The NY Times has an online game where you can choose what spending to cut or taxes to raise in order to balance the US Federal Budget:
Fun for the whole family! XD
I fixed that sucker in less than 15 minutes. OH, IF ONLY IT WERE REALLY THAT EASY!
Comments 4
...if I could.
Spending: end farm subsidies, reduce nuclear arsenal and space spending, reduce Navy and Air Force fleets*, cancel or delay some expensive weapons programs, reduce US military presence in Asia and Europe**, reduce troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to 60,000 by 2015, enact medical malpractice reform, increase Medicare eligibility age to 68, reduce social security benefits to people with high incomes.
Revenue: Return estate and capital gains taxes to Clinton-era levels, allow Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 to expire, modify payroll taxes to once again include 90% of all income, put 5% surtax on income over $1 million, eliminate tax loopholes, reduce mortgage-interest tax deduction, and tax banks based on size and riskiness of holdings.
*Fun fact: the US has as many operational aircraft carriers as the rest of the world combined.
**Europe is quite capable of defending itself.
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