Reversal Chapter 1

Jul 18, 2007 02:41

I've been working on this fic for a hella long time, which is sad considering the length of the chapters, and the number of them. XD Anywhoo, I'm posting it here as well as on for anyone interested in reading it.

I'm going to copy it in here exactly as I have it on So beware the old author notes.

Title: Reversal
Show: DNAngel
Rating: Uh...Pg-13.
Genre: General/Humor
Warning: Shortish chapter and some odd impossible occurences. Lotta OCs
Disclaimer: Not mine, man. If it were mine, some of the characters would have done the, *cough* can-can by now.
Description: Dark and Krad should have been sealed long ago, but when Seriso Niwa's birthday comes along and Dark appears, something is happening.

1. Dark
Hey everyone! It's me again, with my rumored new story! YAYE! I like it, it's a lot longer than any of my other shapters so far. Of anything. And that means I'm getting better right? Yeah, I'm going to keep this short. I don't think anyone reads them anyways. haha, I'll see everyone. waves Also forgive any mistakes I might have made. I'm slightly dislexic and it gets worse the later it is. I fixed most of them though, so fear not.

Also, Schizo, I borrowed the linebreaker once. haha, it's forever yours. Though it's fun. hehe this will be the only place you see it. I'm trying new stuffez, and it hurts. hehe cause nothing ever works.

Well, here it is. The wonderful first chapter of Reversal. It's basically an intro, so enjoy, read, and review! Not neccessarily in that order. lol

/Chapter One

Hi, my name is Seriso Niwa. I have a really really big problem. Not only am I inflicted by a curse that has plagued my family for several centuries, but I am a girl who's love will never love me back. Can you even understand how awkward that is? No? Well then... let me explain my situation.


"Niwa-chan! Niwa-chan! Wait up for me!"

Niwa Seriso looked back as her classmate, Ohura Ukeda, ran to catch up. "Ohura-chan! What's up?"

"Duh! I'm walking home with you, remember?"

Seriso stared at the sky in thought. Oh yeah, that's right. She's my partner in science, isn't she? Sighing she hung her head. Her grandmother always told her she seemed like her dad when she did that. Stupid teachers, assigning a project so cruel. What do they think we are? Robots? She nodded then. "Of course, how could I forget. This way then!"

Leading the way through the city she waved to many people. The Niwa family had lived in this town for years, in the same house, with the same people. Everybody knew them. Her father used to walk the same way to school everyday, talk to almost the same people. Although the man in the baker shop recently gave the store to his youngest son, the only one still home. The boy was fairly cute, but a little too plain for her tastes.

Ohura talked pretty much the whole way there. Obviously she was just as bubbly as Seriso's grandmother, but that's how things were sometimes.

Finally they reached the house and she sighed in relief. Ohura can talk to someone else now. She pressed the button and spoke. "Grandma, I brought someone home." Sounds started from inside and a few minutes later the door opened. A still fairly young looking woman stood there, smiling happily. "Grandma, this is Ohura-chan, my science partner." She smiled.

Ohura bounced on the balls of her feet and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you Niwa-sama!"

Niwa Emiko frowned, her still bright hair bobbing as she shook her head. "Now now, we won't have any of that! Please, call me Emiko."


Seriso smiled and walked around them. The house has been expanded since she was born apparently, to accommodate the bigger family. The places that were added weren't really easy to tell that they were new, but if you looked close enough you could probably see the difference.

Her bedroom was in the old area. The bed had been replaced with one closer to the ground, but really, nothing much was different than when it was last used by her father. The view outside was as beautiful as ever, and Wiz still managed to be everywhere at once. Although, speaking of her father:

"Daddy! I'm home!"

Niwa Daisuke raised his head from the newspaper. His once wild red hair was currently trimmed and he was a lot taller than he used to be. "Welcome home honey!" The straw he was chewing on nearly dropped from his mouth as he shouted. Reclining on the couch with his own father they looked much alike, although Niwa Kosuke now sported a bit more gray than before.

Niwa Daiki sat on another couch, looking older than ever, being a Great Grandfather now. He didn't move like he used to but was still good-looking for an old guy.

Seriso came downstairs moments later after changing and opened the fridge. "Oruha-chan! Would you like something to snack on while Grandma and Toto make dinner?" Toto was their housekeeper in a way. She was told the woman used to be just an artifact that the Phantom Thief Dark Mousy stole once before, but the young girl knew her ever since she could remember. She was a good friend though and a wonderful cook.

Oruha looked over from the living room. "Um, ok, if you really feel like making something. I'm not too hungry though. Had a big lunch."

Ah yes. Seriso though. Lunchtimes with Oruha. The girl packs whole meals and doesn't gain a thing. I'm surprised she hadn't become legend by now. She pushed the fridge closed with her foot instead of taking something out and wandered to the door. "Why don't we go up to my room? It'll be easier to work on our project." She returned to her room with her classmate in tow.

"Um... Niwa-chan, I can't stay too long today. Can I come over tomorrow as well?" Oruha frowned in thought.

