Fic: Longing

Feb 20, 2010 17:36

Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen, Owen, Ianto, Jack, Tosh
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Greeks Bearing Gifts (TW 1.7)
Beta: luvinthe88and20
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Sometimes a woman's needs must be met, no matter what is the outcome.
Author's Notes: Written for the tw_lucky_7 sin prompt of "Lust."

She could smell him on her. If Gwen sniffed really hard she could still smell that god awful aftershave he insisted on wearing so much of. But, under that, she could smell him.

She should have been concentrating on finishing her report on the alien artefact the team had brought in two days ago. It had been a simple retrieval, a quick nab and grab, but the report had to cover the extra two hours it took for her and Owen to get back to the Hub. No one said anything about the sudden burst of traffic they had hit getting back from Llandridod Wells, not even Tosh, the poor delusional dear.

Out of the corner of her eye, Gwen took notice as Jack and Owen passed by her desk, Owen giving a dissertation on the latest Weevil tests he had been running. Gwen squirmed in her seat, feeling rather warm as her mind flashed to herself sandwiched between Owen and Jack. Owen ramming her from behind, nibbling on the back of her neck while Jack plunged deep into her wet pussy, running his slightly calloused fingers across her nipples. Ever since he had first taken her hand in his up on the rooftop, she could imagine Jack’s touch on various parts of her body.

Ianto set a steaming cup of coffee in front of her, cream and sugar just how she liked, and Gwen smiled sweetly at him. She picked it up and took a sip, a low moan echoing from her as the sweetness mingled with the tart of the coffee. Just like her and Owen.

“Everything all right?” Ianto asked, looking at her inquiringly.

“Mmmhhmm… Oh yes, Ianto. Everything’s perfect,” Gwen replied, or would be as soon as she get could Owen alone and shag the hell out of him.

“Good,” Ianto said, giving her a half smile and continuing on his way, dropping off a fresh cup of coffee by Tosh.

An hour later, Gwen had finally finished with her report and put it aside. She rubbed her hands along her thighs, feeling a desire rising in her. Her breathing became haggard as she picked up the phone and dialed. She waited, wondering if he would answer this time. Finally Gwen got the answering machine.

“Hello love, I guess you must be out with Banana or something. I can’t make it home tonight Rhys, unfortunately something came up at work. Don’t worry about me love, I’ll see you soon,” Gwen said and hung up the phone.

To be honest she had no clue where Rhys was. He could have had his own trollop on the side, she certainly did. It’s not like Rhys was sleeping with her at night anymore. Hell, who could blame him with all the baggage she brought: work, Owen, Torchwood alone was enough to make a person go nutters.

She crossed her legs, trying to stop the thoughts. Looking around, Gwen noticed that Tosh had disappeared upstairs working on one of her special projects while Jack and Ianto had gone who knows where, doing who knows what. Gwen wrinkled her nose in thought, a smile spreading across her face as she realised what Jack and Ianto probably were doing. Her face flushed and her pussy moistened.

Gwen hurriedly stood up and ducked into the autopsy bay. Owen was hard at work dissecting an alien cadaver they had appropriated from the local fishermen. He was so intent on his work, he didn’t seem to notice her until she was right behind him.

“What do you want, Cooper?” Owen asked, not even looking at her.

She trailed her fingers along the edge of the autopsy table, walking around it until she was standing across from him. Gwen pushed out her chest, wanting to lick Owen’s neck as he stretched, reaching for a scalpel.

“What do you think I want?” She asked back, her voice husky.

Owen glanced up at her and then proceeded to slice into the chest cavity of the alien. “Yeah, well, I don’t have time.”

“You found plenty of time the other day in the SUV,” she roughly hissed at him.

He walked away to the other end of the table, by the tray of medical instruments. Gwen licked her lips as she noticed the way his body moved, so long and languid, wanting to feel his chest muscles grinding against her own tits. She bit down on her lower lip, nearly devouring Owen with her eyes alone. He felt her staring at him and looked up at her, clutching the forceps in his hand.

“Not tonight,” Owen said.

