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Comments 3

caribbean_moon April 4 2005, 07:02:53 UTC
Hi I'm from the Mitch community. I really like the icons you made (The one I took is my favorite) and I was wondering if you have that original image? I took some snapshots from the tribute on TV, but they turned out bad and I wanna print off an 8X10 copy and frame it in my room. If you do have the original, can you send it to me @: CelticDoll@aol.com?

I'd much appreciate. Thanks and the icons rock. :)


hype45 April 4 2005, 20:38:00 UTC
Here's the original picture. It's not that big (360 x 273 pixels) and kinda blurry, but good luck anyway. I'll still email it, just in case.

And hey, no problem. Anytime.


caribbean_moon April 5 2005, 22:32:41 UTC
Thanks so much! :)


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