Have Yourself A Merry Little Torchwood

Dec 17, 2008 19:51

Title: Have Yourself A Merry Little Torchwood
Series: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh, Andy, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Something Borrowed (TW 2.9)
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or the characters therein, they belong to the BBC and RTD. Any original characters and places are my property.
Summary: Short vignettes on a Christmas Eve during S2. What happens when Jack closes shop for the night.
Author's Notes: Listening to my favorite song, "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" as sung by John Barrowman (love it!) and this just came to my mind.

Have Yourself A Merry Little Torchwood

Rhys was bedecked in his favourite jersey struggling with an insidious length of garland that refused to be draped over the window frame. It was the fourth time he was attempting to get it to stay put and now he was bloody well determined to have it up there and behaving. Some royal variety, holiday show whozit droned on in the background, the sound low on the telly.

Rhys let out a little cry, dropping the garland, as a pair of hands quickly closed over his eyes. He grabbed at them, ready to strangle who ever had broken into the flat when he recognized a certain giggle. He smiled and grasped the slender wrists the hands belonged to, holding them tight as he spun around.

“I shoulda known, no one would have wanted to burgle this flat,” Rhys said as he pulled Gwen in close to him, their chests touching. He could still feel the chill on her leather jacket and watched as her rosy cheeks started to fade in the warmth.

“Surprised ya, didn’t I,” Gwen said as she leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips.

“Yeah, ya did. I thought Jack had you working on Christmas Eve,” Rhys queried as he let go of her wrists and stooped down, picking up the discarded garland. He quickly snapped back up at attention as he felt Gwen’s hand connect with his bum as he bent over.

“Couldn’t resist,” she replied smiling a toothy grin at him. He watched as she took off her leather jacket, tossing it over the back of the couch. “Anyway, it wasn’t Jack, it was the Rift. We can’t tell it to not send anything through on Christmas or any other day.”

“Yeah well, I don’t see the Rift calling your mobile, now do I?” Rhys stepped away from the window frame and looked at the garland, daring it to fall. After a moment, it still hadn’t. He triumphantly turned around. “Now that’s what you need a man for.”

“There’s plenty of other things I could think of for needing a man for,” Gwen quipped as she passed by Rhys holding two ornaments.

“One of many things. Glad you came home sooner,” Rhys said as he picked up another length of garland and eyed the second window.

“Well, we should have been there a little bit longer, but Tosh, Owen and I had to get back to the Hub by different means, and when we got there, there was a ‘CLOSED’ sign on the tourist office.”

“Isn’t there usually?” Rhys tacked up the garland and stepped back waiting for the garland to fall.

“Not when it specifically names us and tells us to go home.” Rhys watched as Gwen reached up to a high branch, being careful with her grandmother’s handpainted ornament. As soon as her hands were empty and she had stepped away from the tree, Rhys strode forward and grabbed her around the waist from behind.

“Well, you can tell Jack thank you for a great Christmas gift.”

“What Christmas gift?” Her hands clasped around his as they stood there, looking at the lit tree.

“You, for an entire night. Our first Christmas married, no aliens, no Torchwood, not even our families until tomorrow.” Rhys kissed the top of her hair. “Merry Christmas love.”

Gwen reached up. Stroking his cheek as they began to sway to a song playing softly from the telly.


Owen sat in the corner of the pub, nursing a lone pint of ale. If the waitress had bothered to notice him, she would have seen that the only thing missing from the beer was the foam had fallen flat, but it gave him something to do, something to busy his hands with. His eyes flicked down to the dirty bandage across his left hand. He would have to redress it in the morning. Christmas - Hah! - it was just another morning for him.

He noticed a pair of black trousers in his peripheral vision. “No oogy-boogy-spooky to go skulking after,” a male voice said.

Owen looked up and let out a very audible groan. This was definitely not how he wanted to spend Christmas, or any day for that matter. “Isn’t there a kitten you need to save from a tree? Gwen isn’t around.” Owen turned the glass in his hand.

“Well, thought I’d spread some Christmas cheer, but I can see I’m not wanted.” PC Andy said from next to the table.

“Why are you here?” Owen ran his fingers around the rim of the pint glass, trying to distract his hands.

“Just got off my shift and thought I’d nip in for a pint before dealing with me family tomorrow.” Andy drained half his pint in one swallow. If Owen had had a gag reflex left, or anything left, his throat would have been aching for the sensation of liquid to run down it also. “Yeah? Is everything okay?” Andy said as he sat down next to Owen.

“Why shouldn’t it be,” Owen flatly stated. He looked around the pub to distract his mind and started watching the door. He wasn’t even sure what Andy said in response to his retort because he stopped paying attention when Toshiko walked through the door.

