my heart fought strong (fought strong till it broke in your hand)

Oct 25, 2011 19:20

Let's talk about apocafics (because I say so)! :D

Give me a fandom and any possible (or impossible!) apocalypse scenario and I'll talk about how the characters would fare, whether Character X would hook up with Character C during the dire situation or not, and etc, etc.

If you can't tell, I love apocalypse!AUs! ♥

I need to hear that at least one ( Read more... )

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, genre: horror, meme: fandom, cracks me up

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Comments 41

immortality October 25 2011, 17:39:33 UTC
Oh, that's a cool link for the princesses thing. *bookmarks for later*

Why bother making sperm when you can just use this? Lots of species of animals do it already -- if only humans could learn how to do it, life would be so much easier.


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 18:01:30 UTC
Mmmyes. But isn't it a question of wanting to mix your genes? Seeing as females don't produce sperm, I think a lot of women would gladly let doctors have some of their bone marrow if that means they could produce a baby with their partner, and the child would share both their genes. With parthenogenesis it's a plant or female reptile 'making' a baby with itself, right?

But, man, I ain't no scientist, so what do I know? ;P


immortality October 25 2011, 18:05:20 UTC
Okay, I'm not a Scientist (I know some science, but I'm not an expert), but I've always believed that the concept behind it is just fertilizing an egg with another egg -- it doesn't HAVE to be two eggs from the same person/animal. Hypothetically. Obviously in the animal world it would just be from the same animal because they can't take an egg from one female and put it in another, but obviously we, as humans, can.

It's basically the same as creating a sperm out of an egg, except you're bypassing the whole mess of creating a sperm and just letting the eggs carry on on their own.

Eta: I think they'd just need to figure out exactly how animals are able to fertilize their own cells and how it can be applied to two non-related eggs. It's obviously not easy, but, it seems easier than the sperm thing.


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 18:18:12 UTC
Ah, right, yep -- I see what you're saying and, yes, when you put it like that it actually makes more sense. :P

It's obviously not easy, but, it seems easier than the sperm thing. Yeah, I actually think you're right...

But.. has there been any known cases of parthenogenesis happening when we're talking mammals?


hoshinekoyasha October 25 2011, 18:53:19 UTC
Warehouse 13. Alien invasion labor camps


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 19:13:28 UTC
Lol, okay -- probably more cracktastic than anything else... Okay, quite cracktastic:

Myka, Pete, Claudia and Artie are all forced to work in one of the alien labor camps. Myka finds out that they have the Shroud of Rahmon stashed away in the Warehouse (and I guess this just turned into a crossover with Angel now...): knowing what effect the shroud will have on her, she wraps herself in it, goes on a murderous rampage, killing aliens left and right and manages to help Artie, Claudia and Pete escape, before getting killed by one of the aliens' ray guns.

Ze end.



hoshinekoyasha October 25 2011, 19:14:41 UTC

Dead myka?


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 19:22:12 UTC
I'm afraid so. :-/

The shroud made her loca, you see...


hoshinekoyasha October 25 2011, 18:57:21 UTC
Buffy & Angels. After fighting all the monsters the world is wiped out by mad cow.


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 21:04:26 UTC
Buffy and all the Potentials meet up with Angel and Co. in their big schoolbus. The mad-cow disease has transformed into an altered version of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease at some point, meaning that the Scoobies are in danger now. No meat is safe to eat, so they all have to go vegan. They make use of Angel and Spike as basset hounds, letting them sniff food and everything else to make sure it's not contaminated in any way. :P


hoshinekoyasha October 25 2011, 19:00:04 UTC
Fringe. Over in Japan the magical girls lose and the world is taken over by demons.


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 21:15:40 UTC
Hahaha, which magical girls? ;P Sailor Moon and her gang?

Anyways, the Fringe team head to Japan in order to investigate strange cases of yoma attacks. Walter of course runs around in a yukata and gets drunk off sake on more than one occasion to Astrid's chagrin.

Olivia ends up having to sing karaoke at some point in order to get ahold of some crucial information, but she only ends up getting somewhere when she interviews a couple of teenage girls who seem to know something about all of these attacks yet refuse to say anything... ;P

Bonus points for Olivia Dunham having mad chemistry with Japanese schoolgirls. :D


hoshinekoyasha October 26 2011, 07:17:16 UTC
The Madoka magical girls!


hyena_gal October 26 2011, 12:10:49 UTC
Still haven't watched Madoka, tho. :C


majorrogue October 25 2011, 20:32:40 UTC
Glee and a nuclear bomb!!

and that spanish soap/programme is pretty good!! wish i spoke spanish though!! it'll be interesting to how it goes! :D


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 20:53:20 UTC
Lima post-nuclear bomb is even more depressing than it was before the bomb, if possible.

The only kids from Glee club that survive are Puck, Mike, Brittany, Santana, Quinn, Rachel, Kurt and Karofsky.

First thing Quinn does after the bomb has wiped everyone out is to run off to Shelby's place, Rachel in hot pursuit of her. Shelby is dead, but Beth is alive, although blinded or suffering some other kind of handicap. Cue a ton of angst on that behalf -- the only way Beth can fall asleep the first couple of months afterwards is by having Rachel sing her to sleep. Lots of Faberry stuff happens.

While Santana understands that they all need each other, it stills hurts her when she sees Puck or Rachel hug Brittany. A lot of Brittana stuff happens.

It probably ends with the remaining Glee kids managing to find a big enough car at some point and they head out of Lima, Ohio.

PS. Bonus apperance by Sam later on. ;P

*weeps for my lost nonexisting Spanish skillz* ;__;

Why dem Spanish gurlz hafta be cute tho?


majorrogue October 25 2011, 21:56:27 UTC
i could watch that show!! most of my faves survived and if there is an appearance from Sam, it's all good!! :D

at least some of the vids have subtitles :)


hyena_gal October 25 2011, 22:05:24 UTC
Well, clearly I am awesome and know what I'm doing. *coughcough* ;P I'd write the fic if I had more time. ;D

True... I guess that's more than nothing. ;)


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