Fic: Holding Out For a Hero

Mar 20, 2010 22:01

Title: Holding Out For a Hero
Series: Torchwood
Chracters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Beta: knitchick1979
Spoilers: Children of Earth (TW 3)
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Jack and Ianto have a long needed heart to heart, and make up for it after.
Author's Note: Written for temporal_witch's birthday. I give you something I challenged her to write, some heart-to-heart and loving good times.

Holding Out For a Hero

Jack awoke with a start. It was if the entire world pressed down upon him. His breath rasped in ragged huffs. Letting out a slight groan, Jack struggled to push himself up. His whole body ached in places he had forgotten he had.

Sensing no immediate danger, Jack took his time to let his senses adjust to being alive again. He let out a slow breath, seeming to exhale the pain with the air. Resting his hand on the cold concrete, Jack looked over and saw the alien they had been chasing bagged and tagged.

He stretched his neck, hearing it crack. Pushing himself up from the floor, the coat swirling around him, Jack wondered where Ianto had gone. He let out a sigh, remembering what had happened as they chased down the alien in the small backstage area of the theatre. Jack had stopped the alien from hurting anyone else, but had sacrificed himself in the meantime.

Trudging past the costume shop, Jack thought of calling for Ianto, but decided against it. Cutting through the scene shop, Jack noticed that someone had cleaned up the circular saw. He shook his head. How was he to know that cutting limbs off the alien would not stop it?

Hearing the plinking of a piano somewhere on the stage, Jack crept through the wings. He stood just behind the stage left curtain, hiding in the shadows, as he watched Ianto’s hands fly across the keys of the baby grand. The song sounded familiar, but Jack didn’t have time to think about that.

Jack hung his head, berating himself. He didn’t know Ianto could play the piano. As much as he knew so many intimate details about his lover: that he had a sister named Rhiannon, that his father had passed away, that he liked raspberry jam on his scones despite the little seeds getting stuck in his teeth, that he looked damn sexy in a cilt - yet, Jack had not known this. How hard would it have been to ask what Ianto had done or learned as a child? What else had he not bothered to learn about Ianto?

His head snapped up as Ianto began to hum along to the song. It wasn’t until Ianto began to sing that Jack recognised the song. It wasn’t until Ianto began to sing that Jack knew the man could sing that well.

“Would you dance, if I asked you to dance? Would you run, and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me crying?”

Jack found himself moving out of the shadows. He didn’t know if Ianto couldn’t see him, or if he just didn’t care.

“Would you save my soul tonight? Would you tremble if I touched your lips? Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this,” Ianto sang.

Jack stood behind Ianto, the music washing over him.

“Now would you die for the one you love? Would you hold me in your arms tonight?”

Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto as he leaned in over the younger man’s shoulder. At first Ianto was stiff and hard. Jack whispered into his ear and Ianto softened, leaning into Jack’s hug, still playing the piano.

“I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away,” Jack sang.

Ianto played a couple of more bars and then stopped, staring off into the darkness of the theatre. Jack planted a chaste kiss on Ianto’s temple. Their cheeks nested against each other, both men just breathing. Suddenly Ianto stood up, walking away from the piano and pulling away from Jack.

“Right, now that you’re alive again, I’ll pull the SUV around to the loading dock out back while you bring the alien out.” Ianto pulled the set of keys out of his pocket.

Jack looked at him surprised. “It’s a bit heavy to handle,” Jack protested, hoping Ianto would help him. He liked doing things with Ianto.

“I think you can handle it on your own, you’re good at that,” Ianto stated as he turned his back on Jack and hurried through the theatre.

Jack watched Ianto leave, his heart sinking. Shrugging his shoulders, Jack went about the unenviable task of getting Mr. One Ton alien from the green room to the back doors. By the time the alien was loaded into the boot, Jack was glowing with sweat.

The drive back to the Hub was full of stony silence. Ianto never even looked at him, just concentrated on the road. Jack had wanted to distract him, run his fingers along Ianto’s leg or something, but he could feel the wall his lover had erected.

The silence continued into the Hub, dragging the alien to autopsy, and while cataloguing said alien. Jack would have killed for a coffee, but something told him that if he asked Ianto for a cup he would be the one killed.

Sending the alien down to the morgue, Jack watched as Ianto threw on his suit jacket and headed up the stairs from autopsy. Jack had had enough and threw down the clipboard, sprinting up the other side of the steps. He stood in front of Ianto, hands on his hips.


