Fic: (Un)Balanced Days

Oct 02, 2009 15:23

Title: (Un)Balanced Days
Series: Torchwood
Characters: OFC's/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Beta: luvinthe88and20
Spoilers: Basic Torchwood background, if you know what Jack and Ianto do on their free time, you won't be surprised.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. The characters of this AU universe belong to knitchick1979. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: The Rift has a way of making things interesting for Torchwood, despite what parallel universe they are in.
Author's Notes: Important note this time. I got to play in another universe, in the Torchwood AU of knitchick1979, led by Captain Jacqueline Harkness (You should go check out her TARDIS Big Bang story here.). I owed her a story from earlier in the year, and this plot bunny did a cannonball into my brain. And yes, it is canon Ianto.

(Un)Balanced Days

Captain Jacqueline Harkness knew she would be in trouble if she didn't take charge of the situation, especially after Gwynn's reaction to watching her grope Owena's ass for like a minute. Owena only pulled away and started raising a ruckus when her fingers found themselves pushing into Owena's crack through her trousers and panties.

Jacqueline slumped down in her chair, putting her desk between her and anyone else who would enter her office at the moment. She put her head in her hands, her dark hair falling forward, shielding her face. She concentrated on her breathing, trying to ignore the heat rising in her.

Hearing the office door close, she dared not to look up. If it was Gwynn with another of his sanctimonious "caring" remarks, she would kill him. She would shag the shit out of him and then she would kill him. A soft throat clearing made her head snap up.

"What the he-" Jacqueline's voice caught in her throat.

In front of her stood Iana, hair up in a bun and wearing a smart red skirt suit. Jacqueline felt herself getting hornier with each passing second and found herself staring at Iana's lips, Iana's full and tasty lips… She quickly turned her head away.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Iana asked.

Jacqueline gave Iana her trademark Harkness grin, trying to make it seem like she didn’t have a care in the world. "What makes you think that something's wrong?" she scoffed.

Iana leaned forward across the desk, her chest inches from Jacqueline's mouth. She swore she could see Iana's nipples poking through her shirt. Jacqueline's mind immediately flashed to the last five things she had done to Iana's nipples in the last week alone.

"You don't normally try and put your hand down Owena's pants in front of everyone in the middle of the Hub," Iana coolly replied. "What happened out there? Toshiyuki said all you two found was some piece of alien apparatus, but he said it didn’t seem to do anything." Iana's blue eyes flashed with worry. "He also said you were alone with it for about five minutes while he went to go clean the company’s records."

Jacqueline knew Iana could see the lust in her eyes, because every other part of her was filled with such a desirous need for the young woman. Standing up, Jacqueline nearly flew around her desk, and grabbed Iana around the waist. With a simple jerk, she yanked Iana to her, their hips pressed against each other.

Her hand trailed up Iana's body, and caressed her neck. Holding tight, Jacqueline brought Iana's head in, and crushed her lips against the other woman's. Jacqueline pulled back and kissed Iana again and again. She nipped at Iana's lower lip, as a growl escaped her throat.

"Jacque-" Iana's voice was cut off as Jacqueline's tongue found it's way into her mouth and reached for her throat.

Jacqueline's hands groped around Iana's chest and she expertly undid the buttons to the younger woman's top. Sliding it off Iana, Jacqueline hurriedly unhooked Iana’s bra and tossed it in front of the closed door. Jacqueline quickly swooped down, taking one nipple gently in her teeth. She slightly tugged at it, running her tongue along the tip, making Iana moan.

"Jacqueline, you need to stop," Iana said, her voice husky.

"No," Jacqueline forcefully replied.

Hands on Iana's shoulders, Jacqueline pushed the younger woman down onto the settee. Before Iana could object, Jacqueline was straddling her. Jacqueline's skirt rose up and she could feel the silky material of Iana's skirt rubbing against her panties, exciting her. Looking down over Iana, she kissed her deeply, hands finding the barrette that held back Iana's hair. Undoing the bun, Jacqueline ran her fingers through the black hair, smelling the faint smell of strawberry shampoo.

