Drabble - A Final Thought

Sep 16, 2009 16:56

Title: A Final Thought
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Owen
Word Count: 101
Rating: PG
Spoilers: TW 2.13
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Author's Note: Working on the desperation of another character, and Owen kept jumping into my head.

A Final Thought

Owen looked at nothing in particular. There was nothing he wanted to look at. The comms had gone down, ending his connection with Tosh. She had always been his lifeline, even when he couldn’t admit it.

He shut his eyes. Why? He didn't know.

Grabbing the console in front of him, he waited. Owen waited for a death he hoped would finally come, something to end it permanently rather than this demented half-life. He could love again, now, when he could do nothing about it.

The alarm drowned any other thoughts.

"I love you Tosh," he whispered to no one.

torchwood, drabble, owen harper

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