She was all bundled up, looking very much like a Christmas postcard. She even had a glow about her as her dark hair was loose, cascading down her back with shiny droplets of mist from outside. She looked around, her dark eyes searching and a smile spread across her entire face as she looked right in his direction. Unbuttoning her jacket, and undoing her scarf she headed straight for the bar.

“Listen mate, if you ever need any help--“

“No.” Andy had still been talking, but Owen didn’t care to hear his prattling anymore. “Whatever you want to help, assist, or anything with, the answer is no.”

Andy looked at Owen, his eyes looking over the young doctor and then he drained the rest of his pint and stood up. “Is no the only word Torchwood knows?”

“Works quite well doesn’t it,” Owen said as he flashed Andy a snarky smile.

Andy stalked off and Owen found himself concentrating on the string of blinking lights to his right. First one would blink, then the next one, in a constant timing notion as the blink traveled the length of lights.

“You could have been nicer to him,” Tosh said as she sat down on his left. She laid her jacket in between them and took a sip from her red wine.

“Why should I Tosh?” Owen put his hands under his chin and batted his eyelashes. “Haven’t I been a good boy this year? Can’t I be bad once?”

Tosh smiled at him as she buried her chin in her chest, not quite looking at him. He hated it when she avoided him and they were right next to each other. She took another slow sip of her wine.

“Are you home alone for Christmas,” she asked, not looking at him.

“Yeah, go figure. Mother isn’t around again, and it’s not easy to tell them, about the whole... dying thing.” Owen picked up his glass and grabbed a napkin, pouring enough of the ale out to completely soak the napkin. “What about you?”

“My mother is with grandfather, and so is the rest of the family. I’m in Cardiff for the holiday.”

“And Jack sent us bloody home. What the hell are we going to do by ourselves?”

“I can think of a few things,” Tosh said, looking down into her wine glass.

“Sorry Tosh, the most I can do now is dance. Nothing else is happening.” Owen grabbed another napkin and soaked that one with ale also, staring as the dark brown liquid spread across the crisp whiteness of the napkin. So much of his life was not his own anymore.

“That’s not what I meant,” Tosh stammered out, staring down at the table. Christ he hated it when she was this shy. She was bloody brilliant and a not-too-bad bird and she thought so little of herself.

“And just what did you intend Tosh old girl?” Owen leaned back in the chair, stretching out his legs. He watched amusedly as two buddies finished off their pints, warbling out “Good King Wenceslas” across the pub until the one tripped and landed on top of the other, silencing both of them.

“We could go to the movies, or catch a concert, or you could help me put up my tree. I haven’t had time to do that since we’ve been so busy with the Rift acting up and my special projects and then everything that has been-“

Owen reached across the table and placed his index finger across her lips hushing her. “Tosh, listen, I’m not exactly in the Christmas spirit this year. Something about having hope for the world, when I can only hope… I can only hope…” He looked at Tosh’s eyes as she listened intently to him. He couldn’t do it to her. He couldn’t tell her the truth of how he just found himself wishing he could die, to end this all. He still had so much left to do, but this non-living was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life.

“What is it Owen?”

“Bugger. Never mind.”

“Tell me Owen. I can take it. I’m not some child you can shove away.”

“You’re right, I could never shove you away no matter how hard I tried.” Now he was the one studying his drink, his head down towards the table. He held the pint glass so hard that if there was any blood running through him his knuckles would have turned white. Finally he relented and shoved the glass away and looked at Tosh.

Owen tucked his finger under her chin, making sure she was looking at him. “Look, Tosh, I would love more than anything to help you celebrate Christmas the way anyone should, but I just don’t feel it this year. I’m not feeling many things, and that’s my problem, not yours.” His thumb traced the outline of her jaw. “Why don’t you go and find someone more lively and have a good rip, celebrate life like you should be doing. Don’t spend the holidays with the dead. I want you to enjoy this, especially with the night off.” He removed his hand and placed both of them in his lap.

Tosh picked up her coat from the seat between them and stood up. Owen looked back at the blinking strand of lights, his mind counting down the seconds between each blink. Suddenly someone was sitting down in the chair right next to him. Thinking it was Andy, Owen snapped his head around, mouth open, ready with some witty retort that quickly left his head as Tosh kissed him.

He could feel her lips on his, his mind knew they were there. He knew her hand was under his chin, holding him there. But it wasn’t just her hand that held him there, it was her eyes, actually open and looking at him with such a loving gaze. She pulled away, her hand falling down to is shoulder.

“I can spend the holidays any way I wish Owen, and if I want to cavort with dead men, then that’s what I’ll do. Why bother with a tree if I’m the only one there.” She put her coat down across her lap. “So, what do you want to do?”