Her thumb ran over Iana's hard nipples, and Jacqueline leered at the excited expression across the younger woman's face. As Iana cast a worried glance towards the closed door, Jacqueline kissed her again. Her hand ran along Iana’s body, tickling her rib cage and feeling the softness of Iana's skin. Jacqueline's hands continued downward, and moved up under Iana's skirt. Her fingers peeked under the panties and ran along Iana's pussy lips. Iana gasped out loud as Jacqueline's finger moved in and against Iana's clit.

Jacqueline grinned like crazy as she continued to finger Iana's pussy. Iana moaned and writhed under her. Moving her hand along Iana's leg, Jacqueline grasped Iana's knee. She hovered over Iana, breathing in and out with her.

"Jacqueline, what? What happened?" Iana gasped out in between laboured breaths.

"I think there might have been something about that artefact," Jacqueline said between kisses to Iana's lips and nipples.

"And this?" Any further questions from Iana were muffled by Jacqueline's tongue.

Putting both hands on either side of Iana's face and holding her close, Jacqueline kissed Iana deeply, feeling the breath from her nose tickle Jacqueline's cheek. Jacqueline looked intensely into Iana's eyes. She closed her eyes as she felt Iana's hands grab her hips.

She suddenly smelled a deep musky scent and her eyes popped open. Jacqueline pulled back, breathing hard, her mind focusing on the young man in a suit jacket and purple shirt. His blue eyes looked at her in shock. One thing she noticed is how full of lust his eyes were as well. She remained straddling him.

Grabbing the strange man's tie, she held it tight, her other hand against his throat. "What the hell did you do to Iana," Jacqueline snarled.

"What! Who are you?" the man asked, trying to breathe through the stranglehold she had on him

"Captain Jacqueline Harkness," she replied. She laid down on him, pressing against him. Jacqueline could feel the hard bulge in his trousers. A brief smile played across her face, wanting it.

"Did you say Harkness?" the man asked.

"Yes," she snapped. "Now, who are you? Before I throw you downstairs in the cells with the Weevils?"

"Perhaps I shouldn't…" the man started, but quickly stopped as Jacqueline's hand flew down to his cock and grabbed it hard.

"A little excited, aren’t we?" Jacqueline asked. "What were you doing before you popped in here?"

His hand covered hers as it still held on tightly to his throbbing cock. He half closed his eyes, as a shudder passed through him. He snapped them open and his blue eyes looked at her intensely. Moving her hand up to his hair, she entwined her fingers in them and pulled his head back. Jacqueline licked at the exposed throat.

He breathed in and out rather heavily. "You probably shouldn’t be doing this."

"Would you rather have me interrogate you the way that will hurt more," Jacqueline said as she licked up his throat to his ear. She breathed against his ear, making him shudder again. Jacqueline then kissed him and her tongue explored his mouth. She pulled back grinning at him. "Cat got your tongue, or was it me?"

"Captain, please don't," he pleaded with her.

"That won’t help," she said as she pulled the shirt out of the waistband of his trousers. Her hands snaked down into his trousers and she wrapped her fingers around his throbbing member.

"Captain Harkness, please!" The man put one hand on her wrist and pulled up and pushed on her shoulder with the other hand, throwing her off balance and pushing her off.

Jacqueline fell to the floor, landing on her arse, legs spread open. She glared at him, trying to decide between fucking him right there or cutting off his manhood to teach him a lesson. The man stood up, his clothes rumpled, staring at her.

Quickly scrambling to her feet, Jacqueline bolted behind her desk and flung open the top right drawer. She could see his eyes darting between where she was going and the door that led out to the Hub. She nearly stopped as he looked to the opening that led to her private quarters.

Pulling out her Webley handgun and training it on him, she cocked the weapon. Even his adam's apple stopped moving. The man tensed up, inching closer to the entrance to her quarters. Jacqueline moved around the desk and pointed the gun straight at his heart.

"Where the bloody hell do you think you are going?" Jacqueline asked tersely.

