Title: Christmas Lies
Rating: PG (it's fluff)
Pairing: Kiyoharu x Riku
Words: 2,394
Notes: So like
amazing and cute drawing, inspired this and I couldn't sleep until I wrote this. The picture just makes me go 'aww' all the time. :<
Prompt: Holiday fic for
mago_fanfics challenge
Fingers wrapped around the end of the cigarette of a new brand he had switched too, still some how intertwined with Native American tobacco, but just a little stronger if that had been possible in the tobacco industry. Sure, he said he’d quit some day and the people around him reminding him of the consequences of every cigarette that he knew every time he grabbed the small carton, but for now he’d enjoy the cigarettes and take one day at a time.
Tattooed hand stuffed in the pocket of the grey scarf with one foot resting against the building, while fingers drew the cigarette near his lips. Eyes closing the moment the white filtered cigarette rested between his lips and he took a long drag, lucid smoke escaping his nostrils as eyes lazily opened and glanced over at the clock in front of his studio’s building. 11 pm. Where the hell was that ass at? He wanted to meet on Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day, of course the whole reason being Riku wanted Kiyoharu to spend time with his kids. No matter how many times he told him that the girls wouldn’t mind and enjoyed him being around, Riku stubbornly shook his head. Of course, he didn’t ever disagree to the three of them visiting on Christmas at his apartment. Small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth as the cigarette rested at his side. He may be an ass hole his self sometimes, but he wouldn’t let someone he cared about not share the holidays with him, Riku just needed to learn not too be selfish, even if it had been far from it.
Index finger rolling the cigarette up and down the length of his thumb, growing a little bored of waiting for the other who hadn’t even bothered to call. Flicking the cigarette to the snow covered cement; he pushed himself off the building. Pulling the jacket around him tighter, he glanced both ways down the street before noticing or more feeling the flakes slowly falling from the sky and becoming lost with the rest of the snow as the snow flakes made contact with the cement. Jacket covered with the white specks as took a deep breath, one of boredom and wondering just where the hell the other was at.
Mind focused on trying to figure out just what time the other had called him and the span of time that it gave Riku too meet him in front of his studio. Eyes staring through the thick frame of his glasses, down at the ground with the tip of shoe making small patterns, not noticing the person moving behind him until arms wrapped around his neck and body leaning into his own for support. Mouth opening to say something before he noticed the gift bag and colorful tissue paper sticking out, knowing exactly who it was the moment he saw the bag and felt the body pressed into his own.
“Merry Christmas!”
Arms unwinding around the tattooed neck as the older man turned around, shaking his head, smile on his lips. “You know we could have done this tomorrow and exchanged gifts at my apartment.”
“No! You need to spend time with your daughters; it’s your family and a holiday. It’s not Kiyoharu’s girls and you, with Riku. I’d be the third wheel.” Riku mocking the older man and rolling his own eyes when he saw Kiyoharu do the same, handing the bag back over towards the other. “Shut up and stop ruining the mood and open your present.”
Tattooed fingers wrapped around the string of the bag as he peeked inside, but the other had hidden whatever it was amongst the tissue paper. Letting the bag drop to his side while he moved his free hand too rest on Riku’s shoulder before he gave the smaller man a push to start walking. “First off, it’d be four of us, so you couldn’t be the third wheel. Besides, the girls enjoy your company because you’re like a damn kid yourself and you watch those kid shows with them.” Teasing voice as he felt the others foot steps slow down to his more relaxed pace, some how managing to walk side by side despite the crowds of people rushing by.
“It doesn’t matter, you can’t change my mind.”
Kiyoharu’s eyebrow lifting above the frame of his glasses, staring at what the other had said, simply smirking to himself as he moved and arm around the younger vocalists shoulders, gift still in one hand as he lead the other through the park entrance. “It’s less crowded through here.”
Riku’s eyes looking around the some what deserted park that seemed to be a winter land of its own; separated from the busy life of the city that surrounded it. Lights wrapped around the trees along the walk way and every now and then a couple passing by or a mother with a child at her side. The rushed feeling that the streets pushed onto to the people was gone and replaced with a more subtle and relaxed mood. Snow still slowly falling from the sky and he almost felt he was thousand miles away from the city that was only foot steps away. Shaking his head, as eyes glanced over at Kiyoharu who still had and arm around his shoulders. “You know people are going to get the wrong idea with how close you are too me.” Teasing voice as he felt the arm drop from his shoulder and watched the tattooed hand move back to the side, fingers stuffed in the pocket of his scarf.
“Now look who is ruining the mood.” Small smirk still tugging at the corners of his lips, but it was quickly covered with a confused when he felt the small tug on his sleeve to stop him, Riku slowly pulling him off the walkway from the occasional passing body.
“Well open your present and it’ll help the mood.” Fingers fleeting from the others sleeve as he grabbed the decorated bag from the other, holding it back in front of the others face. Slowly swinging it back and forth, before the other made another grab for it.
“I still say that we can do this tomorrow.” Shaking his head dejectedly and he knew from the others own stubborn attitude they wouldn’t leave this park until he finally looked at what the other gave him. He was curious to know what the other had gotten him, but more determined to open the gift tomorrow with the four of them around the tree, which would happen even if the other said other wise. Taking a small intake of breath before he exhaled, watching his own breath for a small moment before he sat down at the bench.