“I had just planned on sitting here, watching these guys get drunk and make fools of themselves,” Owen said, leaning back in the chair, amazed at what Toshiko could do once she got past the shyness, and kicking himself for not seeing it before.

“That sounds good then. I think I’ll get another glass of wine then if we’re staying,” she said as she stood up. “Is that all right with you?”

“Go right ahead,” Owen said as he waved towards the bar. He watched Toshiko as she walked towards the bar, her figure darting between various forms of merriment. After she gave her order to the bartender, she turned back to him and smiled. He thought he smiled back, at least that’s what he hoped his mouth did.

The rock song on the jukebox finished playing and “Auld Lang Syne” started playing. Owen found himself strumming his fingers along the tabletop to the music.


Ianto finished printing up the last form to deal with the alien they had caught tonight and attached it, and the others, to the clipboard he kept handy. He climbed the staircase to Jack’s office, automatically readjusting his tie as he approached the doorway. Jack’s back was turned to him, a hand on his cheek as the radio played softly.

“Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” serenaded the two men as Ianto stopped in the doorway. Ianto found himself wondering just how many Christmases and “faithful friends who are dear to us” Jack had seen and known throughout his years. It was times like this that he pained for Jack, and ached to help ease his heart.

“I know you’re there, Ianto,” Jack said without even turning around.

“How did you know it was me?” Ianto said as he raised an eyebrow, even though Jack couldn’t see it.

“I know you, your footsteps, and who else would be around? I sent them all home.” Jack turned around in his chair, leaning back, his hands in his lap looking Ianto over. “Surprised you still have the suit on.”

“I’m still at work,” Ianto replied.

“Is that what we’re calling it now?” Jack asked, a glint in his eye and a half-smile on his face.

“After you sign off on this paperwork Jack,” Ianto stated as he held out the clipboard. If he didn’t have Jack sign off on the paperwork before they continued to any extra-curricular activities then he would still be hounding him down to do it three months from now.

Jack pouted at him. “I’ve been a good boy. Don’t I get a reprieve for Christmas Eve?” Jack uncrossed his legs devouring Ianto with his eyes.

Ianto stared into Jack’s blue eyes, at his quaint nose to his luscious lips and even at the cute little cleft in his chin. Oh God, he had just called Jack's chin cute, he was doomed if he didn’t get this paperwork done now.

“No Jack. Finish this first,” Ianto stated as he handed the clipboard over.

Jack took the clipboard and their hands touched, sending a small jolt of electricity into Ianto. He shuddered and swore that Jack flashed him that Harkness grin. Ianto looked away and spied a couple of haphazard files on a nearby chair. He immediately went over to the files and began to sort them out, anything so he wouldn’t look at Jack just yet.

“Was it really male?” Jack asked as he stared down at the papers.

“As far as I could tell from past run-ins with the alien. It had the characteristics of a male. Owen can fill in those blanks on the 27th if nothing else happens until then.”

“The 27th will be fine as long as the cold storage holds up. I don’t plan on calling them in before then,” Jack said, hunched over the clipboard. A stray lock of hair fell down across his forehead.

Ianto had finished with the files and was putting them on the corner of Jack’s desk. He reached out and tucked the lock of Jack’s hair back behind the older man's ear. Jack looked up at him and smiled, his eyes flashing. Ianto leaned in and grabbed Jack by the shoulders, pulling him close and kissed him. He could feel the heat of Jack’s lips press against his and when he pulled back, the taste of Jack still lingered on his own.

“What you did tonight was a good thing Jack, but why?”

“They deserve the time off. It’s been a hell of a year, my small gift to them. In fact, why don’t you go home. Doesn’t your sister have some big meal or something?” Jack signed off on the last report with a flourish.

“That’s not until tomorrow. I was kind of wondering, if you needed me a little bit longer,” Ianto said as he raised an eyebrow, his hand clasping one of Jack’s.

“I always need you Ianto.” Jack enclosed Ianto’s hand in both of his.

“Why don’t I stay? Unfortunately, I didn’t remember to bring your gift with me when you called tonight.” Ianto stood up, tugging Jack up with him. A slow holiday song played from the radio. Ianto pulled Jack in close, chest to chest and cheek to cheek. They began to dance as they just held each other.

“There will always be tomorrow.” Ianto could feel Jack grin against his ear. “All I bought this year was a bow, but it’s not on your gift yet.”

“Same old thing eh? I was kind of hoping for something new this year.” Ianto smiled at Jack’s affronted look and then swallowed it up with a deep kiss. “Merry Christmas Jack.”

Edited to change the header and for grammar mistakes.

rhys williams, christmas, toshiko sato, aliens, torchwood, jack harkness, gwen cooper, owen harper, ianto jones

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