FIC - Kama Sumatra: Pulling the Shots

Aug 30, 2009 20:18

Title: Kama Sumatra: Pulling the Shots
Series: Torchwood
Part: 3 - "Forms of Marriage"
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Lost Souls (TW Radio Play 1)
Beta: luvinthe88and20
Disclaimers: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: After getting back from Geneva, Jack helps Ianto relax.
Author's Notes: Part 3 in the series, and it keeps getting interesting. Thoughts on different "forms of marriage," or rather how much of a couple Jack and Ianto are, and how that relationship develops.

Kama Sumatra: The Coupling Position

"Shhh... Ianto listen to me. We’re nearly out of here, right? Look! Look, according to the map the exit is near the control room. That’s where Jack is. And coffee. You love coffee, coffee and Jack. Come on please, Ianto I can’t carry you any farther, please."

Ianto leaned back against the sofa, his head drooping back, his legs stretched out. He could still hear Gwen's voice in his head. He had told her, while they were still in Switzerland, that he didn't remember a thing about her carrying his dying body through the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, but he did. His body still screamed at him about how much that thing had hurt him, even if he appeared physically fine.

"Ianto, are you okay?" Jack asked from somewhere in his vicinity.

Ianto slowly opened his eyes to see Jack standing in front of him, wiping his hands on a dish towel and tossed it over the back of a chair. He watched as Jack picked up a small plate from the dining table and made his way over to the sofa. Sitting down, Jack folded his left leg under him, and held the desert plate enticingly out to Ianto.

"Want some desert? You barely touched your spaghetti bolognaise."

"Listen, Jack, you didn't have to go to the trouble of getting take-away and coming over here," Ianto stated, still sprawled out against the cushions. He did not want to move.

"It wasn’t any trouble, Ianto," Jack said, looking up through his eyelashes at the younger man. "How about some tiramisu at least?" Jack put a small bite of the cake on the end of the fork he was holding.


"Shhh…" Jack held the forkful up to Ianto's lips.

Ianto tried to glare at Jack, quirking an eyebrow, but his heart wasn't fully in it. He parted his lips, letting Jack feed him the cake. Closing his lips around the tines, he held tight to the cake as Jack pulled back the fork.

The cake was light and fluffy and it seemed to melt in his mouth, the taste of coffee spreading out across his tongue. Ianto let himself smile. He was home again, and Jack was here. The sweet cream lingered over the taste of the cake as he licked it from the roof of his mouth.

Jack held another forkful of cake up to Ianto’s mouth. Ianto grinned and opened his lips just enough. It was good, really good. Jack was right, he had barely touched the food, but it had looked delicious. He kept thinking about how close to dying he had been this time. But, what scared him was how much he was willing to let that thing convince him he could help the dead.


Jack nearly shoved the next forkful of cake into Ianto’s mouth. Ianto glared at him this time as he barely needed to chew the tiramisu. Jack smirked at him and put the desert plate down on the end table. Leaning back towards Ianto and snaking his hand into Ianto’s hair he played with the soft tufts near the neck the neck line. Jack smiled as Ianto let out a little moan.

“Listen, Ianto,” Jack said, focusing everything on the younger man. “I am sorry I couldn’t help you out back there, that I let you go hunting that monster on your own.”

“Jack, I know. You had to do what you had to do. Saving the world or saving me, I would hope you would choose the world.”


“No Jack,” Ianto stated. “If I could learn to love that sodding pile that I call a brother-in-law, I have a lot of hope for the world at large.”

Jack just looked at him for the longest of moments and then swooped in, planting a deep, heady kiss on Ianto’s lips. Ianto barely felt the movement as Jack stood up from the sofa, still devouring Ianto’s mouth with the kiss. Pulling back, Jack took Ianto’s hands in his.


“Shhhhh…” Jack said as he pulled Ianto up. “Tonight it is all about you, Ianto Jones. Just you.”

Jack led him back into the bedroom. He stood in front of Ianto, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Then with deliberate care and the gentlest of hands, untucked Ianto’s shirt. One by one he undid each button, working all the way down. He slowly slid the shirt ove Ianto’s shoulders and down his arms and laid it on top of the dresser. Grasping the bottom hem of the t-shirt, Jack pulled it off Ianto as well.

Placing the undershirt neatly on top of the other shirt, Jack turned his attention to Ianto’s trousers. He undid the single button and, bit by bit, unzipped the trousers. Sliding his fingers along the younger man’s sides, Jack tucked them into the waistband and slid it all the way down to his ankles. He slipped them off, one foot at a time. Jack slithered his way back up Ianto and tucked his thumbs into the band of Ianto’s briefs. Slowly he slid them down Ianto’s arse and was especially slow as he uncovered Ianto’s cock. Sliding the briefs off, Jack folded them over and laid them neatly on the pile with the other clothes.