Fingers pulled at the tissue paper, pushing it to the side as he removed the wrapped the box, eyebrow lifting, wondering just why the other had technically wrapped this twice. “I thought we agreed nothing big?” Moving to pull at the edge of the wrapping paper before he carefully tore the paper apart and pulled the box out, frowning at the next obstacle. Someone had a little too much fun with wrapping his present. Taking the lid off, eyes stared down at the multiple tape cassettes with one particular tape cassette that had a signature on it. Head turning too the stare at Riku with a confused look on his face. “How the hell did you get Mr. K’s cassette tapes first press, let alone an autograph? I mean, thank you. I honestly didn’t think I’d find any of his music, especially the original cassette tapes since he passed away.”
The grin on Riku’s face alone had been the biggest one had yet to seem, watching Riku who simply shrugged his shoulders. “I have my connections, baby.” Of course, he wouldn’t go through explaining the story of the damn adventure he had alone with trying to find them. He had went to pawn shops, thrift shops, old music shops, shopping districts that he had never heard of, and each tape had been bought from a different store. Mr. K may have had been dead, but the man put Riku close to it with the little treasure hunt, but the shocked expression he rarely saw on the others face, made it all the worth while.
“I feel bad for not getting you something as big…” Of course that had been a lie, he never listened to Riku with what he said and he’d never start. It’d be a cold day in hell if ever did. Carefully placing the top back over the box and back into the bag, now understanding why the other had been so eager for him too open it. Realizing just exactly where they were exchanging gifts, he felt like a teenager all over again, Mr. K and the setting had seemed to do a time warp, but if that had happened there would be some odd and disturbing looks at the two. Just for the small fact that he was nine years older then the other and if he had been a teenager all over again, hanging out with Riku so young, shaking his head at those thoughts and simply smiling to himself. He didn’t want to imagine Riku as a kid, just for the simple fact he was probably a bigger brat then he is now, or may be it was vice versa. Fingers moved into the pocket of his scarf and pulling out the simple small wrapped box, holding it in the palm of his hand out towards the other.
Riku now raised his own eyebrow, confused at the small box. “What are you doing, Mori? Proposing to me?” Taking the small gift and carefully and quickly opening the paper, more then eager to know what the devil his self had gotten him. He knew Kiyoharu was a terrible liar at some things, when he said he wouldn’t go out big, he always strayed far from it. Paper tearing as he pulled out the velvet box, more then confused as he opened it and stared down at the necklace. Not saying a word at first as fingers traced along the silver chain that had small stars connecting each part of the chain, carefully moving down to the pendant. The ass just had to show off and go out all big, but he couldn’t even be mad at the other. The pendant with a dragon and snake winded around one another, black topaz decorating the dragons body while the snakes own body had red jewels of his own, slowly turning his head to look up at the other who now had the cocky grin of his own.
“I went back to Justin Davis and with his help of jewelers, I got this designed. I designed it myself and it’s one of a kind. It won’t ever hit the stores, baby.” Words mocking the others own, he wasn’t the year of the dragon like Riku had been the year of snake, but his dragon had been a trade mark of his own just like Riku’s tattoo and he couldn’t count the times he had studied the smaller vocalists tattoo, trying to remember every detail. He had used the same design of both the head and body of the two creatures into the necklace that had a deeper meaning that anyone wouldn’t be able to catch onto, but them. A secret that the world around them wouldn’t even be able to unlock.
Riku not saying a word at first, before he finally got over the initial shock of what the rich bastard had done, frowning before he smacked the others chest. “We said something small, you ass...” Smile on his lips before he carefully shut the case, more then eager to put it on, but decided he would wait for the moment, “…but, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, brat. Now let’s get back to my apartment. I’ve already lost feeling in my feet. I don’t need anything else to loose feeling.”
Both standing up from the bench as they started walking once more, feet crunching against the snow as they headed down the walk way. “I already told you. I’m not going to your apartment; you need to spend it with your ki-“Words cut off when he saw the other turn around, confused at what the older man was up too, before he felt warm fingers cup his chin and lips pressed against his own. Eyes widening when he realized they were in public, glancing around to see that the sneaky bastard had found the moment when no one else was in the park to make his move. He had more then devils luck on his side it seemed. Body finally relaxing against the other’s grip when he saw they were safe from the public and slowly returning the short kiss, before Kiyoharu had pulled away.
Hands stuffed in his pocket with the bag around his wrist, smile on his lips as he continued walking. “Stop trying to be a selfless brat, when we all know you want to do the exact opposite.”
Riku not saying a word at first with his cheeks still burning from the kiss in such a public area, despite the cold wind hitting his flushed skin; momentarily dazed before he quickly moved his own legs to catch up with the other. They always kept their word to one another, no matter what, but the one time they did decided too break it; it had been the best lie they could ever told one another weeks before. Fingers clutched around the small velvet box as he moved to Kiyoharu’s side, feeling the arm discreetly wrapping around him of the inside of his jacket and he wondered just how the other seemed to do such things without the public ever noticing.
They weren’t like most couples who whispered ‘I love you’ every fleeting moment, but they didn’t need the words to remind them. They knew how they felt for one another without the exchange of words and when they had their short, but rare moments, it seemed to top the rest of everyone’s own with just how much more meaningful theirs were. Christmas always did bring out different sides of people, but this would be one Christmas he wouldn’t forget for a long time.