He held out his hands, and all Jacqueline wanted to do was nibble on his wrists, lick them, and then lick up his arms to his strong chest. She shook her head, trying to focus on the fact that this sexy looking man was an intruder and something had happened to Iana.

"Captain Harkness, please, don’t do this. I don’t mean you any harm," he said.

"They all say that," she quipped, stepping closer to him, gun still trained on him. "Name, and how the hell did you get in here?"

"If I tell you my name, it could be a very bad thing," he said.

"I think you have no choice in the matter," she said, bringing the gun up to his chest, inches from him. "What did you do with Iana?"

"Who is Iana?" he asked, trying to not stare at the gun.

"Iana Jones," she said, her heart leaping as she mentioned Iana's name. "An employee of Torchwood, and my friend."

The door suddenly opened and the man in the suit took the opening and nearly dived down the manhole into her quarters. Jacqueline twirled around, uncocking the gun. She flipped open her vortex manipulator and locked the other door to her bedroom, and released a low level gas into the chamber. She shoved the gun back into the desk drawer.

"Bloody fucking hell Jacqui, do I want to know what you and Iana are doing in here so long?" Dr. Owena Harper asked as she waltzed in to Jacqueline's office, clipboard in hand.

"Don’t call me Jacqui. If you are so worried, you should knock next time," Jacqueline replied.

"Yeah well, I think after how much you felt me up earlier, much less the things you have done to me in my own bed, I don’t think anything could surprise me," Owena scoffed.

"What do you want?" Jacqueline said, crossing her arms and legs, her pussy wet and throbbing. She worked on concentrating on just Owena.

"I need your signature on this crap so I can go and get the Marquen bodies from the hospital. UNIT's being all protective." Owena held out the clipboard.

Jacqueline snatched it from her and scribbled her name across the line. She shoved it back at Owena and leaned in close to her, wanting to kiss Owena. Jacqueline swallowed hard. "Take Gwynn and Tosh with you, you'll need the help."

Owena held up the discarded bra from the floor and tossed it at Jacqueline, who neatly caught it. Rolling her eyes, Owena let out a groan. "If you dare use my desk again, please clean off the butt marks this time," she said as she exited.

"Leaving mementos for you is half the fun," Jacqueline snarked.

Jacqueline was busy fingering herself wishing this feeling would finally go away as she leered at the mystery man she had tied up spread eagle to her bed. He was quite gorgeous, all naked and vulnerable. She looked down at the wallet in her other hand, raising an eyebrow. Maybe, not so mysterious.

Groaning as he came to, the man reacted to the cuffs on his ankles and wrists. Pulling on them he quickly roused himself and held his head up, staring at her. She reluctantly stopped the pleasure and leaned forward in her chair. Licking her lips, she noticed how he looked down his naked body and back at her. She grinned at how much he was still at attention.

Kneeling down between his legs, she ran her fingertips up and down his cock, tracing the vein. He let out a moan through his clenched lips. Her thumb traced over the tip of his cock, feeling it swell.

"So, Ianto Jones, do you want to tell me just where you came from and what happened to Iana?" Her other hand reached down and pinched his balls.

Ianto seemed like he was trying to not squirm under the attention she kept paying to his balls. Jacqueline had to admit, she was quite impressed at his stoicness; or was it just plain stubbornness that would end up getting him killed? She stroked his cock again, making sure he was nice and hard. Ianto leaned his head back against the bed, breathing through his mouth.

Jacqueline leaned back and raised an eyebrow at him, shooting him a very dark look. “Who are you Ianto Jones?” Jacqueline quickly slapped his hard cock. “Who sent you?” She slapped it again. “Why are you here?” Another slap. “What did you do with Iana?” She slapped it hard.

Ianto’s head bobbed up and down, and she could see his muscles tightening. He glared at her. “I’m from Torchwood,” he roughly said.

She crawled over his naked body, making sure to touch as much of it as she could. Her skirt around her hips, she straddled his chest. Entwining her fingers into his dark curls, she held tight to his head, yanking it up. She smiled as he looked at her and then at her lack of underwear.

