Sorting Rules:
1) Please take your time on your application. You only get two chances to have your application sorted, and if you still don’t get accepted into anything, then you are officially squibbed.
ETA:I should make clear that if there is a coding error on your application and I reject it from being posted in the community, that does not count as being voted upon, and I encourage you to re-send in your application. You will still have two times to have your application voted upon. When you have completed it (after joining
hybrid_sorting) you need to post your application into
ETA2: I should also make clear that if English is not your first language and you state that in your application, the sortee's will not be as harsh on you about your spelling and/ or grammar.
ETA3: I have been asked by multiple members to add this in the rules, so here it is: Please bold the questions in your application. It makes it easier to read for your sorters and well... you want to make it easier on them don't you?
2) Please check out
reparo_elite! This community is open to whoever wants to join in, and its sole purpose is for potential applicants to go find sponsors for their applications! What are Sponsors, you are asking? Oh, well the best way you can get into an elite community, of course! These are people within the community already that help you with your application. They are not there to tell you what to put IN your application. They are there instead to help you with what you have already written. A comparison is a sponsor is like an editor. They are not to change anything you’ve actually written, but they are there to help your writing and your points to be clearer.
3) When your application is in the community, is it suggested that you do not reply to the comments you receive. I would even go as far as to not have comments sent to your e-mail because you will be receiving at least two full pages worth of voting when this community is good and full. If you disagree with a vote, it will not do you good to try and ‘show them the light’. This generally leads to arguments, which will always look bad on you, the applicant. Thus, receiving more squibs.
4) If on your first time you put in the application you get squibbed, don't fret! You have another chance! Although then you have to wait until the next term to send in your application. I suggest you take this time to review your application and apply for a sponsor at
5) MEMBERS: When you are voting please put the House you are a member to in the subject line, as it will be easier for the Headmaster (or whoever is in charge of
hybrid_sorting) to count up points! Each vote can have a maximum amount of three points for each application. You receive three points for putting your House, putting what House you put them in (in italics!) and giving an explanation to the applicant on your vote.
ETA: I didn't think I had to mention this, but you need to mention your name also in your vote.
6) MEMBERS: When you are voting, have it be a new comment and not a reply on another’s comment. Applicants, if you have read the Sorting Rules, please put the phrase "Quaffle" into the lj-cut that is required in the sorting community to show the members that you have read the rules. (Have I not mentioned it? Oh, well, it's required. Lj-cut must be used to hide your application. Ask your Sponsor on how to make one.)
7) MEMBERS: Yes, you may have tags. The reccommended size is 350x200px., but the dimentions have to add up to 550 px. or smaller. We don't want to kill our dial up members, you know.
8) MEMBERS: Squibbing does not mean you do not like the person or would not get along with this person. This means you do not feel that this person would be a valuable part of our discussions and communities. I encourage you to give your honest opinion about the applicant’s application, but make sure to not border-line on attacking the applicant themselves. If you are unsure on what House they should be in, or if you feel they are pushing to be into one House, you have full permission to Squib them. Remember, they have two chances, just like you did, to be accepted into this community. You shall not base your vote on anything besides the knowledge they have on the Harry Potter series and what House you feel, based off of what they mentioned in their application, they should be sorted into. If I find a member is voting members based off of anything else besides this (favorism, religion, race, sex, etc.) they will be expelled for an indefinite amount of time. You may return after a certain amount of times passes (The Headmaster will determine how long.).