Rolling around like I'm ready for a funeral

Sep 29, 2012 17:37

• Read Alison Bechdel's Fun Home and Are You My Mother? and reread Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis. People, go buy them if you don't own them already!

• So, anyone wanna discuss the promo photos of Emma and Regina? And that ensemble pic? :P

• Also, this very short Swan Queen fanvid, because, yes! Good, Very good. The kind that puts ideas in your head ( Read more... )

lovely ladies, teh great gay!, books and books!, fandom: once upon a time, ... rec [fanart/fanvid], ... rec [misc.], otp: trueloveskiss

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Comments 12

majorrogue September 29 2012, 22:07:57 UTC
i think i have fun house but havent read it yet!

i cant decide whether to try to download the new episode/series of Once upon a time! i really like it but....... i don't know!! but anyway that picture of the queen is great!! and of course red riding hood! :D

cooper cat is...... strange!! lol!!

but the amazone warrior is very interesting! i do like hearing about stuff like that! i've always like joan of arc and beodicca (even though i think ive spelt that wrong!!)


hyena_gal September 29 2012, 22:19:34 UTC
Oh man, read it. Can only recommend it. :)

I'm going to watch it - Parrilla is all kinds of nice~ ;) The writers could do something really cool this season - they can go all kinds of directions with the story. But we'll have to wait and see. :P

It's odd, yes, but an amusing little project nonetheless. ;)

I. love. warrior. women! :D

Hee, Boudica, alternative spelling Boadicea. Close enough. ;)


majorrogue September 29 2012, 23:09:04 UTC
It is on my very long list of books to read!! So one day I'm sure I'll get round to it!! Stay tuned for 2019!!!

I am a little bit in love with the evil queen ( can you see a pattern here??!!) but I'm desperately trying to stay away from the real life stuff, just coz I know I'll get sucked in and then won't see the character but the actress!!!
I think it will be very interesting this season, and could be quite a different show!! I'm looking forward to it anyway!

Boudicca/boadicea is one of those words that I have never been able to spell properly! It just has too many weird letters put together!! Lol!! *shrug* :)


hyena_gal September 29 2012, 23:29:18 UTC
I'll just wait. Me and my cane~

They (the writers) are probably going to fuck up, but, hey, we've got fanfic and headcanons! And mine is awesome! :P

To be fair, it's not a name you write every day! ;) Actually think it's the first time I've written the name. :P


hoshinekoyasha September 30 2012, 08:20:09 UTC
Fun home was awesome


hyena_gal September 30 2012, 12:41:44 UTC
Ugh, so good. :D


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