“Yes,” Gwen replied.

Owen threw the forceps back down onto the metal tray, the clang echoing off the walls of autopsy. Before he could complain any more Gwen strode towards Owen, pushing him up against the short wall under the stairs. Her hand shot down and she grabbed his cock through his jeans, squeezing it. She didn’t care who saw them on CCTV. She wanted Owen here and now. She needed him inside her. Gwen needed the closeness of someone on her, with her, in her.

“Gwen,” Owen stammered out, glancing upwards.

“No one’s coming, except the two of us tonight that is,” Gwen whispered in his ear as she pressed him against the wall.

Her other hand snaked up his body, entwining her fingers in his short hair. Gwen slowly licked her way down his neck and back up to his mouth. Forcing her lips on his, Gwen silenced the protest Owen was about to start. She pressed about his lips and her tongue darted into his mouth. Gwen could feel Owen’s cock harden in her hand and smiled. Owen moaned as she removed her hand from his jeans, but he started as she undid his belt and dove her hand down into his pants. His cock felt on fire and she wanted it here and now.

Pulling his cock free of his jeans, Gwen pulled back, undoing her jeans and dropping them to the floor, her long top covering her arse. She slid her leg between Owen’s, rubbing her knee against his penis.

“Here? Now?”


“If Jack sees he might want to join in,” Owen said, kissing her neck.

“Let him,” Gwen replied, a smirk on her face.

Sliding her panties down, she grabbed Owen’s cock and guided it into her already dripping wet pussy. Grabbing him by the hips, Gwen ground her pussy onto him. She licked at the vein on his neck and then bit down, feeling the heat of him.

“You’re going to leave a mark,” Owen griped.

“Wouldn’t be anything new for you,” Gwen replied.

She lolled her tongue in small circles around the deepening bruise. Owen was hers and she needed him. Holding on to his shoulders she rocked back and forth along his body, feeling him slide in and out of her. His hands trailed down to her arse, making her jump as he grabbed both cheeks. Owen started guiding her body back and forth. She knew he wouldn’t say no to a good fucking.

Gwen was already so aroused, and Owen knew a thing or two about the female anatomy. Her fingers dug into his arms as he slid two fingers into her pussy and started playing with her clit, along with plunging deep into her. Burying her head into his chest, Gwen tried to muffle her scream. She nearly sucked Owen’s shirt down her throat as she came, the waves of energy flowing through her, her legs stiff as all she wanted was Owen inside of her.

Gwen reached up, her hands on either side of Owen’s neck as the orgasm began to fade. She kissed him so hard, his head bounced into the brick wall. She ate up his cry as her hands ran down his chest, under his labcoat and gave a pinch to his balls. Owen pulled back looking at her, a need of his own. Smiling at Owen, Gwen gave a quick nip to his lips and then pulled away, pulling up her panties and jeans.

“Where are you going?” Owen huffed out, still standing at attention.

“Someone might catch us. I should get home,” Gwen replied, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed. She would have to make it up to Rhys that night. “You might want to zip up, I can see a bit of a cock there.”

Gwen didn’t even pay attention to what Owen was saying as she tried to straighten out her hair as she ran up the stairs out of autopsy. She grabbed her purse and jacket from her desk and turned around, nearly colliding with Jack.

He looked her up and down, hands in his pockets. God, what she would give to rip those braces off him and fuck him down in the cells. With all that experience he must be heaven to have. Behind Jack, she noticed Ianto puttering around and let out a sigh.

“Going home?” Jack asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Yes. I didn’t think there was anything else to do today, barring a Rift alarm,” Gwen replied, jacket already on.

“Right,” Jack said as he stepped out of her way. “Say hi to Rhys for me.”

Gwen could feel her eyes flash in anger as she walked past Jack. She didn’t even say a word to Ianto or Tosh, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as she hurried out the door. Oh she would “say hi” to Rhys that night, no matter how in the mood he felt.

toshiko sato, torchwood, jack harkness, lucky 7, ianto jones, gwen cooper, owen harper

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