other game, but it was different when Krad did it. "Hey! No outward help!"

Krad raised a delicate eyebrow. "Why, whatever did you mean? My host is not 'outside' help at all." Curse his direct obviousness!

"I hate you." He muttered. Maybe it was only one hand, but Dark Mousy did not -lose-. It wasn't in his DNA.

"Daaaaark! Deseeeert!" The thief jumped up immediately, grudge entirely forgotten. Krad watched him as he practically flew out of the room, the door going from closed to open without the swing. The older woman's voice remained in the house, or perhaps ringing through the man's head, echoing.

"Desert?" He mused to himself.

Great Aunt Emiko's desert is amazing. Sei commented, his own mind distracted by the simple word. Goooooo...go noooooow.

Krad sighed. He'd never had a host that took such joy in ordering him around. Then again, he'd never had a host he hadn't mentally beaten into submission either. Guess there were firsts for everything. He got to his feet, still happy about his little win over his other, and made to follow Dark. He wasn't called, but to hell with them if they expected him to sit upstairs while everyone else was downstairs having 'amazing' desert.
"Oh my, possessed, you say?" The poor woman on the other line squeaked.

Satoshi pushed up his glasses and replied gravely. "It's a very unfortunate circumstance. We've been extremely lucky to find the exorcist when we did. He informed us he is usually abroad." The man sighed to himself. He couldn't believe he was actually using this as an excuse. He believed even less that the school secretary was taking it in like a sponge.

"Oh please, Mr. Hikari, if there is -anything- I can do to help..." Of course, it just so happened the lady was superstitious.

"Not at all, ma'am. I'm sure we have all the professional help we need." Here was the tricky part. He took in a sharp breath and cut it off suddenly, sounding for all the world like a parent in misery. "Now we can just hope he returns to us..." Another breath, exhaled this time, accented with a sniff. "...unscathed."

The woman wailed and promised to send a fruit basket as soon as possible.

Hook, line and sinker. Satoshi was actually rather proud of himself when he hung up the phone. He knew there were idiots out there, but he'd never thought he'd find one that would believe such nonsense as THAT. Sure, his son WAS possessed, but exorcist indeed. Of course that wouldn't work.

They've tried already.
"Cheesecake!" Krad stared at the decorated confection with a suspicious glare. It stood in front of him, innocently inviting him to eat. However he knew for a fact that anything that tried to get him to do anything by nonvocal means must have been evil. He knew these things, after all, he WAS evil, well, was being the past tense form of course. Thus this cake was just sitting there, gleaming and looking incredibly tasty. It was drawing him in...he didn't think he could resist its charm- "Oh just try it already!"

Krad looked up at his other, happily munching on his own piece of the evil cake. "In case you didn't know, this 'desert' has a mind of its own. I refuse to be brainwashed by a yellow jelly-type object."

"It's not like jello at all." Dark insisted. "Just try it."

"No." He glared down at the plate of cheesecake. Was it just him, or did the soft cakey part suddenly get darker?

Even more suddenly than that, a lithe female form vaulted at him from the other side of the table. On the floor, Dark triumphantly straddled his waist, ignoring the knocked-over chair, somehow holding Krad's plate and a forkful of the evil desert.

"Krad, if you don't willingly eat this cake, I shall have to force it down your throat!" The grin looked different with female features, but the intent was definately the same.

The white demon struggled. "I refuse to be taken in!" He shouted, pushing his other off of him. He jumped up, turned on his heel, and made for the nearest door. He only knew his way to a few rooms: The front room with the most likely locked front door; The bathroom; and the Niwa host's bedroom. His decision was obvious.

He took the stairs two at a time, his own host's laughter echoing in the back of his mind, hearing Dark's actual laughter only three steps behind him. Without hesitating he ran into the room and slammed the door in Dark's face. "Come on, Kraaaad. The cheesecake is caaaaalling yoooooou." That was exactly why he was running.

He hurried to the window and opened it, looking down. It wasn't THAT far of a drop. Surely his host's body could handle it.

Dark finally got into the room and looked around. He had somehow managed to keep the cake completely intact, during the short chase and his unfortunate meeting with the door. He didn't understand why in the world Krad was refusing to eat it. It was incredible! The not-too-sweet melt in your mouth taste was to die for. Popping the fork in his mouth, he tried to imagine where Krad could have gone. Then he saw the open window.

He grinned. This was becoming fun.
The secretary was young, and quite new at her job, but even she knew when someone was lying. She could tell as if the truth were written on her notepad in front of her eyes! It was so obvious.

Satoshi Hikari needed more help than one simple exorcist! The man was probably suffering in worry over his poor child. She hurriedly called her best friend, who just so happened to work in a grocer, and quickly orderered a fruit basket special.

All parents needed comfort food in their time of need.
Krad leaned against the fountain, catching his breath and letting the water splash against his back. In the last few hours he had been shown just what it was like to be chased by someone just as fast and just as skilled as he was. His only advantage was that he could move easier in his host's body than his other could in his.

Suddenly losing an important piece of familiarity between the legs would do that to some guys, of course, but he wasn't complaining.

Especially when the cursed thief caught up to him anyway! Groaning quietly, he ducked down, crouching next to the fountain and putting his head between his knees.

You got us lost, didn't you?

Krad did NOT get lost. He could -see- his host tapping his foot and crossing his arms, all while restraining laughter. I don't see YOU getting us out of this situation.