Seriso shook her head. "No, tomorrow is my birthday. I don't know if my mom has anything planned or not." She said.

"Oh, well, okay then. Maybe next week." She replied.

Seriso nodded and they worked the rest of the afternoon. When her partner had left Daisuke looked at her. They were now eating dinner as the other girl hadn't had the time to stay and everyone was sitting around the table. Her mother, Niwa Riku, used to be a Harada, one half of a twin set of daughters to one of the wealthiest men in town. Her hair remained as short as ever and she looked a lot like Emiko, with redder hair. She sat next to her husband and smiled widely at her daughter.

"Dear, we want you to come home early tomorrow after school. Since it's your golden birthday, we want to do something special for you." Her whole family smiled at her. She didn't know what to expect now. Usually they just threw a quaint little party and bought her lots of nice things. Besides, what could be more special than spending time with her family?

"Special...? What do you-" She started.

Daiki interrupted. "Now, we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, right? That would be unfair. You'll have to wait until tomorrow." The others nodded, including Wiz, however, it seemed to her that the little rabbit-like creature had a bit of a gleam in his eyes that her family didn't have.

Going to bed that night she stared at a picture on her nightstand. This picture was only one of a thousand similar photos she owned, from newspaper clippings, and dealings with Takeshi Saehara, one of her father's friends that came around every so often. When he heard her request, he was all too happy to help. Going to sleep, she envisioned meeting the person in that photograph. Although she knew she probably never would, until it was too late to make any difference.


As midnight stroke that night, far far away, in a dimension that can only be entered by magical beings, a man opened his eyes. His night-clad body intertwined with that of day, another’s sleeping face just inches away from his own. He stared blankly at that face, unaware of it as he knew only one thing. He opened his mouth and his voice broke the silence that lasted for twenty years.

“I am being called.”


The next day, Seriso hurried home as fast as her legs could carry her. She was so excited about her birthday today that she didn’t even stop for the train. Making it home in record time she threw open the door and ran through the hall. Suddenly she stopped, smiled, returned to the door, and took off her shoes. Only after she had cleaned herself up in the hall mirror did she finally walk through the door into the kitchen.

Seeing no one she frowned and checked her bedroom, then the living room, the family room, and all the bathrooms. Even the bedrooms of the adults proved empty. Frowning sadly, wondering if she was early, she stepped into the backyard to watch the ocean.

Then, out of nowhere came a young woman with chestnut brown hair and hugged her tightly. Seriso’s eyes bugged out and a squeak tore from her throat. Behind her hyper aunt she saw two people she hadn’t seen since she was little.

“My, how you’ve grown, Seri-chan!” Her aunt Risa exclaimed. The second Harada twin, now married as well, had changed quite a bit from the prep she used to be. Her eyes weren’t as large and her hair was held in a nice little ponytail. She apparently lived quite well, traveling as she did, for her clothes fit her status perfectly. She never could deal with a small life.

Behind her stood her uncle and cousin. Both of which were standing by the balcony. Her uncle turned at his wife’s comment and gave her a small smile. Sporting contacts, the man’s face looked quite different, and the years were good on him. His body filled out more and a smile easily came to his face now, whereas before it was always a struggle.

Satoshi Hikari walked over and gave her a hug as well. He had changed his last name back to the original, no longer wanting to hide from his past. She never really heard what happened other than he had helped save their families, now one family, from a huge curse lasting since forever. She hadn’t really looked into it.

The third person, still standing where he was, didn’t even look at her. His dark blue hair waved in the wind, barely contained by the loose ponytail he wore. The clothes he wore were a little too tight on him, as if he hadn’t gotten new ones in years. She frowned. The young man was two years older than her and he still hadn’t learned the courtesy to greet his cousin. Instead of walking over to him like she normally would, she stuck out her tongue and turned back to her aunt and uncle.

“Auntie, Uncle! When did you get into town?” Her face was overjoyed and she grinned, barely containing herself from knocking them both over in a hug,

Satoshi smirked. “Obviously recently.”

Risa elbowed him and replied truthfully. “Actually, we’ve been here for quite a few days. Your uncle has been investigating some art donated recently to the museum in town.”

The man covered his niece's mouth before she could complain. “Obviously we would have visited sooner, but you have fate at fault. And your father.” He looked over at Daisuke still smirking and nodded. “HE didn’t want us visiting until your birthday.”

Risa nodded. “We tried though... well, I did.” Satoshi glared and she laughed. “We all did.”

Seriso walked over and punched her father in the arm, then hugged him after seeing the accusing look he gave to his brother-in-law. She hugged all of her family in turn then finally walked over to her cousin. He was pretty much the exact opposite of her. His hair was a rich dark blue while hers was a light rose red, pink in some lighting. He was built a bit on the short side, though he was still fairly tall, so truthfully they were very close to the same height, even though his years gave him an extra half an inch. His dark brown eyes complimented her light ones like deep water and shallow. In truth, he was a lot calmer than she was. He thought more, whereas she would rather rush right through. They were the perfect pair really, two sides of a coin. The only things they had in common were their names, and their build. They were both small.