Jack was cut off as Ianto shouldered past him. Jack grabbed Ianto’s arm, spinning his lover back around to face him. Jack took a couple of steps back, surprised at the stormy look on Ianto’s face. Jack did the only thing he thought would diffuse the situation. He grabbed Ianto by the shoulders and pulled him into his chest and kissed Ianto. Ianto pulled away and punched Jack with a wicked right hook.

“Ianto! What was that for?” Jack asked as he cradled his chin.

“Why do you think I would want to be kissed by you?” Ianto said.

“What happened?”

Ianto glared at Jack, his eyes cold. “You.”

Jack grabbed Ianto by the wrist and dragged him into his office, Ianto squirming and protesting along the way. He threw Ianto down into the chair across from his desk and leaned over him, pinning Ianto’s arms down. Ianto tried to push him away, but Jack held tight.

“Tell me what is going on inside your head,” Jack said, keeping his voice even. Something was wrong, and more than losing his lover, he did not want to lose Ianto.

Ianto stopped moving and seemed to be staring through Jack. Jack held firm to the younger man. Finally Ianto spoke.

“It’s you,” Ianto said softly. “And me.”

“What about us?”

“I can’t take it anymore.”

Jack looked up, unsure of what Ianto had meant. He pulled away from the chair and stepped back. Leaning up against his desk, Jack’s hands dropped to his sides.

“Can’t take what anymore? Can’t take me anymore?”

“Yes,” Ianto said, and Jack’s heart felt as if it had fallen through his chest. “And I can’t take my feelings anymore.”

“What feelings?

“Never mind,” Ianto said, standing up. The Welshman headed for the door.

“Ianto, wait,” Jack said, a lump in his throat. “Please?”

Ianto stopped, his hand on the doorknob, but he did not turn it. “Why?”

“At least tell me what it is? Maybe I can change?”

Ianto let out a derisive laugh. “You can’t change who you are, Jack.”

“I can try?”

“You can’t,” Ianto stated, turning around. “You can’t change the fact that you cannot die.”

“Is that what this is about?” Jack asked standing up. “I never hid that from you.”

“Right, but it never gets easier.”

Jack walked over to Ianto and put a hand on Ianto’s shoulder. He slid it down Ianto’s arm and took the younger man’s hand in his.

“Life never does,” Jack said.

“Neither does watching you die.”

Jack gently tugged on Ianto’s hand, pulling him in. He brought his arms around and enfolded Ianto in a hug. No goofing, no teasing, just hugging. Jack brought his hand up, caressing Ianto’s cheek, Jack’s thumb wiping away the tear that fell from Ianto’s eye.

“What is it, Ianto? Tell me.”

“How many times do I have to watch you die? How many times do I have to hold you as your blood stops running and you turn cold?”

“I’d rather be the one dying than if I had to hold your cold body to mine, knowing there was nothing I could do. At least you know I’ll come back.”

“Do I?”


“Just because you have come back every time, doesn’t necessarily mean you will. After Abaddon it took days. I was sure you were dead for good. You don’t know what this is, what if this is the last time? What if it stops working?”

Jack smiled at him reassuringly. “Trust me, Ianto. I have it on good authority that you’re stuck with me for a very long time.”

“Who? Your Doctor?” Ianto pulled away. “I’m sorry, it’s just that after Tosh and Owen, I don’t think I can take another Torchwood death.”

Jack’s heart shattered. How had he let Ianto feel like this and he hadn’t known? Owen and Tosh’s deaths had affected him more than he had ever admitted to Ianto or Gwen. For as close as they were, sometimes the one thing they failed to do was communicate.

He swooped in on Ianto, his hands on the younger man’s waist, holding him close. All he wanted to do was take Ianto away from a life of worry, but instead they had to deal with all the craziness of not just life, but a life in Torchwood. Jack brought Ianto into him, moulding his body to his lover.

Cradling Ianto’s head in the crook of his neck, Jack just held him tight. He rubbed Ianto’s back as his lover clung to him, groping Jack with abandon. It was as if Ianto needed to be reassured that Jack was truly there. Jack could feel Ianto’s heart beating against his chest.

“Hush, it’s okay,” Jack said. “I will never leave you.”

Ianto pulled his head back, looking Jack in the eyes. “Even if I grow old?”

“I like older men,” Jack stated, giving Ianto a wink.

“You like any men,” Ianto said, smiling weakly.

“Only if they’re you.” Jack gently kissed Ianto on the lips.

