Week 16 - Submit!

May 28, 2007 12:07

Week 16: Popular
(Current Count: 0)

All you have to do for this theme is make an icon of your favorite character. :D (Or favorite characters, since you can submit two icons.) Other than that, go wild! No other restrictions ^^ As long as your icon fits the LJ standards, of course XD

Your deadline is 7:00PM PST on Sunday, June 3.

&& Submit all icons to this post. All comments are screened.
&& You may submit up to two icons.
&& The minimum amount of icons needed for a voting post is five, or three from three DIFFERENT iconists.
&& No fanart unless you have explicit permission from the artist to use the art. No doujinshi, either.
&& Don't advertise or use your icon until after voting has concluded.

Good luck! :D

Need screencaps?

(Run by kyokiru)

- hl

week 16, submit

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