Seirios Hikari turned to her after a minute and smiled. “Took you long enough.” His voice was light and airy and reminded her of fluff. His smile was also light and cheered her bitterness immediately.

Muttering under her breath she hugged him, so only he could hear her. “Sei, you bastard, you never learn, do you?” He hugged back tightly and swung her around, setting her back on her feet. “I’m going to have to make you clothes aren’t I? Those are way too tight for you.”

“You’ll never manage to make enough outfits to last me till the next visit in just a few days.”

“I can try.”

Emiko then came out of the house. Where did she come from? Why didn’t I see her in there? Seriso thought a second before she saw the cake. Her eyes widened at the hunormity of it and she grinned.

“Time for the party!”


Seriso returned to her room early in the evening to dump her presents off before going down for another piece of cake. In her hand was an extra box, still wrapped, that her aunt had given her after the words “I saw your room”. She pondered on what the gift could be as she sat on her bed and carefully unwrapped it.

Her eyes widened. She held in her hands a frame adorned with carved black feathers that looked so real. Inside the beautiful wood sat a portrait of the Phantom Thief Dark Mousy. He was a legend of sorts in their family. Long purple locks that refused to obey gravity, lithe form forever 18 years old, and the black suit so often used when he stole beautiful Hikari art.

Ever since she was little she had adored the young man, collecting whatever she could of his existence. In her closet was a shrine, with all her collected pictures and articles posted up and arranged. Her heart fluttered a little as she stared at the gift. This one was a picture she had never seen before, and it looked like he was actually posing for the camera. On the back of the frame, clear words seemed carved.

“Giving your dream hope to fly on. With love, your Auntie Risa.”

Her heart panged again as she wished she could really meet this man, as her auntie had once done, and suddenly her whole body shuddered with pain as out of nowhere, something heavy collided with the back of her head.

Her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t unconscious, because the heavy object wasn’t solid. As if that makes any sense. She managed to think bitterly as her body fell foreword. Fire shot through her lungs at the lack of oxygen and she twisted on the floor in agony, the edges of her vision going black. The last thing she saw was Wiz, his little eyes gleaming with happiness.


Emiko sat patiently waiting for her granddaughter to return. Well, they all sat there, but Emiko was most remarkable as she sat there, worried something may have happened for her dear to take so long. She frowned and began to stand up, but Kosuke put his hand on her arm. “But, dear...”

Kosuke smiled. “You have to give her time. She not a little girl anymore. You can’t baby her... that’s Riku’s job.”

Emiko leaned over to him and whispered. “But she’s not doing anything! What if-”

“I’ll go fetch her.” They looked over. Seirios was walking around the table toward the door. “Mother gave her something extra before she left the room. She’s probably opening it. I’ll tell her she needs to hurry, before Uncle Dai eats the rest of the cake.” He smiled as he left the room.

Daisuke frowned, pouting. “I wouldn’t eat it all... but Wiz might.” He looked around. “Where is Wiz anyway?”

As Seirios walked upstairs, he closed his eyes. She really has grown since we last talked. In his mind he saw a little annoying pigtailed girl who followed him wherever he went. But now, she’s matured a bit. No, take that back, she’s matured a lot. That’s saying something. As he reached the top of the stairs he stopped and looked up. Standing in front of him, in a pair of Seriso’s clothes, which were baggy on her, but fit him perfectly, was a young man wearing a smirk. Sei’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to ask where Seriso was.

The man laughed suddenly. “Wow, either the commander is sporting a new look, or else he actually has a brat of his own.” Then his eyes narrowed. “Who are you.? What are you doing in this house?”

Sei frowned. “I could be asking you the same thing! Where is my cousin?”

The man raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

“My cousin! Seriso Niwa!”

He smirked then. “I see, so the Hikari’s and the Niwa’s DID resolve their differences. Then, I wonder why I am here. Oh well, better go greet the family, right? You might wanna follow kid.”

Sei frowned as the man passed him on the stairs. Something inside his body ached as their shoulders brushed, but it went away almost immediately. He turned and stared at the young man at the bottom of the stairs in shock. Who was he?

In the dining room, Emiko could no longer handle the stress of waiting. Ignoring the reassuring of her husband and children she stood and turned to march into the hall. She only made two steps, however, before a form entered the doorway. The older woman stopped in her tracks in shock. The man standing their seemed so real, but was he really?

“So,” Dark said lightly, leaning on the doorframe. “Do I get any cake?”

/To be continued...

YAYE! Here's the first chapter, all finished. You like it? Hehe, bet ya can't wait for the next chapter. It's even better.

I don't like Wiz in this though, he seemed evil and sadistic. Poor Seriso.

Also, here's another thing. I'm at a loss. Should I pair up Seriso and Dark, or Seriso and Sei, even though they're cousins? I like the latter, because even though cousins is kinda incestie, it's not bad in my opinion. And they're cute. lol I have a picture. Anywhoo, gimme some advice?

Thankies, have a GREAT day!

Hyper C.

PS. Don't forget to review/winkwink/

[fandom] dnangel, [verse] reversal

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