Hey, I know this city about the same as you do. Traveling abroad, remember? Besides, if you'd just eaten the-

I will NOT be swayed be it's delectability! I refuse and you can't make me! It's evil, child. It wants to control us all!

Consider me a puppet, master.

Krad choked, covering his mouth with his hands. Silently he waited for the sounds of pursuit as Dark realised where he was. After a moment of hearing nothing but the fountain and an odd whirring noise that had been there since he'd sat down, he inched up to peer over the edge of the fountain. Dark was gone.

"You know, I think the scenic 'empty' landscape convinced her to search in another direction." The voice came from above him, on the dry part of the fountain. A boy sat there, obnoxiously chewing on a large piece of gum and holding a camcorder. It was pointed right at Krad. He looked bored, as if there was nothing else in the world he could possibly be doing than videotaping random strangers.

"Who are you?" Krad demanded, getting to his feet in one swift move.

The boy tsked and jumped down, managing to avoid the stream of water. "Is that any way to talk to a classmate, Hikari-kun?" He continued to level the whirring device at Krad.

Both Krad and his host paused. I don't remember seeing him... Sei muttered curiously.

That's because you weren't paying attention, boy. " apologies." He covered quickly. He wasn't comfortable about being taped, whether in his host's form or not. "But it is rather unfair; You know my name and I have yet to learn yours."

He grinned and turned off the tape, sliding the camcorder into a knapsack at his waist. "Call me Taka. I'm a family friend, you might say. My dad knows your dad." A moment passed as Krad stared blankly at his teeth. "Oh, right. That probably doesn't help much." Taka nervously laughed and held out a hand, his fingers covered in bandages of assorted colors. "Saehara Takahashi, at your service, Hikari-kun."

It didn't take long for it to click after that. OH! Sei exclaimed. It's Takeshi's son!

That reporter boy? Krad remembered him. Liked to cause trouble for Dark. Fun kid. His sequel isn't promising to be so useful. He thought darkly as Taka's hand was thrust in his face.

"Hallooo? Earth to Hikari?" Krad swatted the hand out of the way while Taka laughed. "I see, you're going to be a daydreamer. No wonder Niwa-san is chasing you."

He looked around. " you know where h-she went?" He had to peer over Taka's shoulders to get a good look in that direction. Why was he so short? Why are you so short?

Don't blame me! So I got the short gene. So what?

Taka's eyes held a gleam that he could swear he's read before. "Nope. Didn't she which direction she went in at the time. Too busy watching you." He's seen that gleam. Dark has that gleam. Taka was looking over his shoulder. Oh... great!

He only had enough time to take three steps before Dark tackled him from behind. Sprawling them both along the concrete. Krad coughed, the impact forcing his air out of his lungs. His other triumphantly sat on him, feet firmly to either side to prevent him from pushing him off. "I GOT you!" He crowed.

Krad looked up at him from under his arm, noting the empty plate held loosely in one hand. He smirked. 'Yet I still win, Niwa." He said pointedly. "You ate it all."

Dark blinked and looked at the plate. "S-so I did." A guilty expression slipped onto his features. Krad shook his head. "Guess you'll have to wait." He muttered, getting up. Krad stood as well. "Uh, so, who's the kid?" The question was whispered while they brushed off the gravel from their clothes.

Of course Dark wouldn't know Seriso's friends. "Saehara." He whispered back, checking a new hole in the sleeve of the top.

Taka was just standing there, grinning, taping the whole scene. "This is great!"


There you go, Chapter five. :3 What'd you think?

Me? I think I've ruined any ounce of respect Satoshi and Krad had. :cackles::thunder cracks in the background:

:cough:, onto the reviews!

hittocerebattousai: lol I think I did that to a few people. I'm reeaally sorry it took so long. At least this chapter wasn't as late, right? X3 I think it was more a combination of letters than anything else. And I wanted it to sound similar to Seriso. I'm glad you're still interested in reading this story. lol

Lazy and Crazy: XD lawl Life huh? That's a pretty difficult statement. What if you die? Does that mean you won't remember it then, huh? HUH? (I feel so...abandoned...) j/k I think that's what made me type that line. And leave it there. But, alas, they weren't. (I might write a special chapter of Dark and Krad for the yaoi fans and post it in its own section. But then, would it just be a whole 'nother fanfic then?) I have a livejournal now, which, so far, is going to have the same things as here, but if I do write a fanfic like that, I'll give you the link. (Even though ff dot net doesn't really check the content of the fics. XD) And lookie momma lookie! Within a year! Within TWO WEEKS no less. -- See? The caps make it more important. :grin:

'DalisaY-17': Here you go, next chapter. Thanks for the fave. :3

Hope everyone hangs on till the next chapter!

Dark: What's going to happen to me? I have BOOBS!!!

...Yes, yes you do. I think everyone's noticed that by now.

Dark: You're evil. :goes off to lie in a corner:

Bakura:chuckles: Serves 'im right. All the times he's laughed at me for no reason. Now I can laugh back!

Um, Baku-kun, you realised the 'for no reason' part, right?

Bakura: ...yeees...why?

You -can- laugh back for no reason.

Bakura:scoff: I have more honor than that.

:shrug: Whatever.

Also, to anyone who is interested, I'm taking cameo requests for people who would like to have their characters show up somewhere in a chapter. :3 If you want him/her to appear, just give their name and a general description of their appearance and personality.

Cheers everyone!

-Hyper C.



[fandom] dnangel, [verse] reversal

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