His hands ghosted over Ianto’s body and up to the younger man’s neck. Ianto leaned in, his lips brushing against Jack’s cheek. Jack exhaled slowly as Ianto gave him little kisses on his jaw, his ear, his forehead.

“Do you forgive me?” Jack asked.

“There’s nothing to forgive you for,” Ianto said. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

“I’m not even used to it,” Jack retorted. “How about we start new again? Let’s not worry about death, but live life.”

“And what did you have in mind?”

“You, Ianto Jones, all of you.”

Jack kissed Ianto hard, his fingers trailing along Ianto’s body. He could feel Ianto moan into his mouth as Jack ran his thumbs over Ianto’s nipples through his shirt. He continued to kiss Ianto, his tongue parting his lover’s lips, as Jack undid each button individually. In one move, he slid off Ianto’s shirt, waistcoat and suit jacket all at once.

Ianto chuckled against Jack’s lips. Jack stopped what he was doing and looked at Ianto quizzically.

“For once you’re more overdressed than I am,” Ianto replied.

“We’ll have to remedy that, won’t we?” Jack said.

Jack kicked off his boots, not even bothering to undo the laces. He slid his braces off, and as they hung down his sides, Jack undid his trousers and dropped them to the floor. He could feel the cool air on his bare legs and walked out of his puddled trousers, pushing Ianto against the far wall.

He languidly licked at Ianto’s neck as his lover undid the buttons on Jack’s shirt. Ianto pushed it off Jack and tugged on the edge of Jack’s undershirt. Pulling the shirt over Jack’s head, Ianto’s hands strayed and played with Jack’s hair. Jack nipped at Ianto’s pulse point and sucked on the mark on Ianto’s neck. Jack licked at the deepening bruise.

“Did that make you feel better?” Ianto asked.

“Very,” Jack replied as he dropped his shorts and kicked them to the side.

Grabbing Ianto by the shoulders, Jack spun him around, pressing Ianto against the wall. He undid Ianto’s belt and trousers and slid them down the younger man’s body. Jack tugged off Ianto’s shoes and socks leaving him completely naked. Jack slowly licked his way up Ianto’s body, from his feet to his knees, and kissed his arse. He gently nipped at Ianto’s arse cheek, making his lover jump. Jack gave it a light smack and leaned against Ianto, delighting in the younger man’s heat. Ianto turned his head, kissing Jack on the lips. The touch reminded Jack of being alive.

“You do realise the nearest lube might be in your desk drawer across the room,” Ianto whispered.

“The nearest is in my desk,” Jack purred. “From the last time when you surprised me with-”

Ianto shut Jack up by kissing him again. “Shut up and get it if you want to do more than kiss.”

Jack gave Ianto’s earlobe a lick and reluctantly left the feel of Ianto’s body. He sprinted across the room and yanked open the top drawer, grabbing the small tube. Looking up, he grinned as Ianto walked towards him.

“What?” Ianto asked.

“You are beautiful,” Jack replied, draping his hands around Ianto’s shoulders.

“You should talk,” Ianto stated as he sank to his knees in front of Jack.

Jack’s breath caught in his chest as Ianto’s lips wrapped around his shaft. Ianto pressed down with his lips as his tongue flicked at Jack’s slit. Jack’s back arched as Ianto ran his fingers up Jack’s thighs. Ianto ran his tongue along the underside of Jack’s cock, making it twitch and harden. All Ianto needed to ever do was merely touch Jack. He wanted Ianto so badly, especially after tonight, but not here, not in his office. Ianto deserved more than that. Jack grabbed Ianto by the shoulders, pulling him upwards. With a little groan, Ianto let go of Jack and stood up.

“What?” Ianto asked,a little hurt in his voice.

“Not here,” Jack said, running his fingertips in circles around Ianto’s nipples. “Downstairs, my bed.”

“All right,” Ianto said, smiling weakly.

He took Jack’s hand in his and headed for the ladder down to Jack’s quarters. Before he let go, Jack brought Ianto’s hand up to his lips, kissing each finger and each knuckle. Ianto looked at Jack.

“Never leave me Ianto Jones.”

“I hope I never have to,” Ianto stated.

Jack tugged on Ianto’s hand, pulling his lover back into him, their bodies pressing together, their penises throbbing side-by-side. He kissed Ianto’s lower lip and then his nose, and gave him one more deep, penetrating kiss on the lips. He didn’t need to say ‘I love you.’

fic, torchwood, jack harkness, ianto jones

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