Jacqueline leaned down over him, and licked at Ianto’s lips. “Of course you’re from Torchwood,” she nearly purred. “But Torchwood One is extinct, that bitch Yvonne made sure of that. You still have an ID for Torchwood One buried in your wallet.”

“I work for Torchwood, Cardiff,” Ianto quickly replied. “Or did,” Ianto muttered.

“Right… Why don’t I feel like believing that,” she replied. Jacqueline found herself wondering just how talented his tongue was.

Manoeuvring her body upwards, Jacqueline still held Ianto’s head as she lined up her pussy with him. He started to protest as she pulled him into her, those Welsh vowels reverberating inside her and making Jacqueline shiver. Suddenly he stopped and remained still.

As Jacqueline was starting to wonder if she was being too aggressive, a tongue shot out and licked along the inside of her pussy. She let go of Ianto’s hair as it suddenly found her clit and began flicking it back and forth with its tip. The tongue swirled around inside her and Jacqueline let out a moan. His tongue ran along her lower lips and then zeroed in on her rosebud once more. His tongue teased it, lapping gently against it.

Slamming her palms against the wall at the head of the bed, Jacqueline braced herself as Ianto raced his tongue around her. Jacqueline tried to focus. She didn’t want to cum all over that gorgeous face, although that would be quite fun. She looked over her shoulder at his well-endowed member and knew what she wanted. Jacqueline begrudgingly lifted herself off of Ianto, already craving his ministrations and nearly slid down him, her intent clear.

“Oh, good gods! Even for a Harkness, please don’t! What would your father say?” Ianto pleaded with her, his chest heaving as he breathed heartily.

“My father?” she coolly replied. “He’s been dead for years.”

Ianto went quiet, and then he nearly whispered, “The date. What is the date?”

“September 22, 2008,” Jacqueline said, her mind trying to figure out what he was thinking, and her body wanting to just hump him, especially since she could feel his penis against her warm ass.

“2008… That means you’re not his daughter… Oh gods! You’re him,” Ianto said, looking at her incredulously.

“Him who?” Jacqueline asked, wondering if there was another man just as gorgeous as him, and if she would have time for a threesome, and to save Iana.

Ianto let out a deep sigh. “Captain Jack Harkness, the commander of Torchwood Three, Cardiff. At least in my world.” Ianto let his muscles relax a bit.

“Captain Jack Harkness?” she said, sitting on Ianto. Jacqueline began to absently play with Ianto’s nipples, running her nails in circles around them, as she ruminated on the info he had just given her.

She smirked as she watched him try and not moan. He shouldn’t deny it, Jacqueline could already tell that his nipples were so hard, they could cut glass. She playfully pinched the one, and then tugged on it. Jacqueline climbed off Ianto and smoothed down her skirt. She headed for the ladder that led back up to her office.

“Where are you going?” Ianto asked, slight trepidation in his voice.

“Back up to my office to check out a few things,” she replied, one foot on the first rung of the ladder.

“Are you going to just leave me like this?” Ianto asked.

“Yes,” Jacqueline simply said. “And I would stay quiet if I were you. Don’t make me gag you, I have some gags even Iana has not seen yet that I would love to use on you.” She walked back to the bed, hovering over him. Running her fingers over his full lips, she said, “If you’re a good boy, I’ll shag you senseless before I kill you. Maybe I’ll even use the strap-on.”

Smiling as he started breathing heavily, Jacqueline leaned down and kissed him, softly, her lips lingering on his. His blue eyes followed her as she hurried back across the room and up the ladder. If this thing didn’t wear off soon, she might have to ask-

Jacqueline shook her head as she headed back into her office. It had been a couple of years since her and Owena had succumbed to their desires. Since then, Jacqueline had made a promise to never put Owena in a situation like that again, especially if she did not want it. Now, Jacqueline had Iana, although Owena took things to a farther edge then Iana ever had. She sat down at her computer, running scans, shoving the thoughts of both women in bed to the back of her mind.