Running into the ensuite, Jack came back out with an oversized towel that Ianto had started keeping for when they shared the shower. Laying it out on the bed, Jack moved up behind Ianto. Placing his hands on Ianto’s shoulders, Jack led him over to the bed. He manoeuvred Ianto around until he had him lying face down on the bed, a pillow under his head.


“Shhhh… I’ll be right back,” Jack said as he tucked a baby soft blanket around Ianto. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold,” and he kissed the top of Ianto’s head.

Ianto closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of comfort and how wonderful it was to have someone else take so much care in undressing him. It was nice to know that no matter what, he had Jack, now. As much as the older man flirted, it was Ianto’s bed he always came to when the world was safe once again.

He heard Jack’s footsteps enter the bedroom again, and Ianto smiled into the pillow. Before he could turn around, Jack had moved the blanket up to Ianto’s knees and had taken off one of his socks, then the other. He didn’t dare open his eyes as he felt Jack sit down on the end of the bed, putting Ianto’s feet in his bare lap. Ianto smiled even more knowing Jack was completely naked, especially where his toes were.

Jack began to massage his feet, working around each little muscle and tendon, flexing each toe and paying attention to that little sensitive spot between the toes. Jack’s fingers slid up and down the length of each foot, rubbing out all the stress and stretching out all the aches.

Ianto let out a moan into the pillow. Jack then began moving up his ankles and to his legs, kneading each muscle, working his thumbs deep into the tissues. Ianto gritted his teeth as he felt his legs go lax. Jack's fingers walked up his legs to the bottom of his butt cheeks. They stayed there, gently gliding across the curve of his cheeks, soft as a feather. Moving the blanket up to his back, Jack ran both hands over Ianto's bare arse, his fingers pushing in and working around the arse.

Ianto's breath caught in his throat as Jack's hands disappeared and then returned, even more warm then before and covered in lotion. He recognized the smell. Jack had bought it months ago, said it always made him think of Ianto. Of course it did, it smelled like coffee. Only Jack would buy edible body lotion that smelled like coffee.

His hands slid all over Ianto's backside. A growl escaped his lips as Jack slid his fingers over the opening to his arse but didn’t go any further, didn’t press in, and Ianto found himself pushing backwards towards Jack.

Jack pulled his hands away, and then Ianto felt the press of flesh as Jack leaned against him. "Be a good boy," Jack purred into his ear, and then pulled back.

Ianto's body craved Jack's heat. He nearly stopped breathing as Jack placed his hands at the base of Ianto's spine and began to work outwards in smooth, even strokes, pushing the stress out of his body. He worked his way up Ianto's back to his shoulders. Ianto felt Jack’s touch disappear and smelled the coffee scent anew. Jack rubbed the lotion along his shoulders and began to knead them, hard. The older man leaned his body up against Ianto, constantly touching his body in little ways.

Playing with the little hairs along his neck, Ianto was distracted by Jack enough that he nearly jumped when the fingers were replaced with a tongue. Jack breathed out against his neck and then gave a long, lingering taste. Ianto could feel himself getting harder.

Running his hands up and down Ianto's arms, Jack made little gooseflesh appear on the pale pink flesh. Taking one hand in his, Jack worked each of Ianto's slightly rough fingers, paying attention to the very tips. Jack's body pushed against his as Jack took each finger in turn into his mouth, and licked it. He then ran his tongue along the insides of each finger, making Ianto squirm.

"Working hands," Jack stated as he began to rub the palms.

"You got what work you could when a teenager," Ianto stated, his head to the side of the pillow.

"Tough life growing up?"

"The usual for where we lived." Ianto did not like to think about all the odd jobs he had to have, and all the things he did. They only caught him stealing once, that didn’t mean it was the only bad thing he had done.

Jack molded his body against Ianto's, blowing on the back of his neck. He rubbed his hands up and down Ianto's arms in even strokes. Laying flush with Ianto, Jack mirrored the younger man and their breathing became like one. Intertwining his fingers with Ianto's, Jack brought both of them up to a kneeling position. Running his tongue along the jawline, Jack made Ianto squirm.

Stepping off the bed, he gently kissed Ianto, their lips barely touching. He had Ianto switch over on to his back and was now straddling his legs. With the tips of his fingers, Jack outlined Ianto's lips, and then trailed them down his chin and over his throat. He picked up the container of lotion and poured a little in his hand, keeping eye contact with Ianto. Jack put both of his palms against Ianto's chest and began to rub in ever widening circles. He then leaned against Ianto and started running his tongue along the man's body.

Running his tongue in small circles, he looped it around the nipple and then slowly ran it right over the hard nipple. Ianto let out a moan as Jack did this and flexed his fingers into the surface of the bed. Jack then paid the same attention to the other nipple, eliciting a second moan. Continuing to lick down Ianto's body to his stomach, Jack kept his body flush with Ianto's. Bringing his hands up, his fingers tweaked Ianto's nipples.

Dipping his tongue into the belly button, he then blew lightly on Ianto's stomach. Jack trailed his fingers along the side of Ianto’s body, tickling the rib cage as he went. He finally brought his fingers down to Ianto's crotch and smoothly ran them all around the skin. Without any hesitation, Jack ducked down and licked the inside of Ianto's legs, up one and down the other, his fingers feathering over his crotch, bent over Ianto like some acolyte worshipping a god.

Jack the turned his attention to Ianto's balls, making him nearly jump to attention with the feeling of the older man's tongue lingering over them. Well, the part closest to Jack's tongue did jump to attention. Jack's tongue loitered around the base of Ianto's cock. Ianto took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to just relax. When Jack started licking up and down his cock and feathering his balls with his fingers, Ianto's mind shut down for a moment.

"Jack…" Ianto could barely breathe, he was so excited.

Jack slithered his way up Ianto's body. "Shhhh..." He lightly nibbled on Ianto's ear, and placed tiny kisses along his cheek. He flicked his tongue at Ianto's jugular, causing Ianto to shiver. Jack let his tongue trail back down Ianto's body, and finally down at his destination Jack kissed the tip of Ianto’s cock.

He smiled at Ianto as he took the lotion and spilled some more onto his hands. Jack still had Ianto straddled as both of his hands firmly grasped the younger man’s shaft. He slowly worked them upwards, hand over hand, squeezing and releasing in rhythm. Jack’s hands then glided up and down, the scent of the lotion making Ianto smile, remembering the last time they had used that particular one.

Jack rimmed the tip of Ianto's cock with his thumb, teasing the skin. Leaning down he blew warm air across the shaft. Ianto squirmed, burrowing his arse deeper into the bed. With one hand, Jack moved it up and down along Ianto’s cock, pressing against it as his other hand lingered down and caressed his balls.

Grabbing the sheets in his white-knuckled hands, Ianto cried out as he came all over Jack's hands. Jack just smirked and laid against Ianto, their cocks touching, and kissed Ianto on the chest. He wrapped his arms around Ianto, nestling himself into the crook between his arm and head. He wrapped one leg around Ianto's body and held him close.

"Shhh… Rest, you deserve it."

"I could stay here forever," Ianto murmured, nuzzling his nose against Jack's shoulder blades.

Without saying a word, Jack just stroked his fingers through Ianto's hair and kissed Ianto on the forehead. While doing so, Jack began to hum a song Ianto had never heard before.

Not knowing when he had actually drifted to sleep, Ianto was careful to disentangle himself from Jack, trying to not wake the man. He padded his way into the kitchen, needing water after that particular experience, his throat dry from so much heavy breathing, anticipation, and moaning. Flipping on the overhead, he squinted from the brightness, and taking a moment he looked around the kitchen.

Jack had cleaned up this time. He had been doing more and more things around the flat and the Hub lately. They seemed to divide up the chores without saying a word these days. Ianto smiled. It was nice. He looked over at the sideboard next to the sink and quirked an eyebrow in surprise. There were tupperwares, and not his tupperwares. Jack had not gotten take-away, he had cooked. Jack had cooked for him, Ianto Jones.

Moving the container that still had another piece of tiramisu in it, he cracked open the lid, and swiped a finger through the topping. Running his tongue along the finger, he smiled at the flavour. He began to suck on his finger, loving the taste when he heard a noise behind him.

Spinning around, finger still in his mouth like some naughty schoolgirl, he saw Jack standing there, very unashamed, and very excited. Jack shot him that dazzling grin of his and Ianto seemed to melt. He would do anything for this man.

"If you wanted more, it's usually best to use a fork," Jack replied, sauntering forward, stopping inches from Ianto.

"Who says you need a fork," Ianto replied. He swiped his finger through the top cream once more and instead of licking it off his finger, wiped it off on Jack's cock.

Ianto put the container aside and put his hands on Jack's shoulders. He slowly went down on his Captain, his hands trailing down Jack's body, little touches here and there. He stopped by Jack's nipples, pinching them softly - with Jack letting out a small moan, barely opening his lips.


"Shhhhh…" Ianto then kneeled in front of Jack and licked the coffee flavoured cream off his cock. His tongue brushed against Jack's balls. Ianto smiled and licked his lips. He could love this man forever - well, as long as universe gave him.

kama sumatra, fic, jack harkness, ianto jones

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