Jacqueline didn’t know whether to be grateful the team had not asked about Iana when they returned, or worrisome over the fact that they did not notice she was still not around. She unlatched the secondary entrance to her private quarters and opened the door. The team thought she had gone down to the archives, so she just came back up the secondary tunnels. Toshiyuki knew she never spent this much time in her quarters, especially during the day.

She was quite pleased to see that Ianto was still awake, and he seemed ready for whatever was coming through the door. His eyes were bright and he held his breath. Jacqueline quietly closed the door behind hr and quickly strode over to Ianto, her fingers wrapping around his cock. She massaged it a moment and then let her hand glide around his body to his ass. She leered at him and cupped the ass cheeks heartily. One finger worked along his crack to his asshole, poking upwards. Ianto’s hips moved up, pulling away a bit, but yet he remained quiet.

“Good boy,” she crowed. Jacqueline shut her eyes a moment, bringing her hands back to her sides. She took a deep breath and then looked at him. “You can relax a bit,” she replied. “The effects of the artefact are starting to wear off.”

Jacqueline uncuffed his ankles and watched as he shook out his legs, making his penis dance. Her mind was momentarily distracted as she realized that maybe it had not fully worn off yet.

“Thank you,” he softly replied. “You don’t think you could undo the others so I can go use the toilet?” Ianto tugged at the cuffs on his wrists.

Undoing the wrist cuffs, she watched as he flexed his muscles. Biting her lower lip, she wondered if this other Captain Harkness realized what a good thing he had. Ianto sat up on the bed, and Jacqueline’s eyes raked over his features, finally resting on the eyes that just stared at her. She tossed his trousers and shirt at him.

“You’ll get the rest when you come back,” Jacqueline stated, holding up his briefs.

“Thank you,” he said, standing up stiffly. He headed for the door. “I heard the team come back. Is there still a small private water closet down this hallway?”

“Yes,” she replied. As Ianto passed by her, Jacqueline quickly snapped a blue, metallic bracelet on his wrist. “You may be as clean as someone who does not exist in my universe, but that does not mean I have to fully trust you, especially when there are others I care about in this facility.”

Ianto just shook his head and silently slipped out the door. Jacqueline opened her vortex manipulator and kept a constant scan on him. She opened his wallet again and pulled out the couple of photos he had tucked in there. The top one was of two young children, a boy and a girl. Cheesy smiles and all, they were cute.

Noticing the blip on her scan moving quickly back to her quarters, Jacqueline tucked the photos back in to the wallet pocket. She was staring at his various ID’s as he re-entered her quarters.

“How long have you worked for Torchwood, Ianto Jones?” Jacqueline regarded him, quirking one eyebrow.

“All together? About five years,” he stated, sitting down in the chair in front of her. He began to fidget with the bracelet, but did not attempt to take it off.

“Wouldn’t work, it’s deadlocked sealed,” she said. “It’s only deactivated through a specific code when it’s inputted into my wrist strap.” She closed the wrist strap and tossed his wallet back at him, smiling as he caught it. “You’ve probably seen and experienced some interesting things in those five years.”

Ianto harrumphed. “So, what are you going to do with me? You admit I’m not from your universe, and apparently I know too much about Torchwood to just be allowed to roam free.”

“That is true,” she stated. She paced a bit in front of him and then stopped, inches from his body. Jacqueline waited until he looked up at her. “I don’t know about your Captain Harkness, but I want my employee… I want Iana back.”

“But we don’t know why we were switched or what happened? Could it have something to do with that alien artefact you mentioned?”

“No. That… That was basically a super massive dose of intergalactic Viagra for lack of a better description.” She started pacing away from him, hands clasped behind her back. “It would have to have been a very localized burst of something to switch only people in my office. No other reports have come in about any odd switcho-chango’s.”

“The date,” Ianto replied. “It’s the same date in both universes, and I believe it was the same time.”

“Noon, on the dot,” Jacqueline said. “At least here.”

“There, too.” Ianto let out a sigh, and Jacqueline watched his body slump forward. He looked so defeated, she wanted to just scoop him up and nibble on him until his troubles were gone. “At least both of us didn’t switch, and you tried sexing up Gwen or Owen. I can just imagine her explaining to Rhys why she was late for their date to g-“ Ianto stopped and looked at her, really looked at her.

“Yes,” she said. She wondered if Jack, Gwen and Owen were treating Iana well. Although, how she had treated Ianto was… different than expected, to say the least. Looking at him once more, she definitely wouldn’t mind sleeping with him, but nearly raping the boy? She would have to remedy that.

“It’s the equinox,” he stated. “The autumnal equinox, fall!”

“A doorway day,” she hurriedly said. “A day when the portals between worlds are at their thinnest!” She slipped her hands into the small pockets in the side of her skirt as she began to pace some more.

"I think I know why only Iana and I switched," Ianto stated.

She twirled around, staring intently at him. "Tell me."


"Positions? What? Status?"

"No," he said slowly. "Actual positions. We were in exactly the same position, you and Jack were not. He was standing between my legs and his hands were on my neck, not my face. I was sitting in his office chair, but in the same position. That's how I knew something was different right away."

Jacqueline pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time. "It's nearly midnight. We might still have a chance to reverse this." She tossed him his shoes and socks, along with his tie and jacket. "Hurry up."

"What about my-"

"Oh, I'm keeping those," Jacqueline said, tossing his briefs onto a shelf above her.

Ianto sighed and hurriedly got dressed. Jacqueline gave him a look and then cocked her head to the side and headed up the ladder to her office. She could hear Ianto following her. Popping up, she hauled herself soundlessly out of the hole and neatly landed on her feet. She went to the door in the darkened office and peered out at the Hub as Ianto stood behind her.

"Stay here," she said and then sauntered into the Hub.

"Jacqueline?" Toshiyuki asked. "What are you doing coming out of your office?" He sat in front of his computer still typing away.

"I had to check on Iana, Tosh. I just took the other way. Why don’t you leave the program on auto-pilot for the night," Jacqueline said as she put a hand over his fingers. "Go home, you deserve it."

"That would mean he might have some fun," Gwynn Cooper said from behind her.

Jacqueline turned to him. "You too, Gwynn. I'm surprised Rhea hasn’t called my mobile wondering where you are yet." She gave him a look. "Go home, and sex up your girlfriend or whatever you two do for fun, and then delete my number from her phone or you will be cleaning out Myfanwy's cage for a month."

"I was just leaving," Gwynn replied and grabbed his leather jacket, heading out the rolling cog door.

She turned her attention back to Toshiyuki. "Tosh, don’t make me tell you again."

Toshiyuki gave her a hard glare and then seemed to acquiesce, setting up the "Away" program on the computer. He grabbed his wool mackintosh and laptop and headed out.

On her past autopsy, Jacqueline yelled down into the pit, "You too Harper!"

"Oi!" Owena came bounding up the stairs, her trainers making a slight slapping sound. "Hold it! I have to go drag these fucking bodies back here, with Tosh and Gwynn and then right when I get up to my elbows in-" Owena paused a moment, shuddering. "In what I am telling myself is only puce coloured gelatin-"

"Leave it. Go home, or trolling for Neanderthals, again," Jacqueline said.

Owena glared at her hard and then her features softened. "What about the bodies?"

"The, ummm, gelatin, will be fine until tomorrow. They have an internal body temperature that remains for about two days after death."

"This you could have told me before."

"Didn’t want UNIT to get too grabby with our alien stuff." Jacqueline started heading for her office. "Anyway, get out of here."

Owena went to move but stopped and looked at Jacqueline. "What happened earlier?"


"Something happened out in the field earlier, and then we haven’t seen anything of Iana for most of the day," Owena stated. "She may not be my favourite person on this planet-"

"Understatement," Jacqueline snorted.

Owena grunted at her and rolled her eyes. "Did something happen? Did you get a little too excited? Is Iana okay? You don’t think I do, but I notice these things."

Jacqueline stalked up to Owena and put a hand on her arm, holding it, nearly caressing it. "She'll be fine, she has a Harkness taking care of her."

"Lucky her," Owena said as she pulled away and nearly tore off her labcoat. She wadded it up into a ball and chucked it down into the pit. "I'm headed home to my husband then."


"No use trolling this late, I'll just catch up with my t.v. husband," Owena said as she grabbed her leather coat. "He goes by the name Graham Norton," she said and took off.

Jacqueline looked at the pocket watch and hurried back into her office, nearly colliding with Ianto. He stumbled back, catching himself on the settee. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him back, her hand lingering on his chest. She looked around the office.

"Okay, now that they are gone," she started to say.

"Why did you get rid of them if you think Iana's coming back?" Ianto asked.

"When she does, I would like to celebrate that fact with her," Jacqueline said, patting his chest. She then turned away and softly said, "and if she doesn't, I don’t need them snooping around just yet as we figure out what to do with you." She took a deep breath, not wanting to believe the latter was a possibility. Turning back to Ianto, she jutted out her chin and weakly smiled at him.

"Right," he said, putting his hands on his hips and looking around the office as the clock on the desk read 11:58.

"Assuming Iana and your Harkness have figured out what happened as well, what position do you think we should have you in?" Jacqueline asked as she poured a glass of water. She casually reached into her skirt pocket and dropped a small pill into the water as Ianto looked more thoroughly around the room.

He turned to her, looking sure of himself. "The original position. How we were when we switched."

"Makes sense," she said as she handed him the water. "Here. I don’t want Jack thinking I was cruel to you. You should hydrate yourself."

Ianto tentatively took the water and drank it. He put the glass down as Jacqueline consulted the clock. It read 11:59. He hurried over to the settee and sat down it, legs just slightly spread. Jacqueline straddled him, and he put his hands on her hips. She hovered above his head.

Still looking into his bright, blue eyes, she flipped open her vortex manipulator. Without looking she typed in the code and watched out of the corner of her eye as the tracking bracelet fell off Ianto onto the cushions. She flipped the wrist strap shut and took a deep breath.

"If it has to be the exact same position…" Jacqueline leaned in to kiss him.

"Sounds like something Jack would say," Ianto rebuffed. "Why the retcon?"

She looked at him, not too surprised he knew what she had done to the water. Jacqueline looked Ianto in the eyes. "You are a sexy man and I would love to have my way with you, but earlier… earlier was not quite me. For that I am sorry," Jacqueline said.

She kissed him hard before he could respond. She tilted his head back a little and suddenly she could smell strawberry shampoo and a hint of something else. Jacqueline smiled into the kiss. She popped her eyes open and her heart leapt at Iana's face. Slowly pulling back, she couldn’t help the smile spreading across her entire face.

Taking in Iana wearing her skirt and a blue men's shirt that fit pretty loosely on her. A couple of buttons were undone and Jacqueline could see the rise of Iana's cleavage. Iana looked around and then smiled back at Jacqueline.

"And just what have you been up to?" Jacqueline asked.

"More than enough," Iana responded. "Do you now what you are like as a guy?"

"Yes," Jacqueline stated. "If you're ever in 1880, ask Queenie sometime." Jacquelie kissed Iana and then dismounted her. "But I do know what you are like as a guy."

Iana sighed and stood up, putting her arms around Jacqueline's waist. "A Marquen personal transport device seems to be to blame for this," Iana said, resting her head against Jacqueline's shoulder. "I am so glad to be back."

"I am, too," Jacqueline replied. She put her finger under Iana's chin and raised it up. Jacqueline pulled Iana in and softly kissed her lips, holding her there. In the back of her mind she mapped out going through the puce gelatin and finding the other transport device and destroying it before Halloween showed up.

Jacqueline undid the buttons on what she could only assume was Jack's shirt and slid her hands across Iana's chest. For now, they would make the most of a night alone.

knitchick1979, torchwood